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Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology

6,018 Shared Subjects

Clinician and Self Report
Clinical Assessments
View Change History
Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR*
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project id
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender
Query crcid String 40 Recommended CRC ID/ROA ID roaid
level String 10 Recommended Treatment level
Query month Integer Recommended Month in Follow-Up
Query days_baseline Integer Recommended Days since baseline date
Query time_point Integer Recommended Assessment time point 1=Baseline (STARD); 2=Level exit (STARD); 3= Quarterly follow up (STARD);5= Screening; 10= Baseline; 21, 22, 23 = Mid-point 1, 2, 3; 30= End-of-treatment; 41, 42, 43= Follow-up1, 2, 3 etc.; 601 = 6 Month Reassessment ; 602 = 12 Month Reassessment ; 603 = 18 Month Reassessment timept
Query update Integer Recommended Updated form 0;1 1= yes; 0= no
Query lang_visit Integer Recommended Language during visit 0;1 1=Spanish; 0=English lang_idssr, spanish
Query isoin Float Recommended Sleep onset insomnia 0::3; -99 0=Never takes longer than 30 minutes to fall asleep; 1=Takes at least 30 minutes to fall asleep less than half the time; 2=Takes at least 30 minutes to fall asleep more than half the time; 3=Takes more than 60 minutes to fall asleep more than half the time; -99=missing fallasleep, fallslp, ids_insomnia, idssr1, isrfa, onsetinsom_ids, sleepo
Query imnin Float Recommended Mid-Nocturnal insomnia 0::3; -99 0=Does not wake up at night; 1=Restless light sleep with few awakenings; 2=Wakes up at least once a night but goes back to sleep easily; 3=Awakens more than once a night and stays awake for 20 minutes or more more than half the time; -99=missing ids_noc_insomnia, idssr2, isrsdn, midinsom_ids, nocturn, sleepnight, slpnight
Query iemin Float Recommended Early morning insomnia 0::3; -99 0=Less than half the time awakens no more than 30 minutes before necessary; 1=More than half the time awakens more than 30 minutes before need be; 2=Awakens at least one hour before need be more than half the time; 3=Awakens at least two hours before need be more than half the time; -99=missing earlyinsom_ids, earlywak, ids_early_insomnia, idssr3, isrwute, morning, wakeearly
Query ihysm Float Recommended Hypersomnia 0::3; -99 0=Sleeps no longer than 7-8 hours per night without naps; 1=Sleeps no longer than 10 hours in a 24 hour period including naps; 2=Sleeps no longer than 12 hours in a 24 hour period including naps; 3=Sleeps longer than 12 hours in a 24 hour period including naps; -99=missing hyperinsom_ids, hyperso, ids_hypersomnia, idssr4, isrstm, sleepmuch, slp2much
Query imdsd Float Recommended Mood (sad) 0::3; -99 0=Does not feel sad; 1=Feels sad less than half the time; 2=Feels sad more than half the time; 3=Feels intensely sad virtually all of the time; -99=missing feelsad, ids_sad, idssr5, isrfs, moods, sad_ids
Query ianx Float Recommended Mood (anxious) 0::3; -99 0=Does not feel anxious or tense; 1=Feels anxious or tense less than half the time; 2=Feels anxious or tense more than half the time; 3=Feels extremely anxious or tense virtually all of the time; -99=missing anxious, anxious_ids, feeltense, ids_anxious, idssr7, isrfanx, mooda
Query ipanc Float Recommended Panic/phobic symptoms 0::3; -99 0=Has neither panic episodes nor phobic symptoms; 1=Has mild panic episodes or phobias that do not usually alter behavior or incapacitate; 2=Has significant panic episodes or phobias that modify behavior but do not incapacitate; 3=Has incapacitating panic episodes at least once a week or severe phobias that lead to complete and regular avoidance behavior; -99=missing ids_panic, idssr27, isrpps, panic, panic_ids, panicphobic
