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5,693 Shared Subjects

Clinical Assessments
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Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR* candidateguid, guid, pseudo_guid, subject_key
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project case_id, child_id, child_id_full, clinical_barcode, dash_subject_id, demo_study_id, hcpa_id, ibisid, participant_id, participantid, patno, pid, record_id, subject, subject_id
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY assess_date, assessment_date, assessment_dt, bl_visit_date, chrdemo_interview_date, consentdate, consented_study, date_demographics, date_interview_ses, date_taken, demo_date, demo_rpt_date, interviewdate, intvdate, pds_date, pp_date, profile_date, test_date_tele_screen, testing_date, visit_date
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month. age, age_demo, age_months, bslage, ch_age, childs_age, chrdemo_age_mos2, pubc1, pubp1, test_age, total_age_in_months
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth
M;F; O; NR
M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported cbcl_informant_gender, ch_sex, demo_sex, dm1, gender, pds_sex_y, sex, sex_at_brith, sex_dem, sexbirth, sexdesc
Query study_id Integer Recommended Study ID number 46=Acute Phase; 47=Stabilization Phase
Query groups Integer Recommended Group
0=Control; 1=Case arm, condition, group
Query matched_pair String 30 Recommended Matched Pair
Query record_ses_f Integer Recommended Record Status 1::7 1= Done ; 2= Not Done ; 3= Withdrawn ; 4= Skipped/Missing ; 5= Deceased ; 6= Site could not reach subject ; 7= Refused record_status_a
Query ethnicity String 30 Recommended Ethnicity of participant
Hispanic or Latino; Not Hispanic or Latino; Unknown
de05am, demo2, demo_ethnicity, ethn, ethnic, ethnic_category, hispanic, hispanic_par, p_latino, sub_ethnicity
Query race String 30 Recommended Race of study subject
American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported; Other Non-White; Other
demo3, demo_race, demog_04, race_category, race_ethnicity, race_par
ethnic_group String 255 Recommended Ethnic group if_yes_ask_for_clarificati, other_race
Query bio_parent Integer Recommended Are you a biological parent to the child 0;1; -99; 88; 77 0=No; 1=Yes; -99= N/A ; 88= Missing ; 77= Refused
Query bio_parent2 Integer Recommended 6.a. If yes= which parent are you? 1;2;-999 1= Mother ; 2= Father; -999= Missing
Query relationship Integer Recommended Relationship of respondent to individual
1 = Biological mom; 2 = Biological dad; 3 = Grandparent; 4 = Special education (sped) teacher; 5 = General education teacher; 6 = Occupational therapist; 7 = Speech and language therapist; 8 = Behavioral therapist; 9 = Paraprofessional; 10 = Aide; 11 = Principal; 12 = Administrator; 14 = Content teacher; 15 = Parent center director; 16 = Self; 17=Adoptive mother; 18=Adoptive father; 19=Foster mother; 20 = Foster father; 21=Grandmother; 22=Grandfather; 23=Step-mother; 24 = Step-father; 25=Aunt; 26=Uncle; 28=Both parents;31= Grandmother from mother side; 32= Grandfather from mother side; 33= Grandmother from father side; 34= Grandfather from father side; 36= Brother; 37= Sister; 38= Cousin; 39= female caregiver; 40=male caregiver; 41=Female child; 42=Male child; 43=Spouse/Mate; 44=Friend; 45=Parent; 46=Significant other; 47=Sibling; 48=Son/Daughter; 49=Son-in-law/Daughter-in law; 50=Other Relative; 51=Paid caregiver; 52=Friends; 53=Roommate; 54=Supervisor; 55=mother's boyfriend; 56=other parental figure; 57=Summary; 58=counselor ; 59 = other female relative; 60 = other male relative; 61 = non-relative ; 62=Maternal Aunt; 63=Maternal Uncle; 64=Maternal Cousin; 65 = Paternal Aunt; 66=Paternal Uncle; 67=Paternal Cousin ; 68=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Grandmother; 69=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Grandmother; 70=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Grandmother and Foster Father; 71=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Foster Mother; 72=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Foster Mother; 73=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Biological/Adoptive Father; 74=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Biological/Adoptive Father; 75=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Other; 76=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Stepfather; 77=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepfather; 78=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Grandfather; 79=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother and Foster Father; 80=Biological/Adoptive Mother and Stepmother; 81=Guardian, female; 82=Other female; 83=Guardian, male; 84=Other male; 85=Other/Grandparent/Nanny; 86 = Mother, Father, Guardian; 87 = Daughter, son, grandchild; 88 = Professional (e.g., social worker, nurse, therapist, psychiatrist, or group home staff); -999=Missing; 89 = Biological parent; 90=Other; 91 = Stepparent; 92 = Adoptive parent; 93 = Foster parent; 94 = Co-worker
relation_specify String 20 Recommended Relation Other Specify cbcl_informant_relation, demo_completed_by, parent_relationship, parstatus_5_text
Query length_time Integer Recommended 6.b.1. How long have you been the main caregiver for this child? 1::4;-999 1= Less than 1 year ; 2= 1-2 years ; 3= 3 - 4 years ; 4= 5 years or more; -999= Missing
Query record_status_b Integer Recommended Record Status Section B 1::7 1= Done ; 2= Not Done ; 3= Withdrawn ; 4= Skipped/Missing ; 5= Deceased ; 6= Site could not reach subject ; 7= Refused
Query bio_mother_ethnicity String 50 Recommended Biological Mother Ethnicity
Hispanic or Latino;Not Hispanic or Latino; No Answer
de01am, mother_ethnicity
Query bio_mother_race String 150 Recommended Biological Mother Race
American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported
mother_other_race String 50 Recommended Mother Other race (please specify): de01bm
Query acting_mother Integer Recommended 5. Who is the person now acting as (child)'s mother? 1::7;90;-999 1= Biological mother ; 2= Grandmother ; 3= Stepmother ; 4= Aunt ; 5= Sister ; 6= Cousin ; 7= Friend ; 90= Other= specify; -999= Missing
act_mother_specify String 30 Recommended Acting Mother Other= specify
Query bio_mother_education String 75 Recommended Biological Mother Highest level of education Less than High School;High School Degree;GED; Less than 7th Grade; Jr. High School; Some High School; Some College;Associates Degree;Bachelors Degree;Some Graduate Work;Graduate Degree; Never attended school ; Primary/all age/ Jnr. Secondary ; Secondary/High/Technical ; H.E.A.R.T/ Vocational ; Tertiary College/University ; Other tertiary- specify ; Other education-specify;99= D/K ; 77= N/A; 999= Missing mother_edu1
Query mothertert_specify1 String 30 Recommended Mother Other tertiary= specify
motheredu_specify1 String 100 Recommended Mother Other education= specify de010m, demo_mat_edu, educ_m
Query mother_edu2 Integer Recommended 7. What is the highest level of school completed or highest degree completed of the person now acting as the child?s mother? (child) was born? 1::7;77;99;-999 1= Never attended school ; 2= Primary/all age/ Jnr. Secondary ; 3= Secondary/High/Technical ; 4= H.E.A.R.T/ Vocational ; 5= Tertiary College/University ; 6= Other tertiary= specify ; 7= Other education= specify ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
mothertert_specify2 String 20 Recommended Mother Other tertiary= specify
motheredu_specify2 String 20 Recommended Mother Other education= specify
Query bio_father_ethnicity String 50 Recommended Biological Father ethnicity (Hispanic or Latino, Not Hispanic or Latino, No Answer)
Hispanic or Latino; Not Hispanic or Latino; No Answer
de03am, father_ethnicity
Query bio_father_race String 150 Recommended Biological Father Race American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported father_race
father_other_race String 35 Recommended Father Other race (please specify): de03bm
Query bio_father_education String 75 Recommended Biological Father Highest level of education Less than High School;High School Degree;GED; Less than 7th Grade; Jr. High School; Some High School; Some College;Associates Degree;Bachelors Degree;Some Graduate Work;Graduate Degree; Never attended school ; Primary/all age/ Jnr. Secondary ; Secondary/High/Technical ; H.E.A.R.T/ Vocational ; Tertiary College/University ; Other tertiary- specify ; Other education-specify;99= D/K ; 77= N/A; 999= Missing father_edu1
fathertert_specify1 String 20 Recommended Father Other tertiary= specify
fatheredu_specify1 String 200 Recommended Father Other education= specify de011m, demo_pat_edu, educ_f
Query father_edu2 Integer Recommended 13. What is the highest level of school completed or highest degree completed of the person now acting as the child?s Father? (child) was born? 1::7;77;99;-999 1= Never attended school ; 2= Primary/all age/ Jnr. Secondary ; 3= Secondary/High/Technical ; 4= H.E.A.R.T/ Vocational ; 5= Tertiary College/University ; 6= Other tertiary= specify ; 7= Other education= specify ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
fathertert_specify2 String 20 Recommended Father Other tertiary= specify
fatheredu_specify2 String 20 Recommended Father Other education= specify
Query maritals_p Integer Recommended 14. Parents' Marital Status: 1::8;77;90;-999 1= Visiting relationship ; 2= Common law union ; 3= Married ; 4= Divorced ; 5= Separated ; 6= No relationship ; 7= Widow/widower; 8 = Never married ; 90= Other= specify ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing what_is_the_current_relati
other_marital_specify String 150 Recommended Parents' Marital Status Other specify if_other_please_explain
Query motherfigures Integer Recommended 15. How many mother figures has the (child) had since birth? 1::4;77;99;-999 1= 1 ; 2= 2 ; 3= 3 ; 4= >3 ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A ; -999= Missing
Query fatherfigures Integer Recommended 16. How many father figures has the (child) had since birth? 1::4;77;99;-999 1= 1 ; 2= 2 ; 3= 3 ; 4= >3 ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A ; -999= Missing
Query under18_household Integer Recommended 17. How many people living in (child)'s household are under 18 years old? 1;99;77;-999 1= Number of people ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing childhome
Query children_household Integer Recommended Number children household children, demog_05, dependent_num
Query older18_household Integer Recommended 18.How many people living in (child)'s household are older than 18 years? 1;99;77;-999 1= Number of people ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing adulthome
Query adults_household Integer Recommended Number adults in household
Query major_earner Integer Recommended 19. What is the relationship of the head of the household (major earner) to (child)? 1::8;90;-999 1= Mother ; 2= Father ; 3= Grandparent ; 4= Stepparent ; 5= Aunt/ Uncle ; 6= Sibling ; 7= Cousin ; 8 = Partner; 90= Other= specify; -999= Missing
Query major_earn_other_sp String 200 Recommended Major earner Other= specify major_earner_other_specify
Query tv Integer Recommended 20.1. Television set 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query cable Integer Recommended 20.2. Cable/Satellite connection 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query refrig Integer Recommended 20.3. Refrigerator 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query freezer Integer Recommended 20.4. Freezer 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query livingroomset Integer Recommended 20.5. Living room set 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query radio Integer Recommended 20.6. Radio 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query stereo Integer Recommended Stereotyped/Idiosyncratic Use of Words or Phrases 0;1;2;3;8 0=rarely or never uses stereotyped or idiosyncratic words or phrases.;1=use of words or phrases tends to be more repetitive than most children at the same level of complexity, but not obviously odd. OR occasional stereotyped utterances or use of odd words or use of phrases in an unusual way, with other flexible spontaneous language as well.;2=often uses stereotyped utterances or odd words or phrases with some other language.;3=phrases almost exclusively odd or stereotyped utterances.;8=N/A, no phrase speech.
