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ABCD Parent Family Environment Scale-Family Conflict Subscale Modified from PhenX (FES)

0 Shared Subjects

Family dynamics, cohesion, expressiveness, conflict
Clinical Assessments
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Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR*
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month.
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth M;F; O; NR M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender
eventname String 60 Recommended The event name for which the data was collected
Query fam_enviro1_p Integer Recommended We fight a lot in our family. /Peleamos mucho en nuestra familia. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa fes_youth_q1
Query fam_enviro2r_p Integer Recommended Family members rarely become openly angry. /Los miembros de la familia raramente se enojan abiertamente. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa fes_youth_q2
Query fam_enviro3_p Integer Recommended Family members sometimes get so angry they throw things./ Los miembros de la familia algunas veces se enojan tanto que avientan cosas. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa fes_3_p, fes_youth_q3
Query fam_enviro4r_p Integer Recommended Family members hardly ever lose their tempers. /Los miembros de la familia dificilmente pierden su temperamento. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa fes_4r_p, fes_youth_q4
Query fam_enviro5_p Integer Recommended Family members often criticize each other. /Los miembros de la familia con frecuencia se critican unos a otros. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa fes_5_p, fes_youth_q5
Query fam_enviro6_p Integer Recommended Family members sometimes hit each other./ Los miembros de la familia algunas veces se golpean unos a otros. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa fes_youth_q6
Query fam_enviro7r_p Integer Recommended If there is a disagreement in our family, we try hard to smooth things over and keep the peace. /Si hay un desacuerdo en nuestra familia, hacemos todo lo posible por resolverlo y conservar la paz. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa fes_youth_q7
Query fam_enviro8_p Integer Recommended Family members often try to one-up or outdo each other./ Los miembros de la familia con frecuencia tratan de superar a los demás. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa fes_8_p, fes_youth_q8
Query fam_enviro9r_p Integer Recommended In our family, we believe you don't ever get anywhere by raising your voice. /En nuestra familia, creemos que no se llega a nada levantando la voz. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa fes_youth_q9
Query fam_enviro_select_language___1 Integer Required ¿Español? (1, Sí) 0 ; 1 0 = No; 1 = Yes fes_select_language_p
fes_16r_p Integer Recommended We rarely go to lectures, plays, or concerts.Rara vez vamos a conferencias, obras de teatro o conciertos. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_17_p Integer Recommended Friends often come over for dinner or to visit.Los amigos a menudo vienen a cenar o a visitarnos. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_19_p Integer Recommended We are generally very neat and orderly.Por lo general, somos muy pulcros y ordenados. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_21_p Integer Recommended We put a lot of energy into what we do at home.Ponemos mucha energ?a en lo que hacemos en casa. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_22_p Integer Recommended It's hard to blow off steam at home without upsetting somebody.Es dif?cil desahogarse en casa sin que alguien se moleste. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_26_p Integer Recommended Learning about new and different things is very important in our family.Aprender cosas nuevas y diferentes es muy importante en nuestra familia. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_27r_p Integer Recommended Nobody in our family is active in sports, Little League, bowling, etc.Nadie en nuestra familia practica deportes, ni juega en las peque?as ligas, a los bolos, etc. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_29r_p Integer Recommended It's often hard to find things when we need them in our household.A menudo, es dif?cil encontrar cosas cuando las necesitamos en nuestra casa. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_31_p Integer Recommended There is a feeling of togetherness in our family.Hay un sentimiento de uni?n en nuestra familia. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_32_p Integer Recommended We tell each other about our personal problems.Nos contamos nuestros problemas personales. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_36r_p Integer Recommended We are not that interested in cultural activities.No nos interesan mucho las actividades culturales. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_37_p Integer Recommended We often go to the movies, sports events, camping, etc.A menudo vamos al cine, a eventos deportivos, a acampar, etc. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_39_p Integer Recommended Being on time is very important in our family.Ser puntuales es muy importante en nuestra familia. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_41r_p Integer Recommended We rarely volunteer when something has to be done at home.Rara vez nos ofrecemos como voluntarios cuando hay algo que hacer en casa. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_42_p Integer Recommended If we feel like doing something on the spur of the moment we often just pick up and go.Si nos entran ganas de hacer algo de improviso, a menudo vamos y lo hacemos. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_46r_p Integer Recommended We rarely have intellectual discussions.Rara vez tenemos conversaciones intelectuales. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_47_p Integer Recommended Everyone in our family has a hobby or two.Todos en nuestra familia tienen un pasatiempo o dos. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_49r_p Integer Recommended People change their minds often in our family.En nuestra familia las personas cambian de opini?n con frecuencia. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_51_p Integer Recommended Family members really back each other up.Los miembros de la familia realmente se apoyan unos a otros. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_52r_p Integer Recommended Someone usually gets upset if you complain in our family.Si una persona se queja en nuestra familia, normalmente alguien se molesta. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_1_p Integer Recommended Family members really help and support one another. Los miembros de la familia realmente se ayudan y apoyan unos a otros. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_56_p Integer Recommended Someone in our family plays a musical instrument.Alguien en nuestra familia toca un instrumento musical. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_57r_p Integer Recommended Family members are not very involved in recreational activities outside work or school.Los miembros de la familia no est?n muy involucrados en actividades recreativas fuera del trabajo o de la escuela. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_59_p Integer Recommended Family members make sure their rooms are neat.Los miembros de la familia se aseguran de que sus habitaciones est?n ordenadas. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_61r_p Integer Recommended There is very little group spirit in our family.Hay muy poco ?nimo de mantenernos en equipo en nuestra familia. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_62_p Integer Recommended Money and paying bills is openly talked about in our family.En nuestra familia se habla abiertamente del dinero y del pago de las cuentas. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_66_p Integer Recommended Family members often go to the library.Los miembros de la familia con frecuencia van a la biblioteca. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_67_p Integer Recommended Family members sometimes attend courses or take lessons for some hobby or interest (outside of school).Los miembros de la familia a veces asisten a cursos o toman clases para alg?n pasatiempo o inter?s (fuera de la escuela). 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_69_p Integer Recommended Each person's duties are clearly defined in our family.En nuestra familia, las obligaciones de cada persona est?n claramente definidas. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_71_p Integer Recommended We really get along well with each other.Realmente nos llevamos bien entre nosotros. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_72r_p Integer Recommended We are usually careful about what we say to each other.Normalmente tenemos cuidado con lo que nos decimos los unos a los otros. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_2r_p Integer Recommended Family members often keep their feelings to themselves. Los miembros de la familia a menudo guardan sus sentimientos para s? mismos. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_76r_p Integer Recommended Watching TV is more important than reading in our family.En nuestra familia ver la televisi?n es m?s importante que leer. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_77_p Integer Recommended Family members go out a lot.Los miembros de la familia salen mucho. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_79r_p Integer Recommended Money is not handled very carefully in our family.En nuestra familia el dinero no se maneja con mucho cuidado. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_81_p Integer Recommended There is plenty of time and attention for everyone in our family.En nuestra familia todos reciben mucho tiempo y atenci?n. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_82_p Integer Recommended There are a lot of spontaneous discussions in our family.Hay muchas conversaciones espont?neas en nuestra familia. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_86_p Integer Recommended Family members really like music, art and literature.A los miembros de la familia les gusta mucho la m?sica, el arte y la literatura. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_87r_p Integer Recommended Our main form of entertainment is watching TV or listening to the radio.Nuestra principal forma de entretenimiento es ver la televisi?n o escuchar la radio. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_89_p Integer Recommended Dishes are usually done immediately after eating.Por lo general, los platos se lavan inmediatamente despu?s de comer. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_6_p Integer Recommended We often talk about political and social problems.A menudo hablamos de problemas pol?ticos y sociales. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_7r_p Integer Recommended We spend most weekends and evenings at home.Pasamos la mayor?a de los fines de semana y las noches en casa. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_9_p Integer Recommended Activities in our family are pretty carefully planned.Las actividades en nuestra familia se planean cuidadosamente. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
fes_11r_p Integer Recommended We often seem to be killing time at home.A menudo parece que estamos matando el tiempo en casa. 0 ; 1 0 = True /Verdadera; 1 = False/ Falsa
fes_12_p Integer Recommended We say anything we want to around home.Decimos lo que queremos en casa. 1 ; 0 1 = True /Verdadera; 0 = False/ Falsa
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  • Size: If applicable, the character limit of this element
  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
  • For valid elements with shared data, on the far left is a Filter button you can use to view a summary of shared data for that element and apply a query filter to your Cart based on selected value ranges

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