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Scale for Suicide Ideation

2,763 Shared Subjects

Clinical Assessments
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Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR* guid
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project abc_comm_src_subject, randid, subject_id, subjid
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY abc_comm_interview_date, intvdate
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month. abc_comm_interview_age, intvage
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender
Query ssi1 Integer Recommended 1. Can you tell me about your desire to live, your wish to live today? Is it moderate to strong? Weak? Or none? 0::2; -9 0= Moderate to strong (wish to live); 1= Weak; 2= None; -9= Incomplete a1, bss_1, bss_q1, bssi_1
Query ssi2 Integer Recommended 2. Can you tell me about your wish to die? Is it moderate to strong? Weak? Or none? 0::2; -9 0 = No Wish to Die (None); 1 = Weak; 2 = Moderate to strong; -9=Incomplete a2, bss_2, bss_q2, bssi_2
Query ssi3 Integer Recommended 3. Would you say today that your reasons for living outweigh your reasons for dying? 0::2; -9 0= Reasons for living outweigh for dying; 1= Reasons for living/dying about equal; 2= Reasons for dying outweigh for living; -9= Incomplete a3, bss_3, bss_q3, bssi_3
Query ssi4 Integer Recommended 4. What is your current desire to make an active suicide attempt, to actively harm yourself, actively kill yourself? Is there no desire at all? 0::2; -9 0= No desire (to make suicide attempt); 1= Weak; 2= Moderate to strong; -9= Incomplete a4, bss_4, bss_q4, bssi_4
Query ssi5 Integer Recommended 5. Today do you have any passive suicidal feelings? For instance, on the one hand, would you, in fact, take precautions necessary to save your life? Would you take medicine to save your life? Would you drive safely to keep yourself alive? 0::2; -9 0= Would take precautions to save life (try to save my life if I found myself in a life-threatening situation); 1= Would leave life/death to chance (e.g.: carelessly crossing a busy street); 2= Would avoid or not take steps necessary to save or maintain life (avoid death if I found myself in a life-threatening situation) (e.g.: diabetic ceasing to take insulin); -9= Incomplete a5, bss_5, bss_q5, bssi_5
Query ssi6 Integer Recommended 6. Do you have thoughts of suicide for brief, fleeting periods? 0::2; -9 0= Brief, fleeting periods (of suicide ideation/wish); 1= Longer periods; 2 =Continuous (chronic), almost continuous, or long periods; -9= Incomplete bss_6, bss_q6, bssi_6
Query ssi7 Integer Recommended 7. How often do you have thoughts of suicide? Do they occur rarely, occasionally?Do the thoughts occur more frequently, that is intermittently? Do you have the thoughts all of the time or most of the time? 0::2; -9 0= Rare, occasional (thoughts of suicide); 1= Intermittent or frequent; 2= Persistent or continuous; -9= Incomplete bss_7, bss_q7, bssi_7, d1
Query ssi8 Integer Recommended 8. What are your attitudes toward suicide? Do you reject the notion of suicide, meaning that you feel that suicide is not a good option; it's not okay to do; it's wrong? 0::2; -9 0= Rejecting (the idea of killing myself); 1= Ambivalent, indifferent; 2= Accepting; -9= Incomplete bss_8, bss_q8, bssi_8
Query ssi9 Integer Recommended 9. With regard to your suicidal thoughts, do you feel that you have control over those thoughts? Can you have the thoughts without doing anything to harm yourself? 0::2; -9 0= Has sense of control (over suicidal action/acting out wish); 1= Unsure of control; 2= Has no sense of control; -9= Incomplete bss_9, bss_q9, bssi_9
Query ssi10 Integer Recommended 10. Does thinking about anyone or anything prevent you from taking your own life? 0::2; -9 0= Would not attempt suicide because of a deterrent (family, friends, religion, possible injury from unsuccessful attempt, etc); 1= Some concern about deterrents; 2= Minimal or no concern about deterrents; -9= Incomplete bss_10, bss_q10, bssi_10, d4
Query ssi11 Integer Recommended 11. When you think about killing yourself, what are the main reasons? 0::2; -9 0= To manipulate the environment or influence other people (get attention, revenge, get even with other people, make people happier, make people pay attention to me, etc); 1= Combination of 0 and 2; 2= Escape, surcease, solve problems; -9= Incomplete bss_11, bss_q11, bssi_11, d5
Query ssi12 Integer Recommended 12. Have you thought of ways to kill yourself? 0::2; -9 0= Specific plan (to kill myself) not considered; 1= Specific plan considered, but details not worked out; 2= Specific plan details worked out, well formulated; -9= Incomplete bss_12, bss_q12, bssi_12
Query ssi13 Integer Recommended 13. Have you worked out the way to carry out your thoughts of suicide? Do you have the chance right now? Do you think that you'll have the chance to kill yourself soon? 0::2; -9 0 = Method not available, no opportunity; 1 = Method would take time/effort, opportunity not readily available; 2 = Method and opportunity available or Future opportunity or availability of method anticipated; -9=incomplete bss_13, bss_q13, bssi_13, e1
Query ssi14 Integer Recommended 14. Do you believe that you have the know-how, the ability, and the motivation to commit suicide? Do you know exactly what you'd have to do to cause your own death, and do you feel sure hat you would not hesitate to harm yourself? 0::2; -9 0= No courage, too weak, afraid, incompetent (to carry out attempt); 1= Unsure of courage, competence; 2= Sure of courage, competence; -9= Incomplete bss_14, bss_q14, bssi_14, d3
