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Physical and Neurological Exam

323 Shared Subjects

Clinical Assessments
Phys Exam
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Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR*
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender
Query skin_abnorm String 10 Recommended Any other skin abnormalities? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known anyotherskinabnormalities
skin_abnorm_spec String 700 Recommended Any other skin abnormalities If yes specify anyotherskinabnormalitiesifyes
Query cran_nerv String 10 Recommended Are the cranial nerves normal (do face, tongue and palate move normally)? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known arecranialnervesnormal
cran_nerv_spec String 200 Recommended Are the cranial nerves normal If no specify arecranialnervesnormalifnospec
Query ref_abnorm String 15 Recommended Are reflexes DTR abnormal Yes; No; Unknown arereflexesabnormal
Query ref_abnorm_leftarm String 25 Recommended Are reflexes DTR abnormal Left Arm Increased w/ Clonus; Increased w/o Clonus; Hypoactive; Absent; Not applicable arereflexesabnormalleftarm
Query ref_abnorm_leftleg String 25 Recommended Are reflexes DTR abnormal Left Leg Increased w/ Clonus; Increased w/o Clonus; Hypoactive; Absent; Not applicable arereflexesabnormalleftleg
Query ref_abnorm_rightarm String 25 Recommended Are reflexes DTR abnormal Right Arm Increased w/ Clonus; Increased w/o Clonus; Hypoactive; Absent; Not applicable arereflexesabnormalrightarm
Query ref_abnorm_rightleg String 25 Recommended Are reflexes DTR abnormal Right Leg Increased w/ Clonus; Increased w/o Clonus; Hypoactive; Absent; Not applicable arereflexesabnormalrightleg
Query eye_mov String 10 Recommended Are the eye movements full and symmetric? Yes;No;NK aretheeyemovementsfullandsymme
Query teeth_abnormal String 15 Recommended Are there abnormalities of the teeth Yes; No; Unknown arethereabnormalitiesteeth
Query teeth_abnormal_op String 100 Recommended Abnormalities of the teeth Gingival fibromas; Dental pits; Malocclusion; Other arethereabnormalitie_dentalpits
teeth_abnormal_otr String 200 Recommended Are there abnormalities of the teeth If yes what are they Check all that apply If Other specify arethereabnormalitiesteethifye2
Query limb_abnor String 10 Recommended Are there any digital abnormalities (extra or missing fingers or toes)? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known arethereanydigitalabnormalitie
Query limb_abnor_det Integer Recommended If yes, what findings? 1::5 1 = Extra fingers; 2 = Missing fingers; 3= Extra toes; 4 = Missing toes; 5 = Fused digits arethereanydigitalab_extrafinger
Query neuro_involunmove String 50 Recommended Are there any involuntary movements? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known arethereinvoluntarymovements
neuro_involunmovedesc String 255 Recommended Involuntary Movement - Describe arethereinvoluntarymovementsif
Query limb_joint_loos String 10 Recommended Are joints excessively loose? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known aretherejointcontractures
Query medprob_ear String 50 Recommended Ears: Is there any known abnormality in this area? No;Yes;NK NK = Not known doearsappearabnormal
rev_earabdesc String 255 Recommended Ext. Ear Abnormalities: Abnormalities doearsappearabnormalifyeshowth2
Query ear_ab_type String 100 Recommended If yes, how do they appear? Cupped; Prominent; Lowset; Tags doearsappearabnormal_cupped
Query jaw_ab String 10 Recommended Does the jaw appear abnormal? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known doesjawappearabnormal
jaw_ab_otr String 255 Recommended Does the jaw appear abnormal specify ifyesanycorrectionifyeswhatkin2
Query eye_correct Integer Recommended If yes, is there any correction/what kind? 1::3 1=Glasses or Corrective lens; 2=Surgery; 3=Both ifyesanycorrectionif_glasses
Query ishearingabnormal String 15 Recommended Is hearing abnormal Yes; No; Unknown
Query muscle_streng String 10 Recommended Is muscle strength abnormal? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known ismusclestrengthabnormal
Query muscle_streng_det Integer Recommended If yes, what findings 1::3 1 = Generalized weakness; 2 = Focal weakness; 3 = Both ismusclestrengthabno_focalweakne
Query neck_webbed String 50 Recommended Is the neck short and/or webbed? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known isneckshortwebbed
Query sens_exam String 10 Recommended Is sensory exam normal? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known issensoryexamabnormal
sens_exam_spec String 255 Recommended Sensory exam specified issensoryexamabnormalifyes
Query genit_exam String 10 Recommended Is the genital exam abnormal? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known isthegenitalexamabnormal
Query genit_exam_spec Integer Recommended If yes, what findings? 1::6 1 = Hypospadias; 2 = Cryptorchidism; 3 = Enlarged testicles; 4 = Micropenis; 5 = Hypoplastic labia; 6=other isthegenitalexamabno_cryptorchid
genit_exam_spec_otr String 50 Recommended Is the genital exam abnormal specify
Query head_shape String 50 Recommended Abnormal head shape Yes;No;NE;_BLANK_ NE = Not examined isthereabnormalheadshape
head_desc String 255 Recommended Abnormal Head Shape - Describe isthereabnormalheadshapeifyess
Query iris_ab_any String 15 Recommended Is there any abnormality of the iris Yes; No; Unknown isthereanyabnormalityoftheiris
Query eyes_irispattern String 100 Recommended Iris Patterning Brushfield Spots;Coloboma;Lisch Nodules;Fine/Porous;Heterochromasia;Stellate;Pale Blue;None;NE NE = Not examined isthereanyabnormalit_brushfields
iris_ab_other String 255 Recommended Is there any abnormality of the iris Other irisabnormalother
