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Consumer Satisfaction Survey

1,872 Shared Subjects

Clinical Assessments
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Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR*
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project newid, patid, pid, record_id
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY client_date
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender, sex
Query asstyp Integer Recommended Assessment type 1::20 1=TADS GATE A; 2=TADS GATE B; 3 = TADS Gate C; 4 = TADS Week 6; 5 = TADS Week 12; 6 = TADS Week 18; 7 = TADS Week 24; 8 = TADS Week 30; 9 = TADS Week 36; 10 = TADS F/U Mo 3; 11 = TADS F/U Mo 6; 12 = TADS F/U Mo 9; 13 = TADS F/U Mo 12; 14 = SOFTAD month 6; 15 = SOFTAD month 12; 16 = SOFTAD month 18; 17 = SOFTAD month 24; 18 = SOFTAD month 30; 19 = SOFTAD month 36; 20 = SOFTAD month 42
Query stage Integer Recommended Study stage
0::5; 51::53; 67; -888; -999
0 = Pre-Randomization (TADS) 1 = Stage 1 (TADS) 2 = Stage 2 (TADS) 3 = Stage 3 (TADS) 4 = Stage 4 (TADS) 5 = Stage 5 (SOFTAD); 51=Treatmentas Usual; 52=Screening Alone; 53=Intervention; 67=Unknown; -888=Not Applicable; -999=Missing;
Query bsit0 Float Recommended Weeks from Time 0/baseline to assessment csqat0, csqpt0
Query dsmvers String 10 Recommended version/name of assessment
Query csqa1 Integer Recommended Question 1: The interest and concern that my doctor has shown for me/my child has been: 1::7 1 = Poor 2 = Fair 3 = Slightly Below Average 4 = Average 5 = Slightly Above Average 6 = High 7 = Superior csqp1
Query csqa2 Integer Recommended Question 2: Thinking about the quality of care, how well has your/your child doctor been in treating you/your child? 1::7 1 = Poor 2 = Fair 3 = Slightly Below Average 4 = Average 5 = Slightly Above Average 6 = High 7 = Superior csqp2
Query csqa3 Integer Recommended Question 3: How hard was it to do the questionnaires and interviews for the study? 1::7 1 = Very Hard 2 = Hard 3 = A Little Hard 4 = Neutral 5 = Slightly Easy 6 = Easy 7 = Very Easy csqp3
Query csqa4 Integer Recommended Question 4: How hard was it to do the tasks the therapist/doctor asked you to do? 1::7 1 = Very Hard 2 = Hard 3 = A Little Hard 4 = Neutral 5 = Slightly Easy 6 = Easy 7 = Very Easy csqp4
Query csqp5 Integer Recommended Question 5: The length or duration of the treatment program that my child received was: 1::7 1 = Much Too Short 2 = Too Short 3 = Slightly Too Short 4 = Appropriate 5 = Slightly Too Long 6 = Too Long 7 = Much Too Long
Query csqa5a Integer Recommended Question 5a: Were the individual treatment sessions: 1::7 1 = Much Too Short 2 = Too Short 3 = Slightly Too Short 4 = Appropriate 5 = Slightly Too Long 6 = Too Long 7 = Much Too Long csqp7
Query csqa5b Integer Recommended Question 5b: Was the total length of the treatment you received: 1::7 1 = Much Too Short 2 = Too Short 3 = Slightly Too Short 4 = Appropriate 5 = Slightly Too Long 6 = Too Long 7 = Much Too Long csqp6
Query csqa6 Integer Recommended Question 6: Do you think other patients who are depressed should get this treatment? 1::7 1 = Definitely Not 2 = Probably Not 3 = Maybe Not 4 = Neutral 5 = Maybe 6 = Probably 7 = Definitely csqp8
Query csqa7 Integer Recommended Question 7: How happy are you with the treatment you/your child received? 1::7 1 = Very Unhappy 2 = Unhappy 3 = Slightly Unhappy 4 = Neutral 5 = Slightly Happy 6 = Happy 7 = Very Happy csqp9
Query csqa8 Integer Recommended Question 8: The problems that made me/my child want to start treatment are now: 1::7 1 = Much Worse 2 = Worse 3 = Slightly Worse 4 = The Same 5 = A Little Better 6 = Better 7 = A Lot Better csqp10
Query csqa9 Integer Recommended Question 9: How happy are you with how much treatment helped you/your child? 1::7 1 = Very Unhappy 2 = Unhappy 3 = Slightly Unhappy 4 = Neutral 5 = Slightly Happy 6 = Happy 7 = Very Happy csqp11
Query csqa10 Integer Recommended Question 10: Before starting treatment, the way I thought about my future/my child future was: 1::7 1 = Very Negative 2 = Negative 3 = Slightly Negative 4 = Neutral 5 = Slightly Positive 6 = Positive 7 = Very Positive csqp12
Query csqa11 Integer Recommended Question 11: Now, the way I think about my future/my child future is: 1::7 1 = Very Negative 2 = Negative 3 = Slightly Negative 4 = Neutral 5 = Slightly Positive 6 = Positive 7 = Very Positive csqp13
Query visit String 60 Recommended Visit name timept
Query visday Integer Recommended Number of days from study baseline to date of visit csdays, daypsq
Query truncvis Integer Recommended Truncated Visit Number Created variable: provides a numeric visit number for all visits, including unscheduled and end of phase
Query psq1 Integer Recommended C: How would you rate the quality of care you have received? P: How would you rate the quality of care your child has received? 1::4 1 = Poor; 2 = Fair; 3 = Good; 4 = Excellent csq8_01, end_6, eos_1
Query psq2 Integer Recommended C: Did you get the kind of help you wanted? P: Did you get the kind of help you wanted for your child? 1::4 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, not really; 3 = Yes, generally; 4 = Yes, definitely; csq8_02, end_7, eos_2
Query psq3 Integer Recommended C: To what extent has the program met your needs? P: To what extent has the program met your child's needs? 1::4 1 = None of my (child's) needs have been met; 2 = Only a few of my (child's) needs have been met; 3 = Most of my (child's) needs have been met; 4 = Almost all of my (child's) needs have been met cs1, csq8_03, end_8, eos_3