Query washingmachine Integer Recommended 20.8. Washing machine 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query cars Integer Recommended 20.9. Cars or other vehicles 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query telephone Integer Recommended 20.10. Telephone/Cell-phone 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query generator Integer Recommended 20.11. Generator 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query water_heater_electric Integer Recommended 20.12. Water heater (electric) 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query water_heater_solar Integer Recommended 20.13. Water heater (solar) 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query water_tank Integer Recommended 20.14. Water tank 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query airconditioners Integer Recommended 20.15. Air conditioners 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query internet_connection Integer Recommended 20.16. Internet connection 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query computers Integer Recommended 20.17. Computers/Tablets 0;1;77;99;-999 1= Yes ; 0= No ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query home_owned Integer Recommended 21.a. House - It is owned by you (or someone in the household) 1;2;99;-999 1= Yes ; 2= No ; 99= D/K; -999= Missing
Query home_rented Integer Recommended 21.b. House - It is rented by you (or someone in the household) 1;2;99;-999 1= Yes ; 2= No ; 99= D/K; -999= Missing
Query home_occupied Integer Recommended 21.c. House - It is occupied without any payments 1;2;99;-999 1= Yes ; 2= No ; 99= D/K; -999= Missing
Query toilet Integer Recommended 22. What type of toilet facilities does (child)'s family use at home? 1::5;90;77 1= Pit latrine= shared ; 2= Pit latrine (unshared) in yard ; 3= Water closet (flush type)= shared ; 4= Water closet (flush type)= unshared ; 5= None ; 90= Other= specify ; 77= N/A
toiletother_specify String 20 Recommended Toilet facilities- Other= specify
Query cookingfuel Integer Recommended 23. What is the main source of cooking fuel at (child)'s house? 1::5;90;99;77;-999 1= Wood ; 2= Coal ; 3= Kerosene ; 4= Gas ; 5= Electric ; 90= Other= specify ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
cookfuelother_specify String 20 Recommended Cooking fuel - Other= specify
Query house_water_piped Integer Recommended 24. Is water piped into the house? 1;2;-999 1= Yes ; 2= No; -999= Missing
Query house_rooms Integer Recommended 25. How many rooms in (child)'s house are used for sleeping? 1;99;77;-999 1= Number of rooms ; 99= D/K ; 77= N/A; -999= Missing
Query rooms Integer Recommended Number Rooms
Query sd27d Integer Recommended Use of psychoactive substances in past 3 months: Methamphetamine 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd27g Integer Recommended Use of psychoactive substances in past 3 months: Hallucinogens 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd27h Integer Recommended Use of psychoactive substances in past 3 months: Street opioids 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd27i Integer Recommended Use of psychoactive substances in past 3 months: Prescription opioids 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd29 Integer Recommended Do you have a smartphone? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd30 Integer Recommended Do you use the Internet 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
nsmos27 String 100 Recommended Where was patient hospitalized, in what institution?
fsprg String 150 Recommended In your own words, to which race(s) or racial group(s) do you belong? de05bm, p_race, race_other, race_other_par
bkgrnd_education String 1,020 Recommended Subject's education (school and preschool) b5, cbcl_grade_in_school, demo_childs_edu, demog_07, dm15, education, education_status, education_subject, education_years, p_grade, participant_education, socio_5, sub_grade
area4_explain String 255 Recommended Employment situation? Explain briefly activity_par, demog_08, employment, occstat_7_text, occup_other, p_job, sub_job
jobh String 150 Recommended job title occup, p_work, sub_work
Query thous Integer Recommended Total number of persons in household 0=Does not apply (e.g., in institution), 99=unknown socio_6
das1ms String 200 Recommended Marital status b3, dm9, marital_other, marital_stat, marital_status, p_marriage, socio_4, sub_marriage
aut_prebasic_insure99 String 255 Recommended What type(s) of health insurance do you have?
Query epino Integer Recommended Number of MDEs
Query cmed_antidepressant Integer Recommended Current med: antidepressant 0;1 0=no; 1=yes
Query asap10c Integer Recommended outside clinicians/services: Outside psychotherapy for patient 0;1 0 = No;1 = Yes child_out_psych_cur
mb_21 String 10 Recommended Any self-help group like Alcoholics Anonymous or peer counseling Yes; No Outpatient services
Query alcohol_medication Integer Recommended Alcohol Abuse/Dependence: Medication for symptoms 0;1;-7;-8;-9 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -7 = Don't know; -8 = Refused to answer; -9 = Does not apply
ksads_21_134_p String 30 Recommended Symptom - History of traumatic event Present
Query ksads_ptsd_totalt_1b Integer Recommended Number of traumas reported
Query dawba_e1 Integer Recommended Post-Traumatic Stress - has this ever happened? 0; 1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query demo_fam_depression Integer Recommended Family Member Depression 0;1 1=Yes; 0=No
Query deppar Integer Recommended Parent history depression 0;1 0=Not checked; 1=Checked
Query depsib Integer Recommended Sibling history depression 0;1 0=Not checked; 1=Checked
major_depression_diagnosis String 10 Recommended FIGS Y1: Major depressive disorder (N=no diagnosis for any first degree relative; Y=positive lifetime diagnosis for one or more first degree relatives) N;Y N = No diagnosis for any first degree relative; Y = Positive lifetime diagnosis for one or more first degree relatives
Query mental_ill Integer Recommended Do you have a family history of mental illness? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query fhi_df_panc_any Integer Recommended Family History: Panic or Anxiety Disorder Any 0;1 0=No; 1= Yes
Query mini_manic1 Integer Recommended Manic and Hypomanic: family history of manic depressive illness or bipolar disorder or any member who had mood swigs treated with medication 0;1;-9997; -9999 0=No; 1=Yes;-9997=Not applicable; -9999=Missing
quesmoth_probhighbp String 50 Recommended Hypertension (High blood pressure) Yes;No;Don't Know
Query diab Integer Recommended Charlson Comorbidity: have diabetes (high blood sugar) 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
Query mhxa7b Integer Recommended Other pulmonary disease 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
Query wk_arthritis Integer Recommended 3. Arthritis 0;1 No = 0; Yes = 1;
Query baseline_k_007 Integer Recommended Chronic pain, like headaches, joint pain, neck pain, or back pain that you experience frequently 0;1; -888; -999 0=No; 1=Yes; -888=Not Applicable; -999=Missing;
asdos String 100 Recommended Specify comorbid other
Query smq3 Integer Recommended Smoking or tobacco use history 1::8 1 = Never used, not even a single puff2 = Smoked once or twice, but not in the last month3 = Do not smoke, but in the past I was a regular smoker4 = Smoked regularly but no more than once a month5 = Smoked regularly but no more than once a week6 = Smoked regularly and more than once a week; 7 = current smoker; 8 = Past Smoker
Query pesq25b Integer Recommended Question 25 Subquestion. Indicate whether you have used the drug at least once during the past three months: cocaine? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query pesq25i Integer Recommended Question 25 Subquestion. Indicate whether you have used the drug at least once during the past three months: inhalants? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query pesq25f Integer Recommended Question 25 Subquestion. Indicate whether you have used the drug at least once during the past three months: tranquilizers? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
behavobs_referralreason String 255 Recommended Reason for Referral/Presenting Complaint(s)
Query phq Float Recommended Sum Of PHQ 1-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire) 1-9
Query alcq Integer Recommended Sum of Alcohol Use Items
Query ec36 Integer Recommended Exclusion criteria EC36: Does the patient have a past or current diagnosis of psychotic disorder, including schizophrenia-spectrum disorder, psychotic major depression, or an organic psychotic disorder? 0::2 0 = No; 1 = Yes; 2 = Not Assessed
scid5_dis1_other_icd10 String 10 Recommended ICD10 code
Query ad42 Integer Recommended ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following: 1) The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for alcohol (Criteria A and B). 2) Alcohol or sedatives taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms. 0;1 0=no; 1 = Yes
sd08 String 10 Recommended What is your official strata (as present in your electric/water service bill)?
sd14 String 25 Recommended Travel time to interview location
Query sd15 Integer Recommended In the past 12 months did cost keep you from going to this health center?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd16 Integer Recommended How confident are you filling out medical forms? 1::5 1 = Extremely ; 2 = Quite a bit ; 3 = Somewhat ; 4 = A little ; 5 = Not at all
Query sd17 Integer Recommended How often do you have problems learning about your medical conditions because of difficulty understanding written information? 1::5 1 = Never ; 2 = Rarely ; 3 = Sometimes ; 4 = Often ; 5 = Always
Query sd18 Integer Recommended How often do you have someone help you read materials at the clinic, doctor's office, or hospital? 1::5 1 = Never ; 2 = Rarely ; 3 = Sometimes ; 4 = Often ; 5 = Always
Query sd21c Integer Recommended Displacement due to violence 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd23 Integer Recommended Family history of alcohol use disorder (general) 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd23a Integer Recommended Family history of alcohol use disorder: Parents 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd23b Integer Recommended Family history of alcohol use disorder: Siblings 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd23c Integer Recommended Family history of alcohol use disorder: 1st-degree relatives 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd24d Integer Recommended Family history of mental illness: Schizophrenia 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd25a Integer Recommended Comorbidity: General 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd25c Integer Recommended Comorbidity: Cardiac disease 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd25f Integer Recommended Comorbidity: Migraine 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd25g Integer Recommended Comorbidity: Obesity 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd25h Integer Recommended Comorbidity: Epilepsy 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd27a Integer Recommended Use of psychoactive substances in past 3 months: Cannabis 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query sd27c Integer Recommended Use of psychoactive substances in past 3 months: Prescription stimulants 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query ca243 Integer Recommended What handedness do you consider yourself? 1::3 1=Right; 2=Left; 3=Mixed handedness, r_l_b, sub_handedness
language String 50 Recommended Language Spoken at Home demo_prim_lang
dem_2lang_other String 50 Recommended Second Language: Other, Specify demo_secondary_language
bio_mother_marital_status String 50 Recommended Biological Mother Marital Status Single;Married;Divorced;Divorced and Remarried;Widowed;Separated; Never Married; Other;Living with Partner demo_maternal_mari
bio_father_marital_status String 50 Recommended Biological Father Marital Status Single;Married;Divorced;Divorced and Remarried;Widowed;Separated; Never Married; Other;Living with Partner demo_patern_mari
version_form String 121 Recommended Form used/assessment name
fspgod String 70 Recommended Subject's gender OTHER describe dm2, gender_other, gender_other_par, p_gender, p_gender_different, sub_gender
ch_race String 55 Recommended Child's/study subject Race specify cbcl_race, race_multipleraces, race_other_specify
currgradelevel String 50 Recommended Current grade level grade_in_school, particpant_grade_level
Query eversped Integer Recommended Ever: Any other special education class? 1;2 1=No; 2=Yes
asisped String 200 Recommended Specify special education services
chf_07 String 250 Recommended Type of psychotherapy
medication1_name String 500 Recommended Name first medication that the participant has taken 0 = No medication; 999= Legitimately skipped
medication2_name String 500 Recommended Name second medication that the participant has taken 0 = No medication; 999= Legitimately skipped
medication3_name String 500 Recommended Name third medication that the participant has taken 0 = No medication; 999= Legitimately skipped
medication4_name String 500 Recommended Name fourth medication that the participant has taken 0 = No medication; 999= Legitimately skipped
medication5_name String 500 Recommended Name fifth medication that the participant has taken 0 = No medication; 999= Legitimately skipped
medication6_name String 500 Recommended Name sixth medication that the participant has taken 0 = No medication; 999= Legitimately skipped
stdate1 String 20 Recommended Medication start date 1 mm/dd/yyyy or write out month year
