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Auditory Hallucinations Rating Scale

135 Shared Subjects

Clinical Assessments
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Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR*
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender
diagnosis String 255 Recommended Subject Diagnosis Final diagnostic group based on ascertainment, ADOS, ADIR, and SCQ
Query ahrs_1 Float Recommended Length of time experiencing voices (years)
ahrs_2 String 50 Recommended Hallucinations in other modalities f.e. Visual, Olfactory, gustatory, tactile
Query ahrs_3 Integer Recommended Frequency. How often do you experience voices? 0::4 0= Voices not present or present less than once a week (specify frequency if present).;1 =Voices occur for at least once a week; 2 =Voices occur at least once a day.; 3 =Voices occur at least once an hour.; 4= Voices occur continuously or almost continually i.e. stop only for a few seconds or minutes.
Query ahrs_4 Integer Recommended Duration. When you hear your voices, how long do they last e.g. a few seconds, minutes, hours, all day long 0::4 0=Voices not present.; 1=Voices last for a few seconds, fleeting voices.; 2=Voices last for several minutes.; 3=Voices last for at least one hour.; 4=Voices last for hours at a time.
Query ahrs_5 Integer Recommended Location. When you hear your voices where do they sound like they're coming from? - inside your head and/or outside your head? - If voices sound like they are outside your head, whereabouts do they sound like they're coming from? 0::4 0 =No voices present; 1 =Voices originate inside head only; 2 =Voices outside the head, but close to ears or head. Voices inside head may also be present; 3 =Voices originate inside or close to ears and outside head away from ears; 4 =Voices originate from outside space, away from head only.
Query ahrs_6 Integer Recommended Loudness. How loud are your voices? Are they louder than your voice, about the same loudness, quieter or just a whisper? 0::4 0 =Voices not present; 1 =Quieter than own voice, whisper; 2 =About the same loudness as own voice; 3 =Louder than own voice; 4 =Extremely loud, shouting.
Query ahrs_7 Integer Recommended Beliefs re-origin of voices. What do you think has caused your voices? - Are the voices caused by factors related to yourself or solely due to other people or factors. If patient expresses an external origin - How much do you believe that your voices are caused by (patients attribution) on a scale from 0-100 with 100 being that you are totally convinced, have no doubts and 0 being that it is completely untrue 0::4 0 =Voices not present; 1= Believes voices to be solely internally generated and related to self; 2 =Holds a less than 50% conviction that voices originate from external causes; 3 =Holds 50% or more conviction (but less than 100%) that voices originate from external cause; 4 =Believes voices are solely due to external causes (100% conviction)
Query ahrs_8 Integer Recommended Amound of negative content of voices. Do your voices say unpleasant or negative things? - Can you give me some examples of what the voices say? - How much of the time do the voices say these type of unpleasant or negative items? 0::4 0 =No unpleasant content; 1 =Occasional unpleasant content; 2 =Minority of voice content is unpleasant or negative (less than 50%); 3 =Majority of voice content is unpleasant or negative (more than 50%); 4 =All of voice content is unpleasant or negative.
Query ahrs_9 Integer Recommended Degree of negative content. Rate using criteria on scale, asking patient for more detail if necessary 0::4 0= Not unpleasant or negative; 1= Some degree of negative content, but not personal comments relating to self or family e.g. swear words or comments not directed to self, e.g. "The milk man is ugly"; 2= Personal verbal abuse, comments on behaviour e.g. "Shouldn't do that, or say that"; 3= Personal verbal abuse relating to self-concept e.g. "You're lazy, ugly, mad, perverted"; 4= Personal threats to self e.g. threats to harm to self or family, extreme instructions or commands to harm self or others and personal verbal abuse as in (3).
Query ahrs_10 Integer Recommended Amount of distress. Are your voices distressing? - How much of the time? 0::4 0 =Voices not distressing at all; 1= Voices occasionally distressing, majority not distressing; 2 =Equal amounts of distressing and non-distressing voices; 3= Majority of voices distressing, minority not distressing ; 4 =Voices always distressing.
Query ahrs_11 Integer Recommended Intensity of distress. When voices are distressing, how distressing are they? - Do they cause you minimal, moderate, severe distress? - Are they the most distressing they have ever been? 0::4 0= Voices not distressing at al; 1= Voices slightly distressing; 2= Voices are distressing to a moderate degree; 3= Voices are very distressing, although subject could feel worse; 4 =Voices are extremely distressing, feel the worst he/she could possibly feel. ahrs7