Query ssi15 Integer Recommended 15. Do you expect or anticipate at some point in the future that you will actually make a suicide attempt? Are you certain that you will not make an attempt? 0::2; -9 0 = No, will not make attempt; 1 = Uncertain, not sure; 2 = Yes, expect to make an attempt; -9=incomplete bss_15, bss_q15, bssi_15, e4
Query ssi16 Integer Recommended 16. Have you taken any steps to make it possible for you to take your own life? In other words, have you actually put your method into place? 0::2; -9 0= No preparations (for committing suicide); 1= Partial preparations (e.g.: starting to collect pills); 2= Complete preparations (e.g.: has pills, razor, loaded gun); -9= Incomplete bss_16, bss_q16, bssi_16, d2
Query ssi17 Integer Recommended 17. Have you started or finished writing a suicide note? 0::2; -9 0= Have not written a suicide note; 1= Started but not completed or only thought about; 2= Completed; -9= Incomplete bss_17, bss_q17, bssi_17
Query ssi18 Integer Recommended 18. Have you tied up loose ends because you anticipate dying? For example, have you taken out an insurance policy or prepared a will? 0::2; -9 0= No arrangements (in anticipation of death); 1= Thought about or made some arrangements; 2= Made definite plans or completed arrangements; -9= Incomplete bss_18, bss_q18, bssi_18, d6
Query ssi19 Integer Recommended 19. Sometimes people hesitate to talk about their suicidal thoughts because I'll think they're crazy or I'll make them go to the hospital. Could this be going on with you? If you had thoughts about suicide, would you tell a therapist or someone close to you? Or would you hesitate? 0::2; -9 0= Revealed ideas openly, have not hidden desire (of contemplating suicide); 1= Held back on revealing or telling people; 2= Attempted to deceive, conceal, lie; -9= Incomplete bss_19, bss_q19, bssi_19, d7
Query ssitot Integer Recommended Total Score - Scale for Suicide Ideation -9=incomplete total, total_score
site String 101 Recommended Site Study Site
Query week Float Recommended Week in level/study 99=week 10-week 14 intid
Query study_id Integer Recommended Study ID number 46=Acute Phase; 47=Stabilization Phase
Query bss_20 Integer Recommended Suicide attempt 0;1;2;-9 0 = I have never attempted suicide; 1 = I have attempted suicide once; 2 = I have attempted suicide two or more times; -9 = incomplete bss_q20, bssi_20
Query bss_21 Integer Recommended Wish to die during last suicide attempt 0;1;2;-9 0 = My wish to die during the last suicide attempt was low; 1 = My wish to die during the last suicide attempt was moderate; 2 = My wish to die during the last suicide attempt was high; -9 = incomplete bssi_21
Query bss_sub_1 Integer Recommended total 1-5 0::10;-9 sub_1, subtotal_part1
Query bss_sub_2 Integer Recommended total 6-21 0::32;-9 sub_2, subtotal_pt2
Query visitid Integer Recommended MetaTrial Visit ID System variable: unique code for each type of visit -use to merge files
Query visit String 60 Recommended Visit name
Query days_baseline Integer Recommended Days since baseline
rsn11 String 250 Recommended Reason for contemplated attempt - Reason Specify TEXT
rsn12 String 250 Recommended Method: Specificity/Planning of contemplated attempt - Reason Specify TEXT
version_form String 121 Recommended Form used/assessment name formid
Query sui_c1 Integer Recommended Have you ever tried to take your life? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes c1
Query sui_c2 Integer Recommended When you are very angry, do you sometimes say or do things that you later regret? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes c2
Query sui_c3_1 Integer Recommended How many drinks containing alcohol do you have in the past week? 0::3 0= 0-5; 1= 5-6; 2= 7-13; 3= 14 or more c3_1
Query sui_c3_2 Integer Recommended How often in the past week did you have six or more drinks on one occasion? 0::2 0= never; 1= once; 2=more than once c3_2
Query sui_c3_b Integer Recommended Have you used any recreational drugs in the past week? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes c3_b
Query sui_c4 Integer Recommended Do you think that you have been under a lot of stress recently? Tell me about it. 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes c4
Query sui_c5_a Integer Recommended Is there someone available to you whom you can confide in? Who? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes c5_a
Query sui_c5_b Integer Recommended Is anyone with you right now? Who? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes c5_b
Query sui_c6_a Integer Recommended Do you have access to firearms or any other type of weapons? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes c6_a
Query sui_c6_b Integer Recommended Have you been stockpiling (saving up) medications? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes c6_b
Query sui_c7 Integer Recommended Level of depressive Symptoms (=PHQ-9>15 or clinical impression) 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes c7
Query sui_si Integer Recommended Suicidal Behavior: Ideation 0::3 0= Low; 1= Moderate; 2= High; 3= Immediate si
Query psy_contacted Integer Recommended Was the on-call psychiatrist contacted? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
psy_why_not String 50 Recommended Why wasn't the on-call psychiatrist contacted?