Query psq4 Integer Recommended C: If a friend were in need of similar help, would you recommend the program to him her? P: If a friend's child were in need of similar help, would you recommend the program to him her? 1::4 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, not really; 3 = Yes, generally; 4 = Yes, definitely csq8_04, end_9, eos_4
Query psq5 Integer Recommended C: How satisfied are you with the amount of help you have received? P: How satisfied are you with the amount of help your child has received? 1::4 1 = Quite dissatisfied; 2 = Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied; 3 = Mostly satisfied; 4 = Very satisfied csq8_05, end_10, eos_5
Query psq6 Integer Recommended C: Has the help you have received helped you to deal more effectively with your problems? P: Has the help your child received helped your child to deal more effectively with his her problems? 1::4 1 = No, they seemed to make things worse; 2 = No, they really didn't help; 3 = Yes, they helped somewhat; 4 = Yes, they helped a great deal csq8_06, end_11, eos_6
Query psq7 Integer Recommended C: In an overall, general sense, how satisfied are you with the help you have received? P: In an overall, general sense, how satisfied are you with the help your child has received? 1::4 1 = Quite dissatisfied; 2 = Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied; 3 = Mostly satisfied; 4 = Very satisfied cs2, csq8_07, csq_2, end_12, eos_7
Query psq8 Integer Recommended C: If you were to seek help again, would you come back to our program? P: If you were to seek help again for your child, would you come back to our program? 1::4 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, I don't think so; 3 = Yes, I think so; 4 = Yes, definitely cs3, csq8_08, end_13, eos_8
Query respondent String 20 Recommended Respondent
respondent_other String 50 Recommended FIGS Y1: Respondent other than mother or father
Query respondent_other_specify String 50 Recommended Respondent: Other (specify)
Query site String 101 Recommended Site Study Site
Query meancs Float Recommended Mean of Consumer Satisfaction
Query aescode Integer Recommended Staff code number of person completing this form 999= Missing Data assigned_counselor, client_interviewer
Query icfwoths String 250 Recommended Reason ICF Withdrawn: Other text withdraw_reason
Query i_group String 3 Recommended Treatment Assignment
TAU = Treatment As Usual; SPI = Suicide Prevention Intervention condition
Query withdrawal Integer Recommended Withdrawal by participant post-randomization 1::3 1 = stopped treatment but continued assessments & chart reviews ; 2 = stopped assessments but continued chart reviews ; 3 = stopped assessments and chart reviews
Query withdrawn_type String 10 Recommended Has the participant withdrawn post-randomization from assessments? Chart review? Treatment? 1 = assessments; 2 = chart review; 3 = treatment withdrawn
Query spi_session Integer Recommended If withdrawn from study: immediate treatment history 1;2 1 = Received in-jail session; 2 = Received at least ONE post-release SPI session
Query withdrawn___1 Integer Recommended Has the participant withdrawn post-randomization from: Assessments? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query withdrawn___2 Integer Recommended Has the participant withdrawn post-randomization from: Chart Review? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query withdrawn___3 Integer Recommended Has the participant withdrawn post-randomization from: Treatment? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query satis1 Integer Recommended Please rate how helpful you think the FER Assistant is for you personally 1::10 1 = Not at all helpful; 5 = Somewhat helpful; 10 = Very helpful
Query satis2 Integer Recommended Did you learn anything during the intervention? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query satis2_describe String 200 Recommended If you have learned from the intervention, then briefly describe
Query satis3 Integer Recommended How easy was it to interact with the FER Assistant? 1::10 1 = Not easy/Very hard; 5 = A little easy; 10 = Very easy
Query satis4 Integer Recommended How fun or enjoyable was your experience with the FER Assistant? 1::10 1 = Not at all fun; 5 = Somewhat fun; 10 = Very fun
Query satis5_helpful String 500 Recommended Please write down anything that you found especially useful or helpful from the program
Query satis5_unhelpful String 500 Recommended Please write down anything that you found especially unhelpful from the program
Query satis5_recommend String 500 Recommended To improve the FER Assistant, I would recommend [please let us know if there is anything we should change or do more/less of]
comments_misc String 4,000 Recommended Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data csq8_comments, csq_comments
dode String 10 Recommended Date of Data Entry client_entered
Query csq01 Integer Recommended To what extent has the study therapist met your needs? 1::4 1 = None of my needs have been met ; 2 = Some of my needs have been met ; 3 = Most of my needs have been met ; 4 = Almost all of my needs have been met csq_1
Query csq03 Integer Recommended If you were to seek help again, would you come back to the study therapist you are currently seeing? 1::4 1 = No, Definitely not ; 2 = No, I don't think so ; 3 = Yes, I think so ; 4 = Yes, Definitely csq_3
Query intent_1 Integer Recommended How likely is it that you will attend the next assessment session? 0::10 0=Not at all;1-3=Mildly;4-6=Moderately;7-9=Markedly;10=Extremely
Query csq04 Integer Recommended If a friend were in need of similar help, would you recommend your therapist to him or her? 1::4 1 = No, definitely not; 2 = No, I don't think so; 3 = Yes, I think so; 4 = Yes, definitely