stdate2 String 20 Recommended Medication start date 2 mm/dd/yyyy or write out month year
stdate3 String 20 Recommended Medication start date 3 mm/dd/yyyy or write out month year
stdate4 String 20 Recommended Medication start date 4 mm/dd/yyyy or write out month year
stdate5 String 20 Recommended Medication start date 5 mm/dd/yyyy or write out month year
stdate6 String 20 Recommended Medication start date 6 mm/dd/yyyy or write out month year
medication1_dosage String 150 Recommended First medication dosage 0 = No medication; 999 = Missing
medication2_dosage String 100 Recommended Second medication dosage 0 = No medication; 999 = Missing
medication3_dosage String 100 Recommended Third medication dosage 0 = No medication; 999 = Missing
medication4_dosage String 100 Recommended Fourth medication dosage 0 = No medication; 999 = Missing
medication5_dosage String 100 Recommended Fifth medication dosage 0 = No medication; 999 = Missing
medication6_dosage String 100 Recommended Sixth medication dosage 0 = No medication; 999 = Missing
Query dem_39_emo_hosp Integer Recommended Has this child ever been hospitalized due to an emotional or psychological problem? 0;1 1=Yes; 0=No hospitalized, inpatient_psych
Query hspage Integer Recommended Has your child ever been hospitalized because of a behavioral, emotional, or psychiatric problem? If yes, Child's age: months inpatient_treat_age
insurance String 50 Recommended child's primary health insurance provider
Query cg1_age Integer Recommended Parent/Caregiver 1 Age, months 0::1200
cg1_occupation String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1's Occupation person1_occ_lvl
cg1_relationship_specify String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1's Relationship to Participant Other Specify parent_relationship_1
cg1_race String 100 Recommended Race of the Caregiver/Parent 1
American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported
cg1_race_specify String 100 Recommended Race of the Caregiver/Parent 1 Other Specify race_6_text
cg1_ethnicity String 30 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1's ethnicity
Hispanic or Latino; Not Hispanic or Latino
Query cg2_age Integer Recommended Parent/Caregiver 2 Age, months 0::1200
cg2_occupation String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 2's Occupation person2_occ_lvl
cg2_relationship_specify String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 2's Relationship to Participant Other Specify parent_relationship_2
cg2_race String 100 Recommended Race of the Caregiver/Parent 2 American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; More than one race; Unknown or not reported
cg2_race_specify String 50 Recommended Caregiver2: Specify Other Race
cg2_ethnicity String 30 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 2's ethnicity Hispanic or Latino; Not Hispanic or Latino
educational_setting String 50 Recommended Which of the following best describes [name of child]s most recent school or educational setting? Public school; Charter school; Private school; Home school program; Early childhood intervention program; Other (specify); Does not currently attend school; Don't Know
cg1_relationship String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1's Relationship to Participant Parent;Step-parent;Foster parent;Grandparent;Other family member;Other; Biological Mother; Biological Father; Biological Parent; Adoptive Parent; Adoptive/Foster Parent; I do not wish to disclose; Step-father; Step-mother person1_id
cg1_education String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Prent 1's Highest Level of Education Some primary school;Some high school;High school diploma;GED;Some college or technical school;Associate degree;Baccalaureate degree;Graduate or professional degree; did not graduate from high school; college graduate; Middle School educ, person1_education
cg2_relationship String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 2's Relationship to Participant Parent;Step-parent;Foster parent;Grandparent;Other family member;Other; Biological Mother; Biological Father; Biological Parent; Adoptive Parent; Adoptive/Foster Parent; I do not wish to disclose; Step-father; Step-mother person2_id
cg2_education String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 2's Highest Level of Education Some primary school;Some high school;High school diploma;GED;Some college or technical school;Associate degree;Baccalaureate degree;Graduate or professional degree; did not graduate from high school; college graduate; Middle School person2_education
Query qaet1 Integer Recommended Has your child ever received exposure therapy for mental health concerns? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
qaet2 String 300 Recommended If your child has ever received exposure therapy, then describe
Query qaet3 Integer Recommended Has your child ever taken medication for mental health concerns? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query qaet4 Integer Recommended Is your child currently taking any medication for mental health concerns? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
qaet7 String 300 Recommended If your child has ever been hospitalized because of a behavioral, emotional, or psychiatric problem, specify the reason
qaet8 String 20 Recommended Does your child have biological family members with a history of any of the following conditions? 1 = OCD ; 2 = Tics/Tourette's ; 3 = Anxiety ; 4 = Depression ; 5 = Drugs/Alcohol ; 6 = Schizophrenia ; 7 = Bipolar Disorder
qaet10 String 100 Recommended Child's Secondary Insurance Provider
Query qaet11 Integer Recommended Would you say your family is financially better or worse off than other families? 1::5 1 = Much better; 2 = Better; 3 = Same; 4 = Worse/A little worse; 5 = A lot worse
Query qaet12 Integer Recommended Which of these phrases describes best your family's economic status? 1::5 1 = We live very well; 2 = We live comfortably; 3 = We live from check to check; 4 = Almost poor; 5 = Poor
Query qaet13 Integer Recommended Child lives with Caregiver 1 1::3 1 = Full-time; 2 = Part-time; 3 = Do not live together
Query qaet14 Integer Recommended Child lives with Caregiver 2 1::3 1 = Full-time; 2 = Part-time; 3 = Do not live together
Query demog_01 Integer Recommended Country of family origin 1::6 1 = Somalia; 2 = Ethiopia; 3 = Sudan; 4 = Eritrea; 5 = Kenya; 6 = Other family_origin
Query demog_02 Integer Recommended Where subject was born 1::7 1 = Somalia; 2 = Ethiopia; 3 = Sudan; 4 = Eritrea; 5 = Kenya; 6 = United States; 7 = Other birth_country
Query demog_09 Integer Recommended Total current household income per year 1::8 1 = $50,000 and up; 2 = $40,001 - 50,000; 3 = $30,001 - 40,000; 4 = $20,001 - 30,000; 5 = $15,001 - 20,000; 6 = $10,001 - 15,000; 7 = $5,001 - 10,000; 8 = $5,000 and less income
Query fsprels Integer Recommended Which category best describes your current relationship status?
1= Single/never married; 2= Married; 3= Living together; 4= Domestic partnership; 5= Separated; 6= Divorced; 7= Widowed; 8= Engaged; 9=Other; 777=Not applicable demog_03, marital_status, rel_status
Query household_number_in_house Integer Recommended Number of people living in primary residence for subject (proband) de019m, demog_06, dm17c, family_size, hh_total, house_size, sub_income_fampl
Query pubertal_sex_p Integer Recommended What sex was your child assigned at birth? ¿Qué sexo le fue asignado a su niño(a) al nacer?
1 ; 2
1 = Male Masculino; 2 = Female Femenino childsex
birth_premature String 20 Recommended Was birth premature?
Yes; No
Query fsnumsib Integer Recommended How many siblings does your child have? sibling
pad010f String 100 Recommended What kind of hearing problem did [he/ she] have? (DESCRIBE:) deschear
Query daycare_yn Integer Recommended Does your child attend daycare or some type of child care? 0::1 0 = No; 1 = Yes carestat
premat String 200 Recommended If child was born prematurely, please note how early:
Query brthord Integer Recommended Is your child the first-born, second-born, etc? - Selected Choice 0::5 0= first-born; 1= second-born; 2= third-born; 3= fourth-born; 4= fifth-born; 5= other
brthord_6_text String 100 Recommended Is your child the first-born, second-born, etc? - other - Text
Query hear Integer Recommended Does your child have known hearing loss or difficulties? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
Query earinf Integer Recommended Has your child had an ear infection in the last six months? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
desear String 300 Recommended If your child has had an ear infection in the last six months, please describe (how many, how severe, treatment).
careloc_6_text String 200 Recommended If your child attends child care, which best describes the location where he/she spends the most time (please pick only one): - Other (please describe) - Text
carehrs String 200 Recommended On average, how many hours per week is your child cared for at this location?
Query numchild Integer Recommended number of children
Query othcare Integer Recommended Many families use multiple types of child care. Does your child attend child care other than the one - Selected Choice 0::5 0= Formal child care center (e.g., stand-alone center, or school, or church, etc.); 1= Home-based child care in a non-family member's home; 2= Home-based child care in a family member's home; 3= Caregiver in your own home who is a family member (e.g., older sibling, grandparent, aunt, cousin, etc.); 4= Caregiver in your own home who is not a family member (e.g., nanny, babysitter); 5= Other (please describe)
othcare_6_text String 200 Recommended Many families use multiple types of child care. Does your child attend child care other than the one - Other (please describe) - Text
othcarhr String 100 Recommended On average, how many hours per week is your child cared for at this location?
Query othchnum Integer Recommended Approximately how many children (other than your own) also attend care at this location (e.g., # cared for in childcare home, # cared for in your own home, etc.)? 0::4 0= My child is the only one; 1= 1-5 children; 2= 6-10 children; 3= 10-15 children; 4= 16 or more children
Query employcur Integer Recommended current employment status 1::12;-7 1=Full time; 2=Part time for pay; 3=Homemaker; 4=Incarcerated; 5=Disabled; 6=Leave of absence; 7=Unemployed; 8=Retired; 9=Other; 10=Student; 11=Volunteer; -7=Refused; 12 = Maternity leave occstat, p_job1_1, sub_job1_1
child_nursery_location String 110 Recommended Where is this child cared for? careloc
custody_other String 250 Recommended Describe 'other' legal custody custpar
Query hworked Integer Recommended About how many hours a week do/did you usually work? 999 = Missing workhrs
Query neur1 Integer Recommended Is English the patient's first language? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes natengl
phne_sc_1 String 200 Recommended 1. What is your native language? natlang
nonenglish String 20 Recommended Non-English language spoken at home 0 = No; 1 = Yes langhome
language_specify String 255 Recommended Language in the home - Specify if other than standard english lang_otherlanguages, othlang
annual_fam_inc String 200 Recommended What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year? PX011101_Annual_Family_Income (Combined family income means your income PLUS the income of all family members living in the household, including cohabitating partners, and armed forces members living at home) 99 = no data; 99999 = Unsure; -999999 = Do Not know or Do not want to say ann_fam_income, de015m, dm17b, family_income, familyincome_par, household_income, income, salary, sub_income_fam
Query q19_a3 Integer Recommended Tanner Stage 1 :: 5 1=pre puberty, 2=early puberty, 3=mid puberty, 4=late puberty, 5=post puberty tannerstage
edu_other String 50 Recommended Degrees and credentials earned: other 0 = Not applicable education_degree
Query sh_s1b Float Recommended Cumulative GPA - School 1 education_gpa
Query dem_18b Integer Recommended LD dyslexia or learning problems
1=Yes 0=No learning_problem
Query psy_health Integer Recommended Physical health (current) 1::4 1=Excellent (no chronic illness); 2=Good (chronic illness with few or no restrictions); 3=Fair (chronic illness with some restrictions - e.g. epilepsy/can't drive car); 4=Poor (chronic illness with restriction - e.g. exercise intolerance/need to move to Arizona for allergies) health_overall
pre_demo8a String 50 Recommended Current Residence. Please specify residence
Query psysoc_92 Integer Recommended Months in Military 0::9999 service_length
Query branchofservice Integer Recommended Branch of Service 1::7 1=Army; 2=Navy; 3=Air Force; 4=Marines; 5=Coast Guard; 6=Nat. Guard; 7 = Reserves military_branch
blast_injury String 30 Recommended History of blast exposure or head injury
0 = No; 1 = Yes head_trauma
Query treatments Integer Recommended Number of current treatments 0::20
military_rank_start String 30 Recommended Starting military rank
military_rank_end String 30 Recommended Ending military rank
Query service_era Integer Recommended Era of military service 1::8 1=Vietnam theater; 2=Vietnam era; 3=Post-Vietnam era; 4=Desert Storm/Persian Gulf theater; 5=Persian Gulf era; 6=post-Persian Gulf era; 7=OEF/OIF theater; 8=OEF/OIF era ; Afghanistan: Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) / Iraq: Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Query service_location Integer Recommended Location of military service 1::4 1=CONUS (Contiguous United States) only; 2=Afghanistan; 3=Iraq; 4=Other
ethnicity_describe_child String 50 Recommended How would you describe your child's ethnicity (E.g. Haitian, Jewish, Irish, etc)? cbcl_ethnicity
Query pre_7 Integer Recommended Is the child currently attending school or organized group daycare?