Query iirtb Float Recommended Mood (irritable) 0::3; -99 0=Does not feel irritable; 1=Feels irritable less than half the time; 2=Feels irritable more than half the time; 3=Feels extremely irritable virtually all of the time; -99=missing feelirritable, ids_irritable, idssr6, irritabl, irritable_ids, isrfi, moodi
Query irct Float Recommended Reactivity of mood 0::3; -99 0=Mood brightens to normal level and lasts several hours when good events occur; 1=Mood brightens but does not feel like normal self when good events occur; 2=Mood brightend only somewhat with few selected and extremely desired events; 3=Mood does not brighten at all even when very good or desired events occur; -99=missing events, ids_reactivity_mood, idssr8, isrrge, moodevents, react_ids, rmood
Query ivrtn Float Recommended Mood variation 0::3; -99 0=Notes no regular relationship between mood and time of day; 1=Mood often relates to time of day due to environmental circumstances; 2=For most of the week mood appears more related to time of day than to events; 3=Mood is clearly predictably better or worse at a fixed time each day; -99=missing ids_mood_variation, idssr9, isrmvtod, moodtime, moodv, moodvari_ids, timeofday
Query iwrse String 20 Recommended Mood worse in ids_mood_variation_9a, idssr9a, isrmwi, mdworse, moodampm, mworse
Query ienv String 10 Recommended Mood attributed to environment ids_mood_variation_9b, isrmate, mdenvir, moodvariation, mvariat
Query iqty Float Recommended Quality of mood 0::3; -7; -99 0=Mood is virtually identical to feelings associated with bereavement or is undisturbed; 1=Mood is largely like sadness in bereavement although it may lack explanation or be associated with more anxiety or be much more intense; 2=Less than half the time mood is qualitatively distinct from grief and therefore difficult to explain to others; 3=Mood is qualitatively distinct from grief nearly all of the time; -7=refused; -99=missing ids_mood_quality, idssr10, isrqm, mdqual, moodqual_ids, moodquality, qmood
Query iapdc Float Recommended Appetite (decreased) 0::3; -99 0=No change from usual appetite; 1=Eats somewhat less often and/or lesser amounts than usual; 2=Eats much less than usual and only with personal effort; 3=Eats rarely within a 24 hour period and only with extreme personal effort or with persuasion by others; -99=missing appdec, appdec_ids, appetd, appetite, ids_dec_appetite, isrda
Query iapin Float Recommended Appetite (increased) 0::3; -99 0=No change from usual appetite; 1=More frequently feels a need to eat than usual; 2=Regularly eats more often and/or greater amounts than usual; 3=Feels driven to overeat at and between meals; -99=missing appeti, appinc_ids, apptinc, ids_app_increase, isria
Query iwtdc Float Recommended Weight (decrease) last 2 weeks 0::3; -7; -99 0=Has experienced no weight change; 1=Feels as if some slight weight loss has occurred; 2=Has lost 2 pounds or more; 3=Has lost 5 pounds or more; -7= refused; -99=missing ids_weight_dec, isrdw, weighd, weight, wghtdec_ids, wgtdec
Query iwtin Float Recommended Weight (increase) last 2 weeks 0::3; -99 0=Has experienced no weight change; 1=Feels as if some slight weight gain has occurred; 2=Has gained 2 pounds or more; 3=Has gained 5 pounds or more; -99=missing ids_weight_inc, isriw, weighi, wghtinc_ids, wgtinc
Query icntr Float Recommended Concentration/decision making 0::3; -99 0=No change in usual capacity to concentrate and decide; 1=Occasionally feels indecicive or notes that affection often wanders; 2=Most of the time struggles to focus attention or make decisions; 3=Cannot concentrate well enough to read or cannot make even minor decisions; -99=missing concent, concentration, decide_ids, decision, ids_concentration, idssr15, isrcdm
Query ivwsf Float Recommended Outlook (self) 0::3; -7; -99 0=Sees self as equally worthwhile and deserving as others; 1=Is more self blaming than usual; 2=Largely believes that he/she causes problems for others; 3=Ruminates over major and minor defects in self; -7=refused; -99=missing ids_outlook_self, idssr16, isrvm, outlooks, selfview_ids, viewself, vwself