Query eye_retinal_ab String 100 Recommended Retinal Abnormality Retinal Hamartoma; Retinal Achromic Patch; Other isthereanyabnormalit_othe2
Query retina_abnor String 15 Recommended Is there any abnormality of the retinafundoscopy Yes; No; Unknown isthereanyabnormalityofretina
retina_abnor_spec String 50 Recommended Is there any abnormality of the retinafundoscopy other spec isthereanyabnormalityofretinai2
Query hypotonia Integer Recommended Does (did) the Child have Hypotonia (low muscle tone)? 0;1;2 0 = No; 1 = Yes; 2 = Not known isthereanyevidencehypotonia
hypotonia_append String 100 Recommended Is there any evidence of hypotonia low muscle tone Appendicular specify isthereanyevidencehypotoniaapp
hypotonia_axial String 50 Recommended Is there any evidence of hypotonia low muscle tone Axial specify isthereanyevidencehypotoniaaxi
Query hypertonia Integer Recommended Does (did) the Child have Hypertonia (tight muscle tone)? 0;1;2 0 = No; 1 = Yes; 2 = Not known isthereanyevidencehypertonia
hypertonia_append String 50 Recommended Is there any evidence of hypertonia increased muscle tone Appendicular specify isthereanyevidencehypertoniaap
hypertonia_axial String 50 Recommended Is there any evidence of hypertonia increased muscle tone Axial specify isthereanyevidencehypertoniaax
Query abdomen_hepatom String 50 Recommended Is there evidence of hepato(spleno)megaly (large liver or spleen)? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known isthereevidencehepatosplenomeg
abdomen_hepatom_spec String 50 Recommended Is there evidence of hepatosplenomegaly large liver or spleen Other specify isthereevidencehepatosplenomeg2
Query gait_atax String 10 Recommended Is there evidence of poor coordination or gait ataxia (difficulty walking straight)? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known isthereevidenceofpoorcoordinat
Query gait_atax_spec String 100 Recommended Evidence of poor coordination or gait type Apraxic Gait; Hemiparetic Gait-Left Side; Diplegic Gait; Hemiparetic Gait-Right Side; Parkinsonian Gait; Ataxic Gait; Other isthereevidenceofpoo_apraxicgait
gait_atax_spec_otr String 100 Recommended Is there evidence of poor coordination or gait ataxia difficulty walking straight If yes specify Check all that apply If Other specify isthereevidenceofpoorcoordinat3
Query head_faciala String 50 Recommended Facial Asymmetry Yes;No;NK NK = Not known istherefacialasymmetry
Query head_faciala_cor String 15 Recommended Is there any facial asymmetry If yes is there any correction Yes; No istherefacialasymmetryifyesany
Query cardio_murmur String 50 Recommended Is there a heart murmur or abnormal heart examination? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known isthereheartmurmur
dysm_heart_murm_desc String 50 Recommended Heart - Murmur - Comments abnormalheartspecify
Query eyes_nystagmus String 50 Recommended Nystagmus Yes;No;NK NK = Not known istherenystagmus
Query neck_pect String 10 Recommended Is there a pectus deformity (breastbone scooped in or prominent)? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known istherepectusdeformity
Query eyes_ptosis String 50 Recommended Ptosis Yes;No;NK NK = Not known isthereptosis
Query neck_scoliosis String 50 Recommended Is there scoliosis (curvature of the spine)? Yes;No;NK NK = Not known istherescoliosis
eyes_strabismus String 50 Recommended Strabismus Yes; No; NK (not known/not examined) istherestrabismus
Query isvisionabnormal String 15 Recommended Is vision abnormal Yes; No; Unknown
Query isbalancenormal String 15 Recommended Is balance normal Yes; No; Unknown
Query isbalancenormalyes String 25 Recommended Is balance normal If yes Cerebellar signs; Long track signs
Query leftplantarresponse String 25 Recommended Are reflexes DTR abnormal Left Plantar Response Flexor; Extensor; Equivocal; Other
leftplantarresponseother String 50 Recommended Left Plantar Response Other specify
pectusdeformityspecify String 50 Recommended Is there a pectus deformity breastbone scooped in or prominent If yes specify
Query rightplantarresponse String 25 Recommended Are reflexes DTR abnormal Right Plantar Response Flexor; Extensor; Equivocal; Other
rightplantarresponseother String 50 Recommended Right Plantar Response Other specify
Query muscallesions String 3 Recommended Are there any oral mucosal lesions Yes; No; NK
muscallesionsyesother String 100 Recommended Are there any oral mucosal lesions, specify
Query muscallesionsyes_other Integer Recommended Mucosal lesions Yes: Other 0;1 0=unchecked box; 1=checked box
Query muscallesionsyes_papillomas Integer Recommended Mucosal lesions Yes: Papillomas 0;1 0=unchecked box; 1=checked box
Query muscallesionsyes_scrotaltongue Integer Recommended Mucosal lesions Yes: Scrotal tongue 0;1 0=unchecked box; 1=checked box
Data Structure

This page displays the data structure defined for the measure identified in the title and structure short name. The table below displays a list of data elements in this structure (also called variables) and the following information:

  • Element Name: This is the standard element name
  • Data Type: Which type of data this element is, e.g. String, Float, File location.
  • Size: If applicable, the character limit of this element
  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
  • For valid elements with shared data, on the far left is a Filter button you can use to view a summary of shared data for that element and apply a query filter to your Cart based on selected value ranges

At the top of this page you can also:

  • Use the search bar to filter the elements displayed. This will not filter on the Size of Required columns
  • Download a copy of this definition in CSV format
  • Download a blank CSV submission template prepopulated with the correct structure header rows ready to fill with subject records and upload

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