0=No; 1=Yes; -7=Refused; -9=Unknown cbcl_attending_school, student
site String 101 Recommended Site Study Site
Query sc_q2 Integer Recommended Did the subject withdraw before the end of the study (early withdrawal)? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes withdrawn_from_study
cmp004 String 500 Recommended Describe reason for early termination withdrawal_cause
currestx String 100 Recommended Other living situation, describe de16am, living_situation
Query fdi_q29___2 Integer Recommended Spanish is spoken in the home 0; 1 0=No; 1=Yes lang_spanish
Query eo4 Integer Recommended Are you currently working at a job or business for pay 0;1;9 0=No; 1=Yes; 9 = Missing dm17, work
Query job_ptcu Integer Recommended Level of Occupation. Patient current 1::9; 99 1=Higher executive, proprietor of large concern, major professional; 2=Business manager or large concern, proprietor of medium-sized business, lesser professiona;l 3=Administrative personnel, owner of small independent business, minor professional; 4=Clerical or sales worker, technician, owner of little business;5=Skilled manual employee; 6=Machine operator, semi-skilled employee; 7=Unskilled employee; 8=farm laborers, menial service workers, students, housewives, (dependent on welfare, no regular occupation); 99=Not ascertained; 9 = Not in household occup
momoccuc String 100 Recommended mother's current occupation occup_m_other
fatherocup String 100 Recommended Father' occupation occup_f_other
Query lang_english Integer Recommended English spoken at home 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
Query occup_m Integer Recommended Mother's Occupational status 1 :: 8 1=higher executive, owner of large business, major professional; 2=administrator, owner of medium-sized business (e.g., nurse, pharmacists, teacher); 3=administrative personnel, owner of small business; 4=clerical and sales personnel, technicians; 5=skilled manual laborers (e.g., electrician, mechanic); 6=machine operators, semi-skilled (e.g., bus driver, waiter); 7=unskilled personnel (e.g., construction worker, janitor); 8=other/student
Query occup_f Integer Recommended Father's Occupational status 1 :: 8 1=higher executive, owner of large business, major professional; 2=administrator, owner of medium-sized business (e.g., nurse, pharmacists, teacher); 3=administrative personnel, owner of small business; 4=clerical and sales personnel, technicians; 5=skilled manual laborers (e.g., electrician, mechanic); 6=machine operators, semi-skilled (e.g., bus driver, waiter); 7=unskilled personnel (e.g., construction worker, janitor); 8=other/student
treatment_name String 200 Recommended treatment name alc_drug_treatments, rx
Query au1 Integer Recommended Thinking about the past 6 months, how often do you have a drink containing alcohol? 0::4 0 = never; 1 = monthly or less; 2 = 2 to 4 times a month; 3 = 2 or 3 times a week; 4 = 4 or more times a week
Query audit12_02a Integer Recommended On a day when you drink alcohol or use other drugs, how many drinks (alcohol) do you have? 1::6 1= None; 2= 1 or 2; 3= 3 or 4; 4= 5 or 6; 5= 7 or 9; 6= 10 or more alcohol_quantity
Query baseline_j_003 Integer Recommended How often do you have four (six for male) or more drinks on one occasion? 0::7; -888; -999 0=Never; 1=Less than monthly; 2=Monthly; 3=Weekly; 4=2-3 times a week; 5=4-6 times a week; 6=daily; -888=Not Applicable; -999=Missing;7 = daily or almost daily alcohol_4_drinks
psqb20d String 1,000 Recommended Which tobacco products and how often tobacco_use
cig_smoke String 200 Recommended The amount of cigarettes you smoke and ages you have smoked cigarettes_daily
Query mht Integer Recommended Have you received any mental health treatment? 0;1;2;888 0= No; 1= Yes; 2 = Not Sure; 888 = non applicable treatment_mental
Query hc_util6a_t2 Integer Recommended Are you currently receiving mental health treatment either through VA or in the community? 0 = No; 1= Yes treatment_mental_now
Query atrq_02ect Integer Recommended Electro-convulsive treatment (ECT) 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes ect
equest30 String 15 Recommended What is your height? (Please give your best estimate.) height
Query anthro_weight_calc Float Recommended Average Measured Weight (lbs) weight
Query charc23 Integer Recommended CCI question 23: Ever been told has problem with thyroid;0=No,1=Yes 0;1;9 0=No; 1=Yes; 9=Missing thyroid_condition
Query charc23a Integer Recommended CCI question 23a: If CharC23=1, thyroid was underactive or overactive;1=Underactive,2=Overactive 1;2;9 1=Underactive; 2=Overactive; 9=Missing over_under_thyroid
scq_37_sp String 300 Recommended Specify any other medical condition other_med_con_descrip
drug_alcohol_use String 200 Recommended Drug/Alcohol use: describe and include year of diagnosis
Query alcohol_consumption_more Integer Recommended Was there ever a time when you drank more than you do now? 0::1 0= No; 1= Yes
Query alcohol_consumption_most Integer Recommended How much/often did you drink at the time you drank the most? 1::5 1= Not applicable, I have never drank; 2= Monthly or less; 3= 2-4 times per month; 4= 2-3 times per week; 5= Daily or almost daily
Query smoked_more Integer Recommended Was there ever a time when you smoked more than you do now? 0::1 0= No; 1= Yes
Query smoked_most Integer Recommended How much/often did you smoke at the time you smoked the most? 1::5 1= Not applicable, I have never smoked; 2= Monthly or less; 3= 2-4 times per month; 4= 2-3 times per week; 5= Daily or almost daily
Query marijuana_hashish Integer Recommended When did you last use: Marijuana / Hashish 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query crack_cocaine Integer Recommended When did you last use: Crack-Cocaine 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query powder_cocaine Integer Recommended When did you last use: Powder Cocaine 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query amphetamine Integer Recommended When did you last use: Amphetamine 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query methamphetamine Integer Recommended When did you last use: Methamphetamine 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query ecstasy_molly Integer Recommended When did you last use: Ecstasy / Molly 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query ketamine_specialk Integer Recommended When did you last use: Ketamine / 'Special K' 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query synthetic_drugs Integer Recommended When did you last use: Synthetic Drugs (e.g., K2, Spice, Bath Salts) 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query rx_stimulants Integer Recommended When did you last use: Rx Stimulants (e.g., Adderall, Ritalin) 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query rx_sedatives Integer Recommended When did you last use: Rx Sedatives (e.g., Xanax, Ativan) 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query rx_opiates Integer Recommended When did you last use: Rx Opiates (e.g., Vicodin, Percocet) 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer
Query treatment_past_types Integer Recommended If you have ever received treatment for a mental health or psychiatric condition, then what kind(s) did you receive? 1::3 1= Talk therapy / counseling; 2= Medications; 3= Both
Query treatment_type_now Integer Recommended If you are currently receiving treatment for your mental health or a psychiatric condition, then what kind(s)? 1::3 1= Talk therapy / counseling; 2= Medications; 3= Both
Query inflammatory_condition Integer Recommended Do you currently have a fever, infection, or other inflammatory condition? 0::1 0= No; 1= Yes
Query headtrauma_consciousness Integer Recommended If you have suffered head trauma, did you lose consciousness? 0;1;3 1= Yes; 0= No; 3= Not applicable, I have never suffered head trauma
Query patient_seizure Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Seizure Disorder 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_stroke Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Stroke 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_cancer Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Cancer 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_heartcondition Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Heart Condition 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_bloodpressure Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Hypertension / High Blood Pressure 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_cholesterol Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: High Cholesterol 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_diabetes Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Diabetes 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_endocrine Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Endocrine Problem 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_liver Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Liver Problems (e.g., hepatitis) 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_stoma_intestinal Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Stomach / Intestinal Problems 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_chronic_pain Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Chronic Pain 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_chronic_fatigue Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Chronic Fatigue 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_genit_gynec Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Genitourinary / Gynecological 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_blood Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Blood Condition (e.g., anemia) 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_lung_resp Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Lung or Respiratory Condition (e.g., asthma, bronchitis, emphysema) 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_kidney_urinary Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Kidney or Urinary Condition 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_joint_muscle Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Joint or Muscle problems (e.g., arthritis, lower back pain) 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_chronic_headaches Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Chronic Headaches 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query patient_ear_nose_throat Integer Recommended Please indicate whether you have suffered from any of the following conditions: Ear/Nose/Throat Condition (e.g., sinusitis) 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query other_med_condition Integer Recommended Have you experienced any medical condition that we have not asked about? 1::4 1= Never; 2= Past; 3= Current; 4= Prefer not to answer
Query hallucinogens_lastused Integer Recommended When did you last use: Hallucinogens (e.g., LSD, Mushrooms) 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer hallucinogens
Query heroin_lastused Integer Recommended When did you last use: Heroin 1::6 1= Never; 2= Prior to the Past Year; 3= Past Year; 4= Past Month; 5= Past Week; 6= Prefer not to answer heroin
Query drug_alcohol_treatment Integer Recommended Have you ever been in treatment for drug or alcohol use? 0::1 0= No; 1= Yes
Query audit1 Integer Recommended How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? 0::6; 555;777;888;999;-5;-999 0= Never; 1= Monthly (or less); 2= 2 to 4 times a month; 3= 2 to 3 times a week; 4= 4 or more times a week; 5= NA; 6= Monthly or less; 999= No Answer; 888= Skipped; 777= Condition Skipped; 555= Missing; -5= Item seen but not answered; -999= Data not submitted (Incomplete, item not seen) alcohol_consumption
Query dembfbro Integer Recommended Number of full or half brothers de08am
Query dembfsis Integer Recommended Number of full or half sisters de08bm
Query a2d_yn Integer Recommended Do you do any of the following kinds of work? Self-employed? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes de14am
Query live2 Integer Recommended Live with romantic partner 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes de16bm
family_bio_coi_born_in_hosp String 2 Recommended Family Biographical History Form (0:0 to 4:5 y:m) Question IIB1a Was Child of Interest (COI) born in a hospital? (Yes, No, No Answer)
Y = Yes; N = No; NA = No answer de09am
Query de04bm Integer Recommended Are any of the twins' biological mother or father's parents Hispanic or Latino? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query de04dm Integer Recommended Maternal grandmother ethnicity Hispanic or Latino? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query de04fm Integer Recommended Maternal grandfather ethnicity Hispanic or Latino? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query de04hm Integer Recommended Paternal grandmother ethnicity Hispanic or Latino? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query de04jm Integer Recommended Paternal grandfather ethnicity Hispanic or Latino? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query de06am Integer Recommended Is (Name) the biological mother of the twins? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query de07am Integer Recommended Is (Name) the biological father of the twins? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query de12am Integer Recommended Is the twins' mother currently working for pay or profit? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query de12bm Float Recommended If twins' mother currently working for pay or profit, How many hours per week does the twins' mother work for pay or profit?
Query de12cm Float Recommended If twins' mother currently working for pay or profit, How many of these hours does the twins' mother work inside of the home?
Query de12hm Integer Recommended If twins' mother is not currently working for pay or profit, Which of the following best describes why the twins' mother is not working? 1::4 1 = Looking for work; 2 = Homemaker; 3 = Unable to work; 4 = Other
Query de13am Integer Recommended Is the twins' father currently working for pay or profit? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query de13bm Float Recommended If twins' father currently working for pay or profit, How many hours per week does the twins' father work for pay or profit?
Query de13cm Float Recommended If twins' father currently working for pay or profit, How many of these hours does the twins' father work inside of the home?
Query de13hm Integer Recommended If twins' father is not currently working for pay or profit, Which of the following best describes why the twins' father is not working? 1::4 1 = Looking for work; 2 = Homemaker; 3 = Unable to work; 4 = Other
Query de14bm Integer Recommended If you own your own business/farm, What is the estimated value (that is what would it be worth if you were to sell the business)? 4::9 4 = less than $80,000; 5 = $80,001 to $160,000; 6 = $160,001 to $240,000; 7 = $240,001 to $320,000; 8 = $320,001 to $810,000; 9 = over $810,001
Query de16cm Integer Recommended If you live with a partner, Do you live with the twins' biological parent or another partner? 1;2 1 = twins' biological parent; 2 = another partner
Query de17am Integer Recommended Has the mother's marital status changed during the twins' lives? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Query de17cm Integer Recommended If mother's marital status changed during the twins' lives, How old were the twins when this change occurred? ______ years
Query de18am Integer Recommended If twins' biological parents are not living together, Do the twins live primarily with their biological mother, their biological father, or with another caregiver? 1::3 1 = biological mother; 2 = biological father; 3 = another caregiver
Query de18cm Float Recommended If twins currently have any contact with their non-residential biological parent, On average, how many hours per week does Twin A spend with him/her?
Query de18dm Float Recommended If twins currently have any contact with their non-residential biological parent, On average, how many hours per week does Twin B spend with him/her?
Query de21am Integer Recommended How many times has Twin A moved since they were born?
Query de21bm Integer Recommended How many times has Twin B moved since they were born? income_source_other
Query de22am Integer Recommended How many times has Twin A changed schools in their lives (including transitions to next level school)?
Query de22bm Integer Recommended How many times has Twin B changed schools in their lives (including transitions to next level school)?
Query de18bm Integer Recommended If twins' biological parents are not living together, Do the twins currently have any contact with their non-residential biological parent?