Query ivwfr Float Recommended Outlook (future) 0::3; -99 0=Views future with usual optimism; 1=Occasionally has pessimistic outlook that can be displaced by others or events; 2=Largely pessimistic for the near future; 3=Sees no hope for self or situation anytime in the future; -99=missing ids_outlook_future, idssr17, isrvmf, outlook_ids, outlookf, viewfuture, vwfuture
Query isuic Float Recommended Suicidal Ideation 0::3; -99 0=Does not think of suicide or death; 1=Feels life is empty or is not worth living; 2=Thinks of suicide/death several times a week for several minutes; 3=Thinks of suicide/death several times a day in depth or has made specific plans or attempted suicide; -99=missing ids_suicidal_ideate, idssr18, isrtds, suicid, suicidal_ids, thoughtdeath, thoughts
Query iintr Float Recommended Involvement 0::3; -99 0=No change from usual level of interest in other people and activities; 1=Notices a reduction in former interests/activities; 2=Finds only one or two former interests remain; 3=Has virtually no interest in formerly pursued activities; -99=missing generalinterest, ids_involvement, idssr19, interest, interests_ids, involve, isrgi
Query iplsr Float Recommended Pleasure/enjoyment 0::3; -99 0=Participates in and derives usual sense of enjoyment from pleasurable activities; 1=Does not feel usual enjoyment from pleasurable activities; 2=Rarely derives pleasure from any activities; 3=Is unable to register any sense of pleasure or enjoyment from anything; -99=missing capactiyenjoyment, enjoymt, ids_pleasure, idssr21, isrel, pleasure, pleasure_ids
Query iengy Float Recommended Energy/fatigability 0::3; -99 0=No change in usual level of energy; 1=Tires more easily than usual; 2=Makes significant personal effort to maintain usual daily activities; 3=Unable to carry out most of usual daily activities due to lack of energy; -99=missing energy_ids, energyf, energylevel, enerlvl, ids_energy_fatigability, idssr20, isrcfp
Query isex Float Recommended Sexual interest 0::3; -7; -99 0=Has usual interest in or derives usual pleasure from sex; 1=Has near usual interest in or derives some pleasure from sex; 2=Has little desire for or rarely derives pleasure from sex; 3=Has absolutely no interest in or derives no pleasure from sex; -7=refused; -99=missing ids_sexual_interest, idssr22, interestsex, intsex, isriis, sexual, sexual_ids
Query islow Float Recommended Psychomotor slowing 0::3; -99 0=Normal speed of thinking/gesturing/speaking; 1=Patient notes slowed thinking and voice modulation is reduced; 2=Takes several seconds to respond to most questions and reports slowed thinking; 3=Is largely unresponsive to most questions without strong encouragement; -99=missing feelingslow, ids_psychomotor, idssr23, isrfsd, pmslow_ids, psycslow, slowdown
Query iagit Float Recommended Psychomotor agitation 0::3; -99 0=No increased speed or disorganization in thinking or gesturing; 1=Fidgets and wrings hands and shifts positions often; 2=Describes impulse to move about and displays motor restlessness; 3=Unable to stay seated and paces about with or without permission; -99=missing feelingrestless, ids_psychomotor_agitation, idssr24, isrfr, pmrestless_ids, psycagit, restless
Query ismtc Float Recommended Somatic complaints 0::3; -7; -99 0=States there is no feeling of limb heaviness or pains; 1=Complains of headaches/abdominal/back/joint pains that are intermittent and not disabling; 2=Complains that the above pains are present most of the time; 3=Functional impairment results from above; -7=refused; -99=missing achepain, achepains, ids_somatic, idssr25, israap, pains_ids, somatic