Query casq_1 Integer Recommended The MAIN problems that I wanted help with have improved. / Parent: The MAIN problems that I wanted my child treated for have improved 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_2 Integer Recommended OTHER problems that I had before coming here for therapy have improved. / Parent: OTHER problems that my child had have improved 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_3 Integer Recommended I am happy with what I have learned and my progress in therapy. / Parent: I am happy with my child's progress in treatment 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_4 Integer Recommended My treatment has improved other parts of my life (e.g. family relationships, my relationships with my friends, my own mood). / Parent: My child's treatment has improved other parts of my life (e.g., family relationships, my own mood) 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_5 Integer Recommended I know what to do if my problems get worse or bother me again. / Parent: I know what to do if my child's problems get worse or come back again 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_6 Integer Recommended My therapist has explained what we are doing in counseling. / Parent: My child's therapist has explained Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to me. 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_7 Integer Recommended I understand how Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works. / Parent: I understand how Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_8 Integer Recommended My parents have been included in counseling. They talk with the therapist and have sessions with me. / Parent: I have felt included in my child's treatment. 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_9 Integer Recommended My therapist has listened to my thoughts, worries, and concerns. / Parent: My therapist has listened to my thoughts and concerns about my child. 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_10 Integer Recommended My therapist knows how to help me. / Parent: My child's therapist knows how to help my child. 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_11 Integer Recommended If a friend needed the same kind of help, I would tell them to come here. / Parent: I would recommend this treatment to a friend who had a child in the same situtation. 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
Query casq_12 Integer Recommended Overall, I am happy with the therapy I got here. / Parent: Overall, I am satisfied with my child's treatment 1::5 1 = Very much false; 2 = Mostly false; 3 = Both true & false; 4 = Mostly true; 5 = Very much true
casq_13 String 300 Recommended What were the MOST HELPFUL parts of your therapy? / Parent: What were the MOST HELPFUL parts of your child's treatment?
casq_14 String 100 Recommended What were the parts of counseling you liked the LEAST? / Parent: What were the LEAST HELPFUL parts of your child's treatment?
casq_15 String 300 Recommended How could we make the counseling experience better? Please list your suggestions/thoughts: / Parent: Do you have any suggestions about improving this treatment? If so, please describe.
eos_11 Integer Recommended Did you complete a safety plan with a SPIRIT study counselor either in jail or over the phone as part of the study? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
eos_12 Integer Recommended Have you used substances since you started the SPIRIT study? Note: RA can use information from the AUDIT/DUDIT to complete this question. 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
eos_13 Integer Recommended During times when you were drunk or high, did you remember that you had a safety plan? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
eos_14 Integer Recommended During times when you were drunk or high, did you use your safety plan? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
eos_15 String 300 Recommended If you used your safety plan during times when you were drunk or high, how did you use it?
eos_16 String 300 Recommended If you did not use your safety plan during times when you were drunk or high, why didn't you use it?
eos_17 Integer Recommended When you were not intoxicated on drugs or alcohol, did you remember that you had a safety plan? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
eos_18 Integer Recommended Did you use your safety plan when you were not intoxicated? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
eos_19 String 300 Recommended If you used your safety plan when you were not intoxicated, how did you use it?
eos_20 String 300 Recommended If you did not use your safety plan when you were not intoxicated, why didn't you use it?
ref_child_id String 50 Recommended Referencing Child ID how it is defined in lab/project
Data Structure

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  • Element Name: This is the standard element name
  • Data Type: Which type of data this element is, e.g. String, Float, File location.
  • Size: If applicable, the character limit of this element
  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
  • For valid elements with shared data, on the far left is a Filter button you can use to view a summary of shared data for that element and apply a query filter to your Cart based on selected value ranges

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  • Use the search bar to filter the elements displayed. This will not filter on the Size of Required columns
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