1 = yes; 0 = no; 3 = one twin does while the other twin does not
de04em String 35 Recommended Maternal grandmother race
de04gm String 35 Recommended Maternal grandfather race
de04im String 35 Recommended Paternal grandmother race
de04km String 35 Recommended Paternal grandfather race
mentalt_diag String 150 Recommended What is the diagnosis? confirmed_primary_dx
pls4_measure String 100 Recommended Measure Used PLS-4 primarydx_measure
qa18 Integer Recommended Section A - Demographics. A18. How many times have you been legally married? #=TIMES dm11
qa19 Integer Recommended Section A - Demographics. A19. How many times have you been divorced? dm12
pregnancy_no Integer Recommended 1. How many times have you/ (child)'s mother been pregnant? dm14
qa22 Integer Recommended Section A - Demographics. A22. How many children have you (fathered/given birth to)? That is, not including adopted, foster, or step children. #=# CHILDREN dm14_kidnum
test_ged Integer Recommended Did you pass a high school equivalency test?
0 = No; 1 = Yes; 9 = Missing dm15b
ed_1_y Integer Recommended Are you currently in school?
0= No; 1= Yes; 77= Refused; 88= Missing; -99= NA dm15e
a2b_yn Integer Recommended Do you do any of the following kinds of work? Working a full-time paying job? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes dm17a
comments_misc String 4,000 Recommended Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data ac_demo, dm_notes, notes
sh_hs Integer Recommended Subject has a High School Diploma
1=Yes; 0=No dm15a
dm9_wyr String 10 Recommended What year were you widowed?
dm15f Integer Recommended What is the highest grade in school your mother completed? 0::17;9999 0 = Unschooled ; 1 = 1ST ; 2 = 2ND ; 3 = 3RD ; 4 = 4TH ; 5 = 5TH ; 6 = 6TH ; 7 = 7TH ; 8 = 8TH ; 9 = 9TH ; 10 = 10TH ; 11 = 11TH ; 12 = 12TH ; 13 = TECHNICAL SCHOOL OR 1 YR COLLEGE ; 14 = 2 YRS COLLEGE ; 15 = 3 YRS COLLEGE ; 16 = 4 YRS COLLEGE: B.A., B.S ; 17 = GRADUATE SCHOOL: M.A., M.S., J.D., M.D., Ph.D ; 9999 = Don't know
dm15g Integer Recommended What is the highest grade in school your father completed? 0::17;9999 0 = Unschooled ; 1 = 1ST ; 2 = 2ND ; 3 = 3RD ; 4 = 4TH ; 5 = 5TH ; 6 = 6TH ; 7 = 7TH ; 8 = 8TH ; 9 = 9TH ; 10 = 10TH ; 11 = 11TH ; 12 = 12TH ; 13 = TECHNICAL SCHOOL OR 1 YR COLLEGE ; 14 = 2 YRS COLLEGE ; 15 = 3 YRS COLLEGE ; 16 = 4 YRS COLLEGE: B.A., B.S ; 17 = GRADUATE SCHOOL: M.A., M.S., J.D., M.D., Ph.D ; 9999 = Don't know
dm__16 Float Recommended Now I want to ask you about work for pay. In the past twelve months, how many months have you been employed? COUNT SELF-EMPLOYMENT OR SALARIED. IF NONE, CODE 0. IF LESS THAN 1 MONTH, CODE 1. dm16
paofwork5 Integer Recommended 39. Are you a student 1::3; -9 1 = Yes, Full-time; 2 = Yes, Part-time; 3 = No, -9 = Missing Data p_job7_1, sub_job7_1
ind_type String 65 Recommended Industry/Type of Business (Subject) p_business, sub_business
preg_age_mom Integer Recommended Age of mother at the time of birth In years; 999=Unknown sub_momage
preg_age_dad Integer Recommended Age of father at the time of birth In years; 999=Unknown sub_dadage
dembadpt Integer Recommended Is the child/teen adopted?
0 = No 1 = Yes sub_adopt
birthcountry_dad String 100 Recommended What is the country of birth of the child's father? p_bio_f_country, sub_bio_f_country
birthcountry_mom String 100 Recommended What is the country of birth of the child's mother? p_bio_m_county, sub_bio_m_county
country_origin String 100 Recommended Country of Origin p_country, sub_country
calm_inc1 Integer Recommended How much income did you earn from work in the last year 98 = Refused to answer sub_income_num
mother_edu_cat Integer Recommended Mother's highest educational level category completed
0 = Never attended or Kindergarten only; 1-11 = Grades 1=11; 12 = High school No diploma; 13 = GED or equivalent; 14 = High school graduate; 15 = Completed 12 years of school (but unable to determine if code 12, 13, or 14); 16 = Some college, no degree; 17 = Associate degree: occupational/technical/vocational program; 18 = Associate degree: academic program (includes non-US post high school/pre college levels); 19 = Associate degree (but unable to determine if code 16 or 17); 20 = Bachelor degree (e.g., BA, AB, BS, BBA); 21 = Completed 16 years of school (but unable to determine if code 16-20); 22 = Master¿s degree (e.g., MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MBA); 23 = Professional school degree (e.g., MD, DDS, DVM, JD); 24 = Doctoral degree (e.g., PhD, EdD); 25 = Post Master degree (but unable to determine if code 20 or 21); 26 = Unknown/Missing; 98 = Refused to answer sub_mgrade
father_edu_cat Integer Recommended Father's highest educational level category completed
0 = Never attended or Kindergarten only; 1-11 = Grades 1=11; 12 = High school No diploma; 13 = GED or equivalent; 14 = High school graduate; 15 = Completed 12 years of school (but unable to determine if code 12, 13, or 14); 16 = Some college, no degree; 17 = Associate degree: occupational/technical/vocational program; 18 = Associate degree: academic program (includes non-US post high school/pre college levels); 19 = Associate degree (but unable to determine if code 16 or 17); 20 = Bachelor degree (e.g., BA, AB, BS, BBA); 21 = Completed 16 years of school (but unable to determine if code 16-20); 22 = Master¿s degree (e.g., MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MBA); 23 = Professional school degree (e.g., MD, DDS, DVM, JD); 24 = Doctoral degree (e.g., PhD, EdD); 25 = Post Master degree (but unable to determine if code 20 or 21); 26 = Unknown/Missing; 98 = Refused to answer sub_fgrade
ustime_coded Integer Recommended About how long have you been in the United States? PX011201_Years_living_in_US_Coded 0::95;97;99 0=less than 1 year; 95= 95+ years; 97=Refused; 99=Don't Know sub_yrs_in_usa
sub_adopt_1 String 20 Recommended How old were when you were adopted?
sub_income Integer Recommended With regard to your current or most recent job activity: If not sure, is your income: 1::10; 99; 999 1 =Less than $5,000 ; 2 =$5,000 through $11,999 ; 3 =$12,000 through $15,999 ; 4 =$16,000 through $24,999 ; 5 =$25,000 through $34,999 ; 6 =$35,000 through $49,999 ; 7 =$50,000 through $74,999 ; 8 =$75,000 through $99,999 ; 9 =$100,000 through $199,999 ; 10 =$200,000 and greater; 99 = Don't Know; 999 = Don't wish to answer p_income
sub_income_famcode Integer Recommended With regard to your current or most recent job activity: If not sure, was your family income: 1::10 1 =Less than $5,000 ; 2 =$5,000 through $11,999 ; 3 =$12,000 through $15,999 ; 4 =$16,000 through $24,999 ; 5 =$25,000 through $34,999 ; 6 =$35,000 through $49,999 ; 7 =$50,000 through $74,999 ; 8 =$75,000 through $99,999 ; 9 =$100,000 through $199,999 ; 10 =$200,000 and greater family_income_question
family_income_dfct1 Integer Recommended In the past 12 months, has there been a time when you and your immediate family experienced any of the following: a. Needed food but couldn't afford to buy it or couldn't afford to go out to get it?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
family_income_dfct2 Integer Recommended In the past 12 months, has there been a time when you and your immediate family experienced any of the following: b. Were without telephone service because you could not afford it?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
family_income_dfct3 Integer Recommended In the past 12 months, has there been a time when you and your immediate family experienced any of the following: c. Didn't pay the full amount of the rent or mortgage because you could not afford it?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
family_income_dfct4 Integer Recommended In the past 12 months, has there been a time when you and your immediate family experienced any of the following: d. Were evicted from your home for not paying the rent or mortgage?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
family_income_dfct5 Integer Recommended In the past 12 months, has there been a time when you and your immediate family experienced any of the following: e. Had services turned off by the gas or electric company, or the oil company wouldn't deliver oil because payments were not made?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
family_income_dfct6 Integer Recommended In the past 12 months, has there been a time when you and your immediate family experienced any of the following: f. Had someone who needed to see a doctor or go to the hospital but didn't go because you could not afford it?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
family_income_dfct7 Integer Recommended In the past 12 months, has there been a time when you and your immediate family experienced any of the following: g. Had someone who needed a dentist but couldn't go because you could not afford it?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
smoker Integer Recommended Smoker? 0 :: 4; 9 0=No; 1=Yes; 2= Yes, but not regularly (less than 10 per day); 3= Yes, regularly (10 or more a day); 4= Former smoker; 9=NK/missing
other_phenotype_details String 255 Recommended Details of other phenotype(s) other
phenotype String 200 Recommended Phenotype/diagnosis for the subject group
smoke_current_packs Float Recommended how many packs per day if yes? 0::10 smoke_frequency
saps_ad13 Integer Recommended Medication status 0;1;2 0=No medication; 1=Medication; 2 = Drug Naive medsta
th1b Integer Recommended Total Duration of Outpatient Treatment (weeks) outpatient_treat_weeks
scda17 Integer Recommended How many times have you (or subject if informant) been hospitalized for psychiatric reasons? (Best estimate) 0::300 inpatient_treatments
sldc227 Float Recommended Total Duration of Inpatient Treatment (Weeks) inpatient_treat_dur
femenst Float Recommended Age (in years) at First Menstrual Period 1::100; 888; 999 888=N/A; 999=missing data menarche_start
race_category_informant Integer Recommended Racial Category/categories of informant
1 = American Indian/Alaska Native ; 2 = Asian ; 3 = Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ; 4 = Black or African American ; 5 = White ; 6 = More than one race ; 7 = Unknown or not reported
ethnic_category_informant Integer Recommended Ethnic Category/categories of informant 1::3 1 = Hispanic or Latino; 2 = Not Hispanic or Latino; 3 = Unknown
person2_exist Integer Recommended Is there another person who significantly contributes to the participant's current living expenses? 0::1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
child_out_psych_ever Integer Recommended Has your child who will be participating in study ever been in outpatient psychiatric/psychological treatment? 0::1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
outpatient_treatments Integer Recommended If subject has ever been in outpatient psychiatric/psychological treatment, how many times?
area5_explain String 360 Recommended Church, religion or spiritual orientation? Explain briefly religion, religious_category
date_of_enrollment String 10 Recommended Date of enrollment doe
labsample29 String 10 Recommended Date of last menstrual period NA=if male or pre-puberty demo4, last_period
sis9 String 40 Recommended Who else was present during the interview? (select all that apply) 1 = No one; 2 = Other adults; 3 = Child(ren); 4 = Adults and child(ren) under 18 interviewed_who
ksads_outpt_age String 100 Recommended Age at first outpatient treatment outpatient_treat_age
pds6g Integer Recommended Girls only : Have you begun to menstruate? 0;1;99 0=No; 1=Yes; 99 = Refused meneses
phi1 Integer Recommended Type of interview 1::5 1 = In person; 2 = Phone; 3 = Mail; 4 = SIG-O only; 5 = Carp only interview_type
yoga Integer Recommended Have you practiced meditation or yoga regularly over the past three years? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
yogahowoften String 250 Recommended Have you practiced meditation or yoga regularly over the past three years? If you answered yes, how often?