Query ahrs_12 Integer Recommended Disruption to life caused by voices. How much disruption do the voices cause to your life? - Do the voices stop you from working or other daytime activity? - Do they interfere with your relationships with friends and/or family? - Do they prevent you from looking after yourself, e.g. bathing changing clothes etc. 0::4 0 =No disruption to life, able to maintain independent living with no problems in daily living skills. Able to maintain social and family relationships (if present); 1= Voices cause minimal amount of disruption to life e.g. interferes with concentration although able to maintain daytime activity and social and family relationships and be able to maintain independent living without support; 2 = Voices cause moderate amount of disruption to life causing some disturbance to daytime activity and/or family or social activities. The patient is not in hospital although may live in supported accommodation or receive additional help with daily living skills; 3= Voices cause severe disruption to life so that hospitalisation is usually necessary. The patient is able to maintain some daily activities, self-care and relationships whilst in hospital. The patient may also be in supported accommodation but experiencing severe disruption of life in terms of activities daily living skills and/or relationships; 4 =Voices cause complete disruption of daily life requiring hospitalisation. The patient in unable to maintain any daily activities and social relationships. Self-care is also severely disrupted.
Query ahrs_13 Integer Recommended Controllability of voices. - Do you think you have any control over when your voices happen? - Can you dismiss or bring on your voices? 0::4 0= Subject believes they can have control over their voices and can always bring on or dismiss them at will; 1= Subject believes they can have some control over the voices on the majority of occasions; 2= Subject believes they can have some control over their voices approximately half of the time; 3 =Subject believes they can have some control over their voices but only occasionally. The majority of time the subject experiences voices which are uncontrollable; 4 Subject has no control over when the voices occur and cannot dismiss or bring them on at all.
Query ahrs_14 Integer Recommended Number of Voices. How many different voices have you heard over the last week? ahrs4
Query ahrs_15 Integer Recommended Form of voices. 1st person 0;1 0=No; 1= Yes
Query ahrs_16 Integer Recommended Form of voices. 1st person, number
Query ahrs_17 Integer Recommended Form of voices. 2nd person 0;1 0=No; 1= Yes
Query ahrs_18 Integer Recommended Form of voices. 2nd person, number
Query ahrs_19 Integer Recommended Form of voices. 3rd person 0;1 0=No; 1= Yes
Query ahrs_20 Integer Recommended Form of voices. 3rd person, number
Query ahrs_21 Integer Recommended Single words or phrases 0;1 0=No; 1= Yes
Query ahrs_22 Integer Recommended Single words or phrases, number
Query study_condition Integer Recommended Study condition to which participant was assigned 1::7 1 = Cognitive remediation; 2 = Comparison condition; 3 = Other; 4= treatment as usual; 5= Computers first; 6= CRT first; 7=SCIT
Query time_point Integer Recommended Assessment time point 1=Baseline (STARD); 2=Level exit (STARD); 3= Quarterly follow up (STARD);5= Screening; 10= Baseline; 21, 22, 23 = Mid-point 1, 2, 3; 30= End-of-treatment; 41, 42, 43= Follow-up1, 2, 3 etc.; 601 = 6 Month Reassessment ; 602 = 12 Month Reassessment ; 603 = 18 Month Reassessment
Query days_baseline Integer Recommended Days since baseline date
ahrs1 Integer Recommended Frequency. How often do the voices occur? 0::9 0 = Stopped; 1 = Rare (1-5 times per 24h); 2 = Occasional (6-10 times per hour); 3 = Occasional (1-2 times per hour); 4= Frequent (approximately 3-6 times per hour); 5 = Frequent (7-10 times per hour); 6= Very Frequent (11-20 time per hour) 7= Very Frequent; (21-50 times per hour); 8 = Rapid (1 per minute); 9 = Relatively uninterrupted
ahrs2 Integer Recommended Reality. How real do the voices seem to you? 0::5 0 = Indistinguishable from own thoughts; 1 = Imaginary; 2 = Vague; 3 = Dreamlike; 4 = Somewhat real; 5 = Very real
ahrs3 Integer Recommended Loudness. On average, how loud is the predominant voice? 0::5 0 = Too faint to be heard properly; 1 = Whispered but clear; 2 = Soft; 3 = Normal speaking voice; 4 = Loud; 5 = Yelling or screaming
ahrs5 Integer Recommended Length. How extensive is the content of the predominant voice? 0::4 0 = No words heard; 1 = Single words; 2 = Phrases; 3 = Whole sentences; 4 = Multiple sentences
ahrs6 Integer Recommended Attentional Salience. To what degree do the voices alter what you think, feel, and do? 1::7 1 = Doesn't affect me at all; 2 = Distracts me occasionally; 3 = I am briefly distracted by the voice when it occurs; 4 = I mostly have to pay attention to the voice when I hear it; 5 = When I hear a voice it often alters what I do, say, and think; 6 = When I hear a voice it completely alters what I do, say, and think (talking back, laughing, etc.); 7 = The only thing that is important and I pay attention to is my voices
ahrs_11alt Integer Recommended Intensity of distress. When voices are distressing, how distressing are they? - Do they cause you minimal, moderate, severe distress? - Are they the most distressing they have ever been? 1::5 1 = Voices not distressing at all; 2 = Voices mildly distressing; 3 = Voices are moderately distressing; 4= Voices sometimes produce significant anxiety; 5 =Voices often produce significant anxiety or fear
Data Structure

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  • Element Name: This is the standard element name
  • Data Type: Which type of data this element is, e.g. String, Float, File location.
  • Size: If applicable, the character limit of this element
  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
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