psy_date Date Recommended Date the on-call psychiatrist was contacted MM/DD/YYYY
psy_time String 5 Recommended Time the on-call psychiatrist was contacted HH/MM
psy_how String 10 Recommended How the on-call psychiatrist was contacted
Query pc_contacted Integer Recommended Was the project coordinator contacted? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
Query pi_contacted Integer Recommended Was the principal investigator contacted? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
pc_date Date Recommended Date the project coordinator was contacted MM/DD/YYYY
pc_time String 5 Recommended Time the project coordinator was contacted HH/MM
pc_how String 10 Recommended How the project coordinator was contacted
pi_date Date Recommended Date the principal investigator was contacted MM/DD/YYYY
pi_time String 5 Recommended Time the principal investigator was contacted HH/MM
pi_how String 10 Recommended How the principal investigator was contacted
pcp_rec String 100 Recommended Recommendations made by primary care provider
pi_rec String 100 Recommended Recommendations made by principal investigator
mhs_rec String 100 Recommended Recommendations made by psychiatrist
timepoint_label String 50 Recommended Timepoint/visit label
sra_1 Integer Recommended Are you having thoughts of suicide, or of hurting yourself? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
sra_2 Integer Recommended Do you have a plan in mind of how you would kill/hurt yourself? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
sra_3 Integer Recommended Is that something you intend on doing at this time? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
sra_complete Integer Recommended Suicide Risk Assessmen Complete 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes suicide_risk_assessment_complete
sui_01 Integer Recommended Have you ever seriously thought about committing suicide? 1;2 1= Yes; 2= No
sui_02 Integer Recommended Did this serious thought of suicide happen at any time in the past 12 months? 1;2 1= Yes; 2= No
sui_03 Integer Recommended Have you ever made a plan for committing suicide? 1;2 1= Yes; 2= No
sui_04 Integer Recommended Did you make this plan of suicide at any time in the past 12 months? 1;2 1= Yes; 2= No
sui_05 Integer Recommended Have you ever attempted suicide? 1;2 1= Yes; 2= No
sui_06 Integer Recommended Did this attempt of suicide happen any time in the past 12 months? 1;2 1= Yes; 2= No
ssi_rec_6 Integer Recommended 6. Did you have thoughts of suicide for brief, fleeting periods? 0::2;-9 0 = Brief, fleeting periods (of suicide ideation/wish); 1 = Longer periods; 2 = Continuous (chronic), almost continuous, or long periods; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_7 Integer Recommended 7. How often did you have thoughts of suicide? Did they occur rarely, occasionally? Did the thoughts occur more frequently, that is intermittently? Did you have the thoughts all of the time or most of the time? 0::2;-9 0 = Rare, occasional (thoughts of suicide); 1 = Intermittent or frequent; 2 = Persistent or continuous; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_8 Integer Recommended 8. What were your attitudes toward suicide? Did you reject the notion of suicide, meaning that you feel that suicide is not a good option; it''s not okay to do; it''s wrong? 0::2;-9 0 = Rejecting (the idea of killing myself); 1 = Ambivalent, indifferent; 2 = Accepting; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_9 Integer Recommended 9. With regard to your suicidal thoughts, did you feel that you have control over those thoughts? Can you have the thoughts without doing anything to harm yourself? 0::2;-9 0 = Has sense of control (over suicidal action/acting out wish); 1 = Unsure of control; 2 = Has no sense of control; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_10 Integer Recommended 10. Did thinking about anyone or anything prevent you from taking your own life? 0::2;-9 0 = Would not attempt suicide because of a deterrent (family, friends, religion, possible injury from unsuccessful attempt, etc.); 1 = Some concern about deterrents; 2 = Minimal or no concern about deterrents; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_11 Integer Recommended 11. When you thought about killing yourself, what were the main reasons? 0::2;-9 0 = To manipulate the environment or influence other people (get attention, revenge, get even with other people, make people happier, make people pay attention to me, etc.); 1 = Combination of 0 and 2; 2 = Escape, surcease, solve problems; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_12 Integer Recommended 12. Had you thought of ways to kill yourself? 0::2;-9 0 = Specific plan (to kill myself) not considered; 1 = Specific plan considered, but details not worked out; 2 = Specific plan details worked out, well formulated; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_13 Integer Recommended 13. Had you worked out the way to carry out your thoughts of suicide? Did you have the chance right then? Did you think that you would have the chance to kill yourself soon? 0::2;-9 0 = Method not available, no opportunity; 1 = Method would take time/effort, opportunity not readily available; 2 = Method and opportunity available or Future opportunity or availability of method anticipated; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_14 Integer Recommended 14. Did you believe that you had the know-how, the ability, and the motivation to commit suicide? Did you know exactly what you''d have to do to cause your own death, and did you feel sure that you would not hesitate to harm yourself? 0::2;-9 0 = No courage, too weak, afraid, incompetent (to carry out attempt); 1 = Unsure of courage, competence; 2 = Sure of courage, competence; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_15 Integer Recommended 15. Did you expect or anticipate at some point in the future that you will actually make a suicide attempt? Were you certain that you will not make an attempt? 0::2;-9 0 = No, will not make attempt; 1 = Uncertain, not sure; 2 = Yes, expect to make an attempt; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_16 Integer Recommended 16. Did you take any steps to make it possible for you to take your own life? In other words, had you actually put your method into place? 0::2;-9 0 = No preparations (for committing suicide); 1 = Partial preparations (e.g.: starting to collect pills); 2 = Complete preparations (e.g.: has pills, razor, loaded gun); -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_17 Integer Recommended 17. Over the past 2 weeks did you start or finish writing a suicide note? 0::2;-9 0 = Have not written a suicide note; 1 = Started but not completed or only thought about; 2 = Completed; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_18 Integer Recommended 18. Over the past 2 weeks did you tie up loose ends because you anticipated dying? For example, did you take out an insurance policy or prepare a will? 0::2;-9 0 = No arrangements (in anticipation of death); 1 = Thought about or made some arrangements; 2 = Made definite plans or completed arrangements; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_19 Integer Recommended 19. (Over the past 2 weeks) Sometimes people hesitate to talk about their suicidal thoughts because other people will think they''re crazy or they will have to stay in the hospital. Could this have gone on with you? With your thoughts about suicide, did you tell someone close to you? Or did you hesitate? 0::2;-9 0 = Revealed ideas openly, have not hidden desire (of contemplating suicide); 1 = Held back on revealing or telling people; 2 = Attempted to deceive, conceal, lie; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_tot Integer Recommended Total Score - Scale for Suicide Ideation (Over past 2 weeks) 0::38 Sum of 19 items (ssi_rec_1 through ssi_rec_19)
ssi_days Integer Recommended Recent Days Suicidal 1;2 1 = One day; 2 = More than one day
ssi_date Date Recommended Recent Suicidal Date MM/DD/YYYY; Only completed if ssi_days = 1
ssi_rec_1 Integer Recommended 1. Can you tell me about your desire to live, your wish to live on that day? Was it moderate to strong? Weak? Or none? 0::2;-9 0 = Moderate to strong (wish to live); 1 = Weak; 2 = None; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_2 Integer Recommended 2. Can you tell me about your wish to die on that day? Was it moderate to strong? Weak? Or none? 0::2;-9 0 = No wish to die; 1 = Weak; 2 = Moderate to strong; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_3 Integer Recommended 3. Would you say that your reasons for living outweigh your reasons for dying? Would you say that your reasons for dying outweighed your reasons for living? Or were they about equal? 0::2;-9 0 = Reasons for living outweigh for dying; 1 = Reasons for living/dying about equal; 2 = Reasons for dying outweigh for living; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_4 Integer Recommended 4. On that day what was your desire to make an active suicide attempt, to actively harm yourself, actively kill yourself? Was there no desire at all? Was it a weak desire, or moderate to strong? 0::2;-9 0 = No desire (to make suicide attempt); 1 = Weak; 2 = Moderate to strong; -9 = Incomplete
ssi_rec_5 Integer Recommended 5. On that day did you have any passive suicidal feelings? For instance, on the one hand, would you, in fact, take precautions necessary to save your life? Would you take medicine to save your life? Would you drive safely to keep yourself alive? 0::2;-9 0 = Would take precautions to save life (try to save my life if I found myself in a life-threatening situation); 1 = Would leave life/death to chance (e.g.: carelessly crossing a busy street); 2 = Would avoid or not take steps necessary to save or maintain life (avoid death if I found myself in a life-threatening situation) (e.g.: diabetic ceasing to take insulin); -9 = Incomplete
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