visnum Float Recommended Numeric Visit Number -1.5 = Pre-Screening; -1 = Screening; 0 = Baseline; ## = Visit ## (from 1 to 10); Whole numbers = standard monthly visits; #.001 - #.009 = Unscheduled; #.1 = End of Phase 1; #.2 = End of Phase 2; #.3 = End of Phase 3; #.4 = End of Open Choice Phase; #.5 = End of Study; #.6 = Genetic Analysis; 1000=all visits sesscode
relation_stat Integer Recommended Relationship status: 0;1 0= Not currently in a long-term relationship ; 1= Currently in a long-term relationship
dependent_home Integer Recommended Number of children/dependents living at home:
religion_important Integer Recommended How important is religion in your life? 1::7 1= Not at all important ; 2= 2 ; 3= 3 ; 4= 4 ; 5= 5 ; 6= 6 ; 7= Extremely important
therapy_count Integer Recommended How many times before now have you participated in therapy/counseling for depression? 1::4 1= Never ; 2= 1 or 2 times ; 3= 3 or 4 times ; 4= 5 or more times
therapy_helpful Integer Recommended How helpful did you find therapy in treating your depression? 1::5 1= I have never been in therapy before ; 2= Not helpful at all ; 3= Not very helpful ; 4= Somewhat helpful ; 5= Very helpful
meds_count Integer Recommended How many times have you used medication for one month or longer to treat your depression? 1::4 1= Never ; 2= 1 or 2 times ; 3= 3 or 4 times ; 4= 5 or more times
meds_helpful Integer Recommended How helpful did you find medication in treating your depression? 1::5 1= I have never taken medication for depression before ; 2= Not helpful at all ; 3= Not very helpful ; 4= Somewhat helpful ; 5= Very helpful
rater_title String 50 Recommended Rater's Title therapist
Query visit String 60 Recommended Visit name evalcode, eventname
time_assess String 20 Recommended Time of day the assessment was taken. Hour:minutes assess_time
demoginfo15 String 50 Recommended Which religion do you currently practice? religion_other
hx_psymeds_spec String 300 Recommended Please describe your history of taking psychiatric medication. psychmeds
saps_ad10 Integer Recommended Rater number diagnostician
aescode Integer Recommended Staff code number of person completing this form 999= Missing Data ra, rs_demo, screening_administrator_in
bio_father Integer Recommended Are you the Child''s Biological Father?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
cust_parent Integer Recommended If you are not a biological parent to the child, then are you the child''s custodial parent?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
p_c_grade String 100 Recommended What grade is your child in? (if it is summer, indicate their grade starting in the fall)?
p_c_adopt_when_unit Integer Recommended Adoption age given in months or years? 1 = Months ; 2 = Years
p_c_gender_different String 100 Recommended Please state if your child has different gender identity:
p_c_country String 100 Recommended In which country was your child born?
p_c_yrs_in_usa Integer Recommended How many years has your child lived in the United States:
ptner_yn Integer Recommended Do you have a partner?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
ptner_grade String 100 Recommended What is the highest grade or level of school your partner completed or the highest degree they received?
ptner_job Float Recommended We would like to know about what your partner does--are they working now, looking for work, retired, taking care of children, a student, or what? 1 = WORKING NOW ; 2 = ONLY TEMPORARILY LAID OFF ; 2.1 = SICK LEAVE ; 2.2 = MATERNITY LEAVE ; 3.1 = UNEMPLOYED, LOOKING FOR WORK ; 3.2 = UNEMPLOYED, NOT LOOKING FOR WORK ; 4 = RETIRED ; 5 = DISABLED, PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY ; 6 = TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN AND/OR RAISING CHILDREN AND/OR CARING FOR AGING PARENTS ; 7 = STUDENT ; 8 = OTHER
ptner_job1_1 Integer Recommended If your partner is working now, are they 1 = FULL TIME ; 2 = PART TIME
ptner_job7_1 Integer Recommended If your partner is a student, are they 1 = FULL TIME ; 2 = PART TIME
ptner_job8_1 String 300 Recommended Specify partner''s/their other employment situation
ptner_business String 100 Recommended In what kind of business or industry does (did) your partner work?
ptner_work String 100 Recommended What kind of work does (did) your partner do? (Job Title)?
ptner_income Integer Recommended How much did your partner earn, before taxes and other deductions, during the past 12 months? 1 = Less than $5,000 ; 2 = $5,000 through $11,999 ; 3 = $12,000 through $15,999 ; 4 = $16,000 through $24,999 ; 5 = $25,000 through $34,999 ; 6 = $35,000 through $49,999 ; 7 = $50,000 through $74,999 ; 8 = $75,000 through $99,999 ; 9 = $100,000 through $199,999 ; 10 = $200,000 and greater ; 99 = Don''t Know ; 999 = Do not want to answer
comqother String 255 Recommended Respondent - Other (text) other_parent
demo_adopt_age String 20 Recommended Reporting parent: At what age was your child adopted? p_c_adopt_when
employotr String 200 Recommended Employment situation other, specify activity_other_par, p_job8_1
nimh_rv_dem_03 Integer Recommended Current gender identity 0::11;999 0 = Male; 1 = Female; 2 = Trans male/Trans man; 3 = Trans female/Trans woman; 4 = Genderqueer or Gender non-conforming; 5 = Different identity; 6 = Non-binary; 7 = Refused/prefer not to answer; 8 = Do not know; 9 = Not listed; 10 = Multiple identities listed; 11 = Gender fluid; 999 = Missing p_c_gender
p_partnerbio Integer Recommended Is partner child's biological parent?
0= No ; 1= Yes ; -99= N/A ; 88= Missing ; 77= Refused ptner_bio_parent
ustime String 100 Recommended How long you lived in US, years p_yrs_in_usa
bio_mother Integer Recommended Are you the Child''s Biological Mother?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
sample Integer Recommended Training or randomized case 1::5 1 = randomized; 2 = training; 3=randomized-control; 4=randomized-intervention; 5=concurrent cohort-intervention
mother_cod String 50 Recommended Mother's cause of death mother_cause_of_death
father_cause_of_death String 50 Recommended Father's cause of death
demobmdage Integer Recommended If mother deceased, age in years at death 0::100 mother_age_death
demobfdage Integer Recommended If father deceased, age in years at death 0::100 father_age_death
father_alive Integer Recommended Is your biological father still alive?
0 = No; 1 = Yes; 3 = Unknown; 777=Not applicable father_still_living
mother_alive Integer Recommended Is your biological mother still alive?
0 = No; 1 = Yes; 3 = Unknown; 777=Not applicable mother_still_living
educat Float Recommended Number of years in formal education 999=Unknown/Missing edu_yrs
birthstate String 2 Recommended State of Birth, Abbreviation birthplace_state
sex_other String 75 Recommended Describe other sex assigned at birth
subject_pronouns String 50 Recommended Participant's pronouns used to describe themselves pronoun_other
sexual_orientation Integer Recommended Sexual Orientation- Do you identify as:
1 = Asexual; 2 = Bisexual; 3 = Gay; 4 = Lesbian; 5 = Pansexual; 6 = Queer; 7 = Questioning; 8 = Straight or heterosexual; 9 = Other; 10 = Homosexual; 11 = I am not sure yet; 12 = Multiple Orientations Listed; 13 = Decline to answer sexual_orient
sexual_or_descrip String 100 Recommended What is your sexual orientation? sexual_orient_other
edfirst_scid String 100 Recommended Education first person (intervewee/first parent) education_par
caregiver_edu String 200 Recommended Caregiver: Education level and major education_other_par
respond Integer Recommended Respondent
1 = Parent; 2 = Teacher; 3=Self; 4= Other; 5= Significant other; 6 = Parent 1; 7 = Parent 2; 999 = Not available form_ext
hh_grandma Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Grandmother 0;1 0 = Absent from household; 1 = Checked/Present
hh_grandpa Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Grandfather 0;1 0 = Absent from household; 1 = Checked/Present
hh_parentso Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Parent-Significant Other 0;1 0 = Absent from household; 1 = Checked/Present
hh_other Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Other 0;1 0 = Absent from household; 1 = Checked/Present
hh_other_spc String 100 Recommended Specify other member of household
hh_mom_count Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Number
hh_dad_count Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Number
hh_brother_count Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Number
hh_sister_count Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Number
hh_stepmom_count Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Number
hh_stepdad_count Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Number
hh_grandma_count Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Number
hh_grandpa_count Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Number
hh_parentso_count Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Number
hh_other_count Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Number
pronoun Integer Recommended Subject's preferred pronouns 1::3;99 1 = He; 2 = She; 3 = Them/They; 99 = Other (specify)
hh_mom Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Mom 0;1 0 = Absent from household; 1 = Checked/Present
hh_dad Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Dad 0;1 0 = Absent from household; 1 = Checked/Present
hh_brother Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Brother 0;1 0 = Absent from household; 1 = Checked/Present
hh_sister Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Sister 0;1 0 = Absent from household; 1 = Checked/Present
hh_stepmom Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Step-mother 0;1 0 = Absent from household; 1 = Checked/Present
hh_stepdad Integer Recommended Who lives in your household (family member or equivalent figure)? Step-father 0;1 0 = Absent from household; 1 = Checked/Present
socio_11 Integer Recommended Do you have your own mobile phone?
1 = Yes ; 0 = No ; 3 = Yes, but currently it is damaged or not working
socio_11_1 Integer Recommended If you have your own mobile phone, what type of mobile phone do you have? 1 ; 2 1 = Smartphone ; 2 = Other
socio_12 Integer Recommended Have you ever used a Smartphone?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
socio_12_1 String 20 Recommended If you have ever used a smartphone, whose smartphone have you used? 1 = Own ; 2 = Family Member's ; 3 = Friend's ; 4 = Relative's ; 5 = Co-worker's ; 6 = Any other's
gfsr_21 String 25 Recommended How long have you been at your current job socio_7
socio_2 Integer Recommended What is your designation? 1 ; 2 1 = Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) ; 2 = ASHA Facilitator
socio_8 String 60 Recommended Which Community Health Center (CHC) are you working with?
socio_9 Integer Recommended Have you participated in any training program on mental health?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
socio_9_1 String 60 Recommended Have you participated in any training program on mental health? If yes, then how many months/years ago was this?
socio_9_2 String 60 Recommended Have you participated in any training program on mental health? If yes, then what was the name or subject of this training program?
socio_10 Integer Recommended How much time did it take you to travel to reach this place? (i.e., where the data collection is currently taking place) 1 :: 1440 In minutes
cg1_employcur Integer Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: If working now, what is your current employment status? 1::12;-7 1=Full time; 2=Part time for pay; 3=Homemaker; 4=Incarcerated; 5=Disabled; 6=Leave of absence; 7=Unemployed; 8=Retired; 9=Other; 10=Student; 11=Volunteer; -7=Refused; 12 = Maternity leave
cg1_paofwork5 Integer Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: If student, what type of student are you? 1::3; -9 1 = Yes, Full-time; 2 = Yes, Part-time; 3 = Not a student, -9 = Missing Data
cg1_ind_type String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: In what kind of business or industry do (did) you work?
cg1_sub_income Integer Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: How much did you earn, before taxes and other deductions, during the past 12 months? 1::10; 99; 999 1 =Less than $5,000 ; 2 =$5,000 through $11,999 ; 3 =$12,000 through $15,999 ; 4 =$16,000 through $24,999 ; 5 =$25,000 through $34,999 ; 6 =$35,000 through $49,999 ; 7 =$50,000 through $74,999 ; 8 =$75,000 through $99,999 ; 9 =$100,000 through $199,999 ; 10 =$200,000 and greater; 99 = Don't Know; 999 = Don't wish to answer
cg1_bkgrnd_education String 65 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: What is the highest grade or level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?
dem_industry_mom_12 String 200 Recommended For your current or most recent job, in what kind of industry did/do you work? (For example: hospital, auto engine manufacturing, newspaper publishing, mail order house) (Parent/Caregiver 1) cg1_jobh
cg1_country_origin String 70 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: In which country were you born?
cg1_ustime String 50 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: How many years have you lived in the United States:
cg1_nimh_rv_dem_03 Integer Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: What is your current gender identity? 0::5; 7; 8 0=Male; 1=Female; 2=Trans male/Trans man; 3=Trans female/Trans woman; 4=Genderqueer or Gender non-conforming; 5=Different identity; 7 = Refused; 8 = Don't Know
cg1_fspgod String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: Please state if you have a different gender identity:
cg1_das1ms String 100 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: Are you now married, widowed, divorced, separated, never married or living with a partner?
cg1_area4_explain String 150 Recommended Caregiver/Parent 1: We would like to know about what you do - are you working now, looking for work, retired, taking care of children, a student, or what?
reading_recognizing Integer Recommended Do you have problems reading a newspaper or recognizing someone from across the room related to macular degeneration?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
both_eyes Integer Recommended Is your macular degeneration in both eyes?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
left_eye_diagnosis Integer Recommended Left Eye Diagnosis (type of macular degeneration) 1::3 1 = Dry ; 2 = Wet ; 3 = Other
right_eye_diagnosis Integer Recommended Right Eye Diagnosis (type of macular degeneration) 1::3 1 = Dry ; 2 = Wet ; 3 = Other
drive_yourself Integer Recommended Are you able to drive yourself?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
distance_from_bhm String 15 Recommended About how far away from Birmingham do you live?
mr_compatible Integer Recommended In order to ensure your comfort in the MRI scanner - is your weight above 300 pounds or your waist circumference (belt size) greater than 60 inches? (If yes to either, then patient is ineligible). 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
lie_flat_in_scanner Integer Recommended Do you have any neck problems that would make it difficult to lie flat on a bed with no pillow? 0;1 0 = No; 1 = Yes
doctor_referral Integer Recommended Are you calling because you heard about us through your eye doctor?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
visualacuity1 Float Recommended Visual acuity from doctor out of 20 visual_acuity
voicemail String 25 Recommended Time and date the voicemail was left.
when_could_i_call_you_back String 20 Recommended When could I call you back to finish the questionnaire?
md_diagnosis Integer Recommended Have you ever been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration?