Query isymp Float Recommended Sympathetic arousal 0::3; -7; -99 0=Reports no palpitations/tremors/blurred vision/tinnitus/increased sweating/dyspnea/hot and cold flashes/chest pain; 1=The above are mild and only intermittently present; 2=The above are moderate and present more than half the time; 3=The above result in functional impairment; -7=refused; -99=missing ids_sympathetic_arouse, idssr26, isrobs, otherbodysympts, othersx, sympath, symptoms_ids
Query igas Float Recommended Gastrointestinal 0::3; -99 0=Has no change in usual bowel habits; 1=Has intermittent constipation and/or diarrhea that is mild; 2=Has diarrhea and/or constipation most of the time that does not impair functioning; 3=Has intermittent presence of constipation and/or diarrhea that requires treatment or causes functional impairment; -99=missing constip, diarrhea, gastro, gastro_ids, ids_gastrointest, idssr28, isrcod
Query iintp Float Recommended Interpersonal sensitivity 0::3; -99 0=Has not felt easily rejected/slighted/criticized/hurt by others at all; 1=Occasionally feels rejected/slighted/criticized/hurt by others; 2=Often feels rejected/slighted/criticized/hurt by others but with only slight effects on social/occupational functioning; 3=Often feels rejected/slighted/criticized/hurt by others that results in impaired social/occupational functioning; -99=missing ids_interpersonal_sens, idssr29, intersensitvity, isriss, sensit, sensitive, sensitive_ids
Query ildn Float Recommended Leaden paralysis/physical energy 0::3; -99 0=Does not experience the physical sensation of feeling weighted down without physical energy; 1=Occasionally experiences periods of feeling physically weighted down and without physical energy but without a negative effect on work/school/activity level; 2=Feels physically weighted down without physical energy more than half the time; 3=Feels physically weighted down without physical energy most of the time for several hours per day for several days per week; -99=missing ids_leaden_paralysis, idssr30, isrlppe, paral, paralysis, paralysis_ids, phenergy
Query ictot Float Recommended IDS total score ids30, ids_total_score, idssrtotal, score_ids
Query qstot Float Recommended QIDS total score ids16, qidssrtot
Query phase Integer Recommended Phase 9 =follow up
Query week Float Recommended Week in level/study 99=week 10-week 14 week1
Query site String 101 Recommended Site Study Site siteid
Query version_form String 121 Recommended Form used/assessment name
Query sleepsum Integer Recommended Sleep variable summary There are times when I feel "empty" inside.
Query vis_type Integer Recommended Visit type 0::2 1=Phone/remote; 0=doctor's office/In person; 2=No, not phone interview phone
Query visit String 60 Recommended Visit name
easy_item String 10 Recommended Which 3 items (questions) were the easiest to understand
Query mssess Integer Recommended Session number this measure was based on 0::26 ; 55; 56;57; -9 0 = Pre; 1 = Session 1; 2 = Session 2; 3 = Session 3; 4 = Session 4; 5 = Session 5; 6 = Session 6; 7 = Session 7; 8 = Session 8; 9 = Session 9; 10 = Session 10; 11 = Session 11; 12 = Session 12; 13 = Session 13; 14 = Session 14; 15 = Session 15; 16 = Session 16; 17 = Session 17; 18 = Session 18; 19 = Session 19; 20 = Session 20; 21 = Session 21; 22 = Session 22; 23 = Session 23; 24 = Session 24; 25 = Session 25; 26 = Session 26; 55 = Post; 56 = 6 month follow-up; 57 = 12 month follow-up isrsess
sample Integer Recommended Training or randomized case 1::5 1 = randomized; 2 = training; 3=randomized-control; 4=randomized-intervention; 5=concurrent cohort-intervention
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  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
  • For valid elements with shared data, on the far left is a Filter button you can use to view a summary of shared data for that element and apply a query filter to your Cart based on selected value ranges

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