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Client Satisfaction Questionnaire

763 Shared Subjects

Clinical Assessments
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Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR*
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY interview_date_csq
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender
Query csq_md01 Integer Recommended How would you rate the quality of the program? 1::4 1=Poor; 2=Fair;3=Good,4=Excellent q1, servicequality
Query csq_md02 Integer Recommended Did your patients get the kind of help they need? 1::4 1=No, definitely not;2=No, not really;3=Yes, generally;4=Yes, definitely q2, servicekind
Query csq_md03 Integer Recommended To what extent has our program met your needs in the management of patients with bipolar disorder? 1::4 1=None of my needs have been met;2=Only a few of my needs have been met;3=Most of my needs have been met;4=Almost all of my needs have been met csq_cor1, metneeds, q3
Query csq_md04 Integer Recommended How likely would you be to recommend our program to a patient with bipoolar disorder in the future? 1::4 1=No, definitely not;2=No, I don't think so;3=Yes, I think so;4=Yes, definitely q4, recommend
Query csq_md05 Integer Recommended How satisfied are you with the procedures for referring patients to the program? 1::4 1=Quite dissatisfied;2=Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied;3=Mostly satisfied;4=Very satisfied amountsatisfied, q5
Query csq_md06 Integer Recommended Did the program help you out in your efforts to take better care of your patients? 1::4 1=No, it seemed to make things worse;2=No, it really didn't help;3-Yes, it helped somewhat;4=Yes, it helped a great deal helped, q6
Query csq_md07 Integer Recommended How satistifed are you with information received about patients as the progressed through the program? 1::4 1=Quite dissatisfied;2=Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied;3=Mostly satisfied;4=Very satisfied csq_cor2, q7, servicesatisfied
Query psq8 Integer Recommended C: If you were to seek help again, would you come back to our program? P: If you were to seek help again for your child, would you come back to our program? 1::4 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, I don't think so; 3 = Yes, I think so; 4 = Yes, definitely comeback, csq_cor3, csq_md08, q8
Query interv Integer Recommended Intervention Status 0;1 1=ITV, intervention; 0=TAU, treatment as usual
version_form String 121 Recommended Form used/assessment name
Query site String 101 Recommended Site Study Site
Query csq1 Integer Recommended The FREQUENCY of having blood draws was: 1::4;7;8 not the blood draws themselves; 1 = Very convenient; 2 = Convenient; 3 = Inconvenient; 4 = Very inconvenient; 7 = Refused; 8 = Don�t Know
Query csq2 Integer Recommended The frequency of coming for visits was: 1::4;7;8 1 = Very convenient; 2 = Convenient; 3 = Inconvenient; 4 = Very inconvenient; 7 = Refused; 8 = Don�t Know
Query csq3 Integer Recommended Participating in interviews was: 1::3;7;8 1 = Very helpful; 2 = Helpful; 3 = Not helpful; 7 = Refused; 8 = Don't Know
Query csq4 Integer Recommended Meeting with the psychiatrist was: 1::3;7;8 1 = Very helpful; 2 = Helpful; 3 = Not helpful; 7 = Refused; 8 = Don't Know
Query csq5 Integer Recommended Did you benefit from participating in this study? 1::4;7;8 1 = Not at all; 2 = Somewhat; 3 = A Lot; 4 = A Great Deal; 7 = Refused; 8 = Don't Know
Query csq6 Integer Recommended How troublesome was participating in this study for you? 1::4;7;8 1 = Not at all; 2 = Somewhat; 3 = A Lot; 4 = A Great Deal; 7 = Refused; 8 = Don't Know
Query visit String 60 Recommended Visit name
Query days_baseline Integer Recommended Days since baseline
Query visnum Float Recommended Numeric Visit Number -1.5 = Pre-Screening; -1 = Screening; 0 = Baseline; ## = Visit ## (from 1 to 10); Whole numbers = standard monthly visits; #.001 - #.009 = Unscheduled; #.1 = End of Phase 1; #.2 = End of Phase 2; #.3 = End of Phase 3; #.4 = End of Open Choice Phase; #.5 = End of Study; #.6 = Genetic Analysis; 1000=all visits
Query me2 Integer Recommended Status 0;1 0 = Past [Inactive]; 1 = Active
study String 100 Recommended Study; The code for each individual study
csq_th1 Integer Recommended Was there a therapist listed? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
csq_cor4 Integer Recommended Have you received any therapy or treatment from a provider besides the study therapist while participating? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
csq_cor5a String 150 Recommended What type of therapy or treatment did you receive?
csq_cor5b String 150 Recommended Who provided these services? What is their title?
csq_cor5c String 150 Recommended When did you begin receiving theses services?
csq_cor5d String 150 Recommended How often did you receive these services?
csq_cor6 Integer Recommended Did you read the "Take Charge of your Pain" booklet? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
csq_cor7 Integer Recommended If yes, did you find the information in the "Take Charge of your Pain" booklet helpful?
csq_total_score Integer Recommended CSQ Total Score
csq_3 Integer Recommended How much of a problem were the following: Disruption of family routines due to your child's illness 1::5; -7; -8; -9; 999 1 = Not at all; 2 = A little; 3 = Somewhat; 4 = Quite a bit; 5 = Very much; -7 = Don't know; -8 = Refused to answer; -9 = Does not apply; 999=missing
csq_4 Integer Recommended How much of a problem were the following: Any family member having to do without things because of your child's illness 1::5; -7; -8; -9; 999 1 = Not at all; 2 = A little; 3 = Somewhat; 4 = Quite a bit; 5 = Very much; -7 = Don't know; -8 = Refused to answer; -9 = Does not apply; 999=missing
csq_6 Integer Recommended How much of a problem were the following: Your child getting into trouble with the neighbors, community or law enforcement? 1::5; -7; -8; -9; 999 1 = Not at all; 2 = A little; 3 = Somewhat; 4 = Quite a bit; 5 = Very much; -7 = Don't know; -8 = Refused to answer; -9 = Does not apply; 999=missing
csq_7 Integer Recommended How much of a problem were the following: Financial strain for your family as a result of your child's illness 1::5; -7; -8; -9; 999 1 = Not at all; 2 = A little; 3 = Somewhat; 4 = Quite a bit; 5 = Very much; -7 = Don't know; -8 = Refused to answer; -9 = Does not apply; 999=missing
whichtool String 100 Recommended Which tool is this about?
usedtool Integer Recommended Did you use the following tool? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
featuresatisfied Float Recommended How satisfied were you with this feature? 1::5 1= Not at all; 3= Somewhat; 5= Extremely
comments_misc String 4,000 Recommended Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data
cssq_1 Integer Recommended Help with healing? 1::4 1 = Poor; 2 = Fair; 3 = Good; 4 = Excellent
cssq_2 Integer Recommended Help with community reconciliation? 1::4 1 = Poor; 2 = Fair; 3 = Good; 4 = Excellent
cssq_3 Integer Recommended Match religious beliefs and cultural practices? 1::4 1 = Poor; 2 = Fair; 3 = Good; 4 = Excellent
cssq_4 Integer Recommended Recommend program? 1::4 1 = No definitely not; 2 = No I don't think so; 3 = Yes I think so; 4 = Yes definitely
cssq_5 Integer Recommended Overall satisfaction 1::4 1 = Quite dissatisfied; 2 = Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied; 3 = Mostly satisfied; 4 = Very satisfied
cssq_total Integer Recommended Sum score 5::20 Lower scores means less satisfied
ref_child_id String 50 Recommended Referencing Child ID how it is defined in lab/project
relationship Integer Recommended Relationship of respondent to individual 1::94;-999 1 = Biological mom; 2 = Biological dad; 3 = Grandparent; 4 = Special education (sped) teacher; 5 = General education teacher; 6 = Occupational therapist; 7 = Speech and language therapist; 8 = Behavioral therapist; 9 = Paraprofessional; 10 = Aide; 11 = Principal; 12 = Administrator; 14 = Content teacher; 15 = Parent center director; 16 = Self; 17=Adoptive mother; 18=Adoptive father; 19=Foster mother; 20 = Foster father; 21=Grandmother; 22=Grandfather; 23=Step-mother; 24 = Step-father; 25=Aunt; 26=Uncle; 28=Both parents;31= Grandmother from mother side; 32= Grandfather from mother side; 33= Grandmother from father side; 34= Grandfather from father side; 36= Brother; 37= Sister; 38= Cousin; 39= female caregiver; 40=male caregiver; 41=Female child; 42=Male child; 43=Spouse/Mate; 44=Friend; 45=Parent; 46=Significant other; 47=Sibling; 48=Son/Daughter; 49=Son-in-law/Daughter-in law; 50=Other Relative; 51=Paid caregiver; 52=Friends; 53=Roommate; 54=Supervisor; 55=mother's boyfriend; 56=other parental figure; 57=Summary; 58=counselor ; 59 = other female relative; 60 = other male relative; 61 = non-relative ; 62=Maternal Aunt; 63=Maternal Uncle; 64=Maternal Cousin; 65 = Paternal Aunt; 66=Paternal Uncle; 67=Paternal Cousin ; 68=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Grandmother; 69=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Grandmother; 70=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Grandmother and Foster Father; 71=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Foster Mother; 72=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Foster Mother; 73=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Biological/Adoptive Father; 74=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Biological/Adoptive Father; 75=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Other; 76=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Stepfather; 77=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepfather; 78=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Grandfather; 79=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Foster Father; 80=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother; 81=Guardian, female; 82=Other female; 83=Guardian, male; 84=Other male; 85=Other/Grandparent/Nanny; 86 = Mother, Father, Guardian; 87 = Daughter, son, grandchild; 88 = Professional (e.g., social worker, nurse, therapist, psychiatrist, or group home staff); -999=Missing; 89 = Biological parent; 90=Other; 91 = Stepparent; 92 = Adoptive parent; 93 = Foster parent; 94 = Co-worker
csq8_8 Integer Recommended If you were to seek help again, would you come back to our service? 1::4; 999 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, I don't think so; 3 = Yes, I think so; 4 = Yes, definitely; 999 = Missing
csq8_1 Integer Recommended How would you rate the quality of service you received? 1::4; 999 1 = Poor; 2 = Fair; 3 = Good; 4 = Excellent; 999 = Missing
csq8_2 Integer Recommended Did you get the kind of service you wanted? 1::4; 999 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, not really; 3 = Yes, generally; 4 = Yes, definitely; 999 = Missing
csq8_3 Integer Recommended To what extent has our service met your needs? 1::4; 999 1 = None of my needs have been met; 2 = Only a few of my needs have been met; 3 = Most of my needs have been met; 4 = Almost all of my needs have been met; 999 = Missing
csq8_4 Integer Recommended If a friend were in need of similar help, would you recomment our service to him or her? 1::4; 999 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, I don't think so; 3 = Yes, I think so; 4 = Yes, definitely; 999 = Missing
csq8_5 Integer Recommended How satisfied are you with the amount of help you received? 1::4; 999 1 = Quite dissatisfied; 2 = Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied; 3 = Mostly satisfied; 4 = Very satisfied; 999 = Missing
csq8_6 Integer Recommended Have the services you received helped you to deal more effectively with your problems? 1::4; 999 1 = No, they seemed to make things worse; 2 = No, they didn't really help; 3 = Yes, they helped somewhat; 4 = Yes, they helped a great deal; 999 = Missing
csq8_7 Integer Recommended In an overall, general sense, how satisfied are you with the service you received? 1::4; 999 1 = Quite dissatisfied; 2 = Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied; 3 = Mostly satisfied; 4 = Very satisfied; 999 = Missing
csq_9 Integer Recommended How much of a problem were the following: Disruption or upset relationships within your family due to your child's illness 1::5; -7; -8; -9; 999 1 = Not at all; 2 = A little; 3 = Somewhat; 4 = Quite a bit; 5 = Very much; -7 = Don't know; -8 = Refused to answer; -9 = Does not apply; 999=missing
csq_10 Integer Recommended How much of a problem were the following: Disruption of your family's social activities resulting from your child's illness 1::5; -7; -8; -9; 999 1 = Not at all; 2 = A little; 3 = Somewhat; 4 = Quite a bit; 5 = Very much; -7 = Don't know; -8 = Refused to answer; -9 = Does not apply; 999=missing
csq_11 Integer Recommended How you felt about life in your household: How socially isolated did you feel as a result of your child's illness? 1::5; -7; -8; -9; 999 1 = Not at all; 2 = A little; 3 = Somewhat; 4 = Quite a bit; 5 = Very much; -7 = Don't know; -8 = Refused to answer; -9 = Does not apply; 999=missing
csq_11a Integer Recommended Please rate how confident or strongly you feel or believe that this would be your choice. 1::4; 999 1= Mild; 2= Mild-Moderately; 3= Moderately; 4= Moderately-Strongly; 5= Strongly; 6= Extremely
csq_12 Integer Recommended How you felt about life in your household: How sad or unhappy did you feel as a result of your child's illness? 1::5; -7; -8; -9; 999 1 = Not at all; 2 = A little; 3 = Somewhat; 4 = Quite a bit; 5 = Very much; -7 = Don't know; -8 = Refused to answer; -9 = Does not apply; 999=missing
timepoint_label String 50 Recommended Timepoint/visit label
acsq_md8 Integer Recommended If you were to seek help again, would you come back to our program for treatment? 0::6 0=Yes, definitely; 2=Yes, I think so; 4=No, I don''t think so; 6=No, definitely not
acsq_md1 Integer Recommended How would you rate the quality of treatment you received? 0::6 0=Poor; 2=Fair; 4=Good; 6=Excellent
acsq_md2 Integer Recommended Did you get the kind of treatment you wanted? 0::6 0=Yes, definitely; 2=Yes, generally; 4=No, not really; 6=No, definitely not
acsq_md3 Integer Recommended To what extent has the treatment met your needs? 0::6 0=None of my needs have been met; 2=Only a few of my needs have been met; 4=Most of my needs have been met; 6=Almost all of my needs have been met
acsq_md4 Integer Recommended If a friend were in need of similar help, would you recommend this treatment to him or her? 0::6 0=Yes, definitely; 2=Yes, generally; 4=No, not really; 6=No, definitely not
acsq_md5 Integer Recommended How satisfied are you with the amount of help you have received? 0::6 0=Very satisfied; 2=Mostly satisfied; 4=Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied; 6=Quite dissatisfied
acsq_md6 Integer Recommended Has the treatment you received helped you to deal more effectively with your problems? 0::6 0=No, they seemed to make things worse; 2=No, they really didn''t help; 4=Yes, they helped somewhat; 6=Yes, they helped a great deal
acsq_md7 Integer Recommended In an overall, general sense, how satisfied are you with the treatment you have received? 0::6 0=Quite dissatisfied; 2=Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied; 4=Mostly satisfied; 6=Very satisfied
csq8_c_7 Integer Recommended In an overall, general sense, how satisfied was the client with the service they received? 1::4; 999 1 = Quite dissatisfied; 2 = Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied; 3 = Mostly satisfied; 4 = Very satisfied; 999 = Missing
csq8_c_8 Integer Recommended If your client were to seek help again, would they come back to the service? 1::4; 999 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, I don''t think so; 3 = Yes, I think so; 4 = Yes, definitely; 999 = Missing
csq8_c_tot Integer Recommended CSQ-8 Total Score: Counselor-Report 8::32 Sum of all counselor-reported CSQ-8 items
csq8_tot Integer Recommended CSQ-8 Total Score: Self-Report 8::32 Sum of all CSQ-8 items
csq8_c_1 Integer Recommended How would your client rate the quality of service you provided? 1::4; 999 1 = Poor; 2 = Fair; 3 = Good; 4 = Excellent; 999 = Missing
csq8_c_2 Integer Recommended Did the client get the kind of service they wanted? 1::4; 999 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, not really; 3 = Yes, generally; 4 = Yes, definitely; 999 = Missing
csq8_c_3 Integer Recommended To what extent has the service met your client''s needs? 1::4; 999 1 = None of my client''s needs have been met; 2 = Only a few of my client''s needs have been met; 3 = Most of my client''s needs have been met; 4 = Almost all of my client''s needs have been met; 999 = Missing
csq8_c_4 Integer Recommended If your client''s friend were in need of similar help, would they recommend the service you provided? 1::4; 999 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, I don''t think so; 3 = Yes, I think so; 4 = Yes, definitely; 999 = Missing
csq8_c_5 Integer Recommended How satisfied was your client with the amount of help they received? 1::4; 999 1 = Quite dissatisfied; 2 = Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied; 3 = Mostly satisfied; 4 = Very satisfied; 999 = Missing
csq8_c_6 Integer Recommended Did the services you provide help the client to deal more effectively with their problems? 1::4; 999 1 = No, they seemed to make things worse; 2 = No, they didn''t really help; 3 = Yes, they helped somewhat; 4 = Yes, they helped a great deal; 999 = Missing
ssq_p7 Integer Recommended The problems that originally prompted me to begin treatment for my teen are improved 1::7;99 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neutral; 7 = Strongly Agree; 99 = Not Applicable
ssq_p8 Integer Recommended I am satisfied with the services my teen received 1::7;99 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neutral; 7 = Strongly Agree; 99 = Not Applicable
ssq_p9 Integer Recommended Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the parenting support services I received 1::7;99 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neutral; 7 = Strongly Agree; 99 = Not Applicable
completed_by String 100 Recommended Who completed the form? RA; Self-Report; Informant
ssq_p1 Integer Recommended The services we received fit my teen''s needs 1::7;99 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neutral; 7 = Strongly Agree; 99 = Not Applicable
ssq_p2 Integer Recommended The services we received fit with my parenting style 1::7;99 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neutral; 7 = Strongly Agree; 99 = Not Applicable
ssq_p3 Integer Recommended The services made me feel better prepared to work with my teen 1::7;99 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neutral; 7 = Strongly Agree; 99 = Not Applicable
ssq_p4 Integer Recommended I have applied the skills I learned to working with my teen on a day to day basis 1::7;99 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neutral; 7 = Strongly Agree; 99 = Not Applicable
ssq_p5 Integer Recommended The staff helped me find ways to apply the content of our discussions to my specific situation 1::7;99 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neutral; 7 = Strongly Agree; 99 = Not Applicable
ssq_p6 Integer Recommended The demands placed on me and my family by the staff delivering the services seemed reasonable 1::7;99 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neutral; 7 = Strongly Agree; 99 = Not Applicable
Data Structure

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  • Element Name: This is the standard element name
  • Data Type: Which type of data this element is, e.g. String, Float, File location.
  • Size: If applicable, the character limit of this element
  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
  • For valid elements with shared data, on the far left is a Filter button you can use to view a summary of shared data for that element and apply a query filter to your Cart based on selected value ranges

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