0 = No; 1 = Yes
type_of_md Integer Recommended Is your Macular Degeneration age-related or juvenile? 1::3 1 = Age Related ; 2 = Juvenile ; 3 = Other
kind_of_md_if_other String 20 Recommended What kind of Macular Degeneration if other?
time_since_diagnosis String 15 Recommended How long have you been diagnosed with macular degeneration? in months
studyinfo Integer Recommended Would you like me to tell you about our study? 1::3 1 = Yes, Now ; 2 = Yes, Later ; 3 = No study_info
ps_prime_income Integer Recommended Family income at year 1 1::8;-999 1 = less than $25,000 ; 2 = $25,000 - $34,999 ; 3 = $35,000 - $49,999 ; 4 = $50,000 - $74,999 ; 5 = $75,000 - $99,999 ; 6 = $100,000 - $129,999 ; 7 = $130,000 - $149,999 ; 8 = higher than $150,000 ; -999 = Declined to answer/Respondent does not know
year_mta Integer Recommended Year in study visit_year
longform_id String 50 Recommended Long form of Subject ID
chrdemo_age_yrs_chr Integer Recommended Age in years round(datediff([screening_arm_1][chric_consent_date],[baseline_arm_1][chrdemo_dob]=''y'')=0) ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_age_yrs_hc Integer Recommended Age in years round(datediff([screening_arm_2][chric_consent_date],[baseline_arm_2][chrdemo_dob]=''y'')=0) ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_age_mos_chr Integer Recommended Age in months round(datediff([screening_arm_1][chric_consent_date],[baseline_arm_1][chrdemo_dob]=''M'')=0) ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_age_mos_hc Integer Recommended Age in months round(datediff([baseline_arm_2][chrdemo_dob],[screening_arm_2][chric_consent_date]=''''M'''')=0) ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_firstlang String 50 Recommended 3. What is your first language (mother tongue)?
chrdemo_assess_lang Integer Recommended 4. In what language will assessments be conducted? (Rater to answer) 1::10;-900;-300 1=Cantonese; 2=Danish; 3=Dutch; 4=English; 5=French; 6=German; 7=Italian; 8=Korean; 9=Mandarin (TBC); 10=Spanish ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_lang_comprehension Integer Recommended 5. How well can you speak and understand [chrdemo_assess_lang]? 1;2;-900;-300 1=Very well, it is my native language; 2=I speak and understand it, but it is my second language ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_cob Integer Recommended In which country were you born? 1::197;-900;-300 1=Afghanistan; 2=Albania; 3=Algeria; 4=Andorra; 5=Angola; 6=Antigua and Barbuda; 7=Argentina; 8=Armenia; 9=Australia; 10=Austria; 11=Azerbaijan; 12=Bahamas; 13=Bahrain; 14=Bangladesh; 15=Barbados; 16=Belarus; 17=Belgium; 18=Belize; 19=Benin; 20=Bhutan; 21=Bolivia; 22=Bosnia and Herzegovina; 23=Botswana; 24=Brazil; 25=Brunei; 26=Bulgaria; 27=Burkina Faso; 28=Burundi; 29=C?te d''Ivoire; 30=Cabo Verde; 31=Cambodia; 32=Cameroon; 33=Canada; 34=Central African Republic; 35=Chad; 36=Chile; 37=China; 38=Colombia; 39=Comoros; 40=Congo (Congo-Brazzaville); 41=Costa Rica; 42=Croatia; 43=Cuba; 44=Cyprus; 45=Czechia (Czech Republic); 46=Democratic Republic of the Congo; 47=Denmark; 48=Djibouti; 49=Dominica; 50=Dominican Republic; 51=Ecuador; 52=Egypt; 53=El Salvador; 54=Equatorial Guinea; 55=Eritrea; 56=Estonia; 57=Eswatini (fmr=''''Swaziland''''); 58=Ethiopia; 59=Fiji; 60=Finland; 61=France; 62=Gabon; 63=Gambia; 64=Georgia; 65=Germany; 66=Ghana; 67=Greece; 68=Grenada; 69=Guatemala; 70=Guinea; 71=Guinea-Bissau; 72=Guyana; 73=Haiti; 74=Holy See; 75=Honduras; 76=Hong Kong; 77=Hungary; 78=Iceland; 79=India; 80=Indonesia; 81=Iran; 82=Iraq; 83=Ireland; 84=Israel; 85=Italy; 86=Jamaica; 87=Japan; 88=Jordan; 89=Kazakhstan; 90=Kenya; 91=Kiribati; 92=Kuwait; 93=Kyrgyzstan; 94=Laos; 95=Latvia; 96=Lebanon; 97=Lesotho; 98=Liberia; 99=Libya; 100=Liechtenstein; 101=Lithuania; 102=Luxembourg; 103=Madagascar; 104=Malawi; 105=Malaysia; 106=Maldives; 107=Mali; 108=Malta; 109=Marshall Islands; 110=Mauritania; 111=Mauritius; 112=Mexico; 113=Micronesia; 114=Moldova; 115=Monaco; 116=Mongolia; 117=Montenegro; 118=Morocco; 119=Mozambique; 120=Myanmar (formerly Burma); 121=Namibia; 122=Nauru; 123=Nepal; 124=Netherlands; 125=New Zealand; 126=Nicaragua; 127=Niger; 128=Nigeria; 129=North Korea; 130=North Macedonia; 131=Norway; 132=Oman; 133=Pakistan; 134=Palau; 135=Palestine State; 136=Panama; 137=Papua New Guinea; 138=Paraguay; 139=Peru; 140=Philippines; 141=Poland; 142=Portugal; 143=Qatar; 144=Romania; 145=Russia; 146=Rwanda; 147=Saint Kitts and Nevis; 148=Saint Lucia; 149=Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; 150=Samoa; 151=San Marino; 152=Sao Tome and Principe; 153=Saudi Arabia; 154=Senegal; 155=Serbia; 156=Seychelles; 157=Sierra Leone; 158=Singapore; 159=Slovakia; 160=Slovenia; 161=Solomon Islands; 162=Somalia; 163=South Africa; 164=South Korea; 165=South Sudan; 166=Spain; 167=Sri Lanka; 168=Sudan; 169=Suriname; 170=Sweden; 171=Switzerland; 172=Syria; 173=Tajikistan; 174=Tanzania; 175=Thailand; 176=Timor-Leste; 177=Togo; 178=Tonga; 179=Trinidad and Tobago; 180=Tunisia; 181=Turkey; 182=Turkmenistan; 183=Tuvalu; 184=Uganda; 185=Ukraine; 186=United Arab Emirates; 187=United Kingdom; 188=United States of America; 189=Uruguay; 190=Uzbekistan; 191=Vanuatu; 192=Venezuela; 193=Vietnam; 194=Yemen; 195=Zambia; 196=Zimbabwe; 197=Other ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_cob_other String 50 Recommended If other, please specify:
chrdemo_current_country Integer Recommended 6a. In which country are you currently living? 1::197;-900;-300 1=Afghanistan; 2=Albania; 3=Algeria; 4=Andorra; 5=Angola; 6=Antigua and Barbuda; 7=Argentina; 8=Armenia; 9=Australia; 10=Austria; 11=Azerbaijan; 12=Bahamas; 13=Bahrain; 14=Bangladesh; 15=Barbados; 16=Belarus; 17=Belgium; 18=Belize; 19=Benin; 20=Bhutan; 21=Bolivia; 22=Bosnia and Herzegovina; 23=Botswana; 24=Brazil; 25=Brunei; 26=Bulgaria; 27=Burkina Faso; 28=Burundi; 29=C?te d''Ivoire; 30=Cabo Verde; 31=Cambodia; 32=Cameroon; 33=Canada; 34=Central African Republic; 35=Chad; 36=Chile; 37=China; 38=Colombia; 39=Comoros; 40=Congo (Congo-Brazzaville); 41=Costa Rica; 42=Croatia; 43=Cuba; 44=Cyprus; 45=Czechia (Czech Republic); 46=Democratic Republic of the Congo; 47=Denmark; 48=Djibouti; 49=Dominica; 50=Dominican Republic; 51=Ecuador; 52=Egypt; 53=El Salvador; 54=Equatorial Guinea; 55=Eritrea; 56=Estonia; 57=Eswatini (fmr=''''Swaziland''''); 58=Ethiopia; 59=Fiji; 60=Finland; 61=France; 62=Gabon; 63=Gambia; 64=Georgia; 65=Germany; 66=Ghana; 67=Greece; 68=Grenada; 69=Guatemala; 70=Guinea; 71=Guinea-Bissau; 72=Guyana; 73=Haiti; 74=Holy See; 75=Honduras; 76=Hong Kong; 77=Hungary; 78=Iceland; 79=India; 80=Indonesia; 81=Iran; 82=Iraq; 83=Ireland; 84=Israel; 85=Italy; 86=Jamaica; 87=Japan; 88=Jordan; 89=Kazakhstan; 90=Kenya; 91=Kiribati; 92=Kuwait; 93=Kyrgyzstan; 94=Laos; 95=Latvia; 96=Lebanon; 97=Lesotho; 98=Liberia; 99=Libya; 100=Liechtenstein; 101=Lithuania; 102=Luxembourg; 103=Madagascar; 104=Malawi; 105=Malaysia; 106=Maldives; 107=Mali; 108=Malta; 109=Marshall Islands; 110=Mauritania; 111=Mauritius; 112=Mexico; 113=Micronesia; 114=Moldova; 115=Monaco; 116=Mongolia; 117=Montenegro; 118=Morocco; 119=Mozambique; 120=Myanmar (formerly Burma); 121=Namibia; 122=Nauru; 123=Nepal; 124=Netherlands; 125=New Zealand; 126=Nicaragua; 127=Niger; 128=Nigeria; 129=North Korea; 130=North Macedonia; 131=Norway; 132=Oman; 133=Pakistan; 134=Palau; 135=Palestine State; 136=Panama; 137=Papua New Guinea; 138=Paraguay; 139=Peru; 140=Philippines; 141=Poland; 142=Portugal; 143=Qatar; 144=Romania; 145=Russia; 146=Rwanda; 147=Saint Kitts and Nevis; 148=Saint Lucia; 149=Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; 150=Samoa; 151=San Marino; 152=Sao Tome and Principe; 153=Saudi Arabia; 154=Senegal; 155=Serbia; 156=Seychelles; 157=Sierra Leone; 158=Singapore; 159=Slovakia; 160=Slovenia; 161=Solomon Islands; 162=Somalia; 163=South Africa; 164=South Korea; 165=South Sudan; 166=Spain; 167=Sri Lanka; 168=Sudan; 169=Suriname; 170=Sweden; 171=Switzerland; 172=Syria; 173=Tajikistan; 174=Tanzania; 175=Thailand; 176=Timor-Leste; 177=Togo; 178=Tonga; 179=Trinidad and Tobago; 180=Tunisia; 181=Turkey; 182=Turkmenistan; 183=Tuvalu; 184=Uganda; 185=Ukraine; 186=United Arab Emirates; 187=United Kingdom; 188=United States of America; 189=Uruguay; 190=Uzbekistan; 191=Vanuatu; 192=Venezuela; 193=Vietnam; 194=Yemen; 195=Zambia; 196=Zimbabwe; 197=Other ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_current_country_other String 50 Recommended If other, please specify:
chrdemo_country_situation Integer Recommended 7. Which of the following situation applies to you? 1::4;-900;-300 1=Born in <country where assessment is conducted> and not 1st or 2nd generation immigrant; 2=1st generation immigrant (you and your parents were born abroad and you came to < country where assessment is conducted> after age 5); 3=1st generation immigrant plus (you and your parents were born abroad=but you came to country where assessment is conducted> before age 5); 4=2nd generation immigrant (born in <country where assessment conducted> one or both parents born abroad) ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_refugee_status Integer Recommended 8. Do you have refugee status? 0;1;-99;-900;-300 0=No; 1=Yes; -99=Prefer not to say ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_racial_back Integer Recommended 9. How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? 1::12;99;-900;-300 1=Indigenous/Aboriginal Persons (e.g.=North American Indian=First Nation=Metis=Inuit=Aboriginal people=Torres Strait Islander); 2=East Asian (e.g.=China=Japan=Korea); 3=Southeast Asian (e.g.=Cambodia=Indonesia=Vietnam); 4=South Asian (e.g.=India=Pakistan=Sri Lanka); 5=Black/African/African American; 6=West/Central Asian and Middle Eastern (e.g.=Egypt=Lebanon=United Arab Emirates=Afghanistan=Iran); 7=White/European/North American/Australian; 8=Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; 9=Mexican American; 10=Two or more races/mixed race; 11=Prefer to self-describe; 12=Central / South American; 99=Prefer not to answer; -900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_hispanic_latino Integer Recommended 10. Are you Hispanic or Latino? 0;1;-99;-900;-300 0=No; 1=Yes; -99=Prefer not to say ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_marital_status Integer Recommended 11. What is your current relationship/marital status? 1::6;99;-900;-300 1=Never married or Single; 2=In a relationship; 3=Married/Common law/de facto (two people who live together as partners); 4=Separated but not divorced; 5=Divorced; 6=Widowed; 99=Other ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_marital_status_other String 50 Recommended If Other, please specify relationship/marital status:
chrdemo_children Integer Recommended 12. How many children do you have? 0::5;-900;-300 0=0; 1=1; 2=2; 3=3; 4=4; 5=5 or more ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_housing Integer Recommended 13. What is your current living situation? 1::7;99;-900;-300 1=House/flat/apartment with family of origin; 2=Rented room; 3=Rented flat/house/apartment; 4=Owned flat/house/apartment; 5=Boarding house/hostel; 6=Supported residential home; 7=Homeless or couch surfing; 99=Other ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
ampscz_missing Integer Recommended Please click if this form is missing all of its data 0;1 0 = Not clicked; 1 = Clicked chrdemo_missing
chrdemo_housing_other String 50 Recommended If Other, please specify housing:
chrdemo_living_situtation String 50 Recommended 14. Who do you currently live with? (tick all that apply) 1=Alone; 2=Both parents; 3=Mother/step-mother/foster mother only; 4=Father/step-father/foster father only; 5=Sibling(s); 6=Partner; 7=Son(s)/daughter(s); 8=Friend(s); 9=Housemate; 10=Grandparents or extended family; 11=Support workers; 99=Other;-900=Missing;-300=N/A ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_living_situtationother String 50 Recommended If other, please specify: chrdemo_living_situtation_other
chrdemo_income Integer Recommended 15. What is the main source of your personal income? 1::7;99;-900;-300 1=Contributions from family/spouse/partner; 2=Disability Income; 3=Gross Earnings (self); 4=Social Support; 5=Pension/Insurance; 6=Personal Needs Allowance (e.g.=if living in a shelter); 7=Student Loan; 99=Other ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_income_other String 50 Recommended If other please specify:
chrdemo_education Integer Recommended 16. How many years of education have you completed after preschool/ kindergarten ? (Select your choice) 0::20;-900;-300 0=0; 1=1; 2=2; 3=3; 4=4; 5=5; 6=6; 7=7; 8=8; 9=9; 10=10; 11=11; 12=12; 13=13; 14=14; 15=15; 16=16; 17=17; 18=18; 19=19; 20=20 plus ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_edu_max Integer Recommended 17. What is the highest level of formal education that you have achieved? 1::7;-900;-300 1=Less than seven years of school; 2=Junior high school (up to and including 8th grade); 3=Some high school/secondary school (grade 9-11); 4=Completed high school/secondary school (12th grade); 5=Partial college training; 6=College or university education; 7=Graduate or professional training ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_student Integer Recommended 18. Are you currently enrolled or were you enrolled as a student within the past 6 months? 0;1;-900;-300 0=No; 1=Yes ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_working Integer Recommended 19. Are you currently working in paid employment? 0::2;-900;-300 0=No; 1=Yes,working full-time; 2=Yes,working part-time ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_volwork Integer Recommended 20. Are you currently volunteering? 0;1;-900;-300 0=No; 1=Yes ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
ampscz_missing_spec Integer Recommended Please specify the reason for missing data on this form 0::6 0 = Evaluation not necessary because the screening visit was less than 21 days from baseline visit; 1 = Measure refusal (no reason provided); 2 = No show; 3 = Research assistant forgot; 4 = Uncontrollable circumstance; 5 = Participant dropped out; 6 = Evaluation not necessary because the screening visit was less than 21 days from baseline visit chrdemo_missing_spec
chrdemo_sibling Integer Recommended 21. Do you have a biological sibling in the study? 1::6;-900;-300 1=No; 2=An identical twin; 3=A brother; 4=A sister; 5=A half-brother; 6=A half-sister ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_sibling_id String 50 Recommended Please enter the sibling''s Study ID
chrdemo_parent_occupation Integer Recommended 22. Thinking about one of your (child-rearing) parents/guardians, what is their occupation (or more recent occupation if retired or deceased)? 1::9;-900;-300 1=Higher executives,Proprietors of Large Businesses,Major Professionals; 2=Administrators,Proprietors of Medium-Sized Businesses,Lesser Professionals; 3=Smaller Business Owners,Farm Owners,Managers,Minor Professionals; 4=Technicians,Semiprofessionals,Small Business Owners; 5=Clerical and Sales Workers,Small Farm and Business Owners; 6=Smaller Business Owners,Skill Manual Workers,Craftsmen,Tenant Farmers; 7=Semi-skilled Workers,Machine Operators; 8=Unskilled Workers; 9=Farm Laborers=Service Workers; -300=N/A - I did not have a primary caregiver; -900=Missing ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_parent_occupation2 Integer Recommended 23. Thinking about the other of your (child-rearing) parents/guardians, what is their occupation (or more recent occupation if retired or deceased)? 1::9;-900;-300 1=Higher executives,Proprietors of Large Businesses,Major Professionals; 2=Administrators,Proprietors of Medium-Sized Businesses,Lesser Professionals; 3=Smaller Business Owners,Farm Owners,Managers,Minor Professionals; 4=Technicians=Semiprofessionals=Small Business Owners; 5=Clerical and Sales Workers=Small Farm and Business Owners; 6=Smaller Business Owners,Skill Manual Workers,Craftsmen,Tenant Farmers; 7=Semi-skilled Workers,Machine Operators; 8=Unskilled Workers; 9=Farm Laborers,Service Workers;-300=N/A - I was raised by only one parent/guardian; -900=Missing ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_parent_edu_first Integer Recommended 24. What is the highest level of formal education that your first mentioned (child-rearing) parent/guardian achieved? 1::7;-900;-300 1=Less than seven years of school; 2=Junior high school (up to and including 8th grade); 3=Some high school/secondary school (grade 9-11); 4=Completed high school/secondary school (12th grade); 5=Partial college training; 6=College or university education; 7=Graduate or professional training; -300=N/A or I did not have a primary caregiver; -900=Missing
chrdemo_parent_edu_other Integer Recommended 25. What is the highest level of formal education that your other (child-rearing) parent/guardian achieved? 1::7;-900;-300 1=Less than seven years of school; 2=Junior high school (up to and including 8th grade); 3=Some high school/secondary school (grade 9-11); 4=Completed high school/secondary school (12th grade); 5=Partial college training; 6=College or university education; 7=Graduate or professional training; -300=N/A or I was raised by only one parent or did not have a primary caregiver; -900=Missing
ampscz_entry_date Date Recommended Date of Data Entry MM/DD/YYYY chrdemo_entry_date
chrdemo_gender_identity Integer Recommended What is your gender identity? 1 :: 8;-99;99;-900;-300 1=Male; 2=Female; 3= Transgender male; 4=Non binary; 5= Transgender female; 6= Agender; 7= Gender Queer; 8= Other/Prefer to self-identify; -99=Prefer not to say; 99=Other ;-900=Missing;-300=N/A
chrdemo_gender_other String 50 Recommended If Other, please specify gender:
chrdemo_sexassigned Integer Recommended 1b. What sex were you assigned at birth, what was on your original birth certificate? 1::3;-900;-300; -5; -999 1=Male; 2=Female; 3=Intersex; -900=Missing;-300=N/A; -999 =data not submitted (incomplete); -5=item seen but not answered
chrdemo_age_mos3 String 50 Recommended Age in years (Please only fill this out if you are unable to enter DOB above)
ses_cur_wic Integer Recommended In the last year, did anyone in your household, including yourself, receive any of the following public benefits? WIC 0::3 0= No; 1= Yes; 2= Do not know; 3= Prefer not to answer
ses_cur_welfare Integer Recommended In the last year, did anyone in your household, including yourself, receive any of the following public benefits? Welfare (AFDC or TANF) 0::3 0= No; 1= Yes; 2= Do not know; 3= Prefer not to answer
ses_cur_disability Integer Recommended In the last year, did anyone in your household, including yourself, receive any of the following public benefits? Disability 0::3 0= No; 1= Yes; 2= Do not know; 3= Prefer not to answer
ses_mother_edu Integer Recommended What is the highest grade of school your MOTHER completed? 1::10 1= No formal schooling; 2= Less than a high school diploma; 3= A high school diploma or GED; 4= Technical certificate or degree; 5= Some college or a 2 year degree; 6= 4 year college degree; 7= Some post graduate work; 8= Post graduate or advanced professional degree; 9= Unsure; 10= Prefer not to answer
ses_father_edu Integer Recommended What is the highest grade of school your FATHER completed? 1::10 1= No formal schooling; 2= Less than a high school diploma; 3= A high school diploma or GED; 4= Technical certificate or degree; 5= Some college or a 2 year degree; 6= 4 year college degree; 7= Some post graduate work; 8= Post graduate or advanced professional degree; 9= Unsure; 10= Prefer not to answer
ses_community_childhood Integer Recommended Think of this ladder as representing ALL THE PEOPLE IN YOUR COMMUNITY during your childhood. At the top of the ladder are the people IN YOUR COMMUNITY who were the best off-the most money, the highest status in town, and the most influential. At the bottom of the ladder are the people who were the worst off-who have the least money, the least prestige, and the least influential. The higher up you are on this ladder the closer you are to the people at the very top. The lower you are, the closer you are to the people at the very bottom. Thinking back to YOUR CHILDHOOD, which number best describes where you would place yourself/your family on this ladder? 1::10 1= Bottom of the ladder; 10= Top of the ladder
ses_community_cur Integer Recommended Think of this ladder as representing ALL THE PEOPLE IN YOUR COMMUNITY during your childhood. At the top of the ladder are the people IN YOUR COMMUNITY who were the best off-the most money, the highest status in town, and the most influential. At the bottom of the ladder are the people who were the worst off-who have the least money, the least prestige, and the least influential. The higher up you are on this ladder the closer you are to the people at the very top. The lower you are, the closer you are to the people at the very bottom. Thinking about YOUR CURRENT SITUATION, which number best describes where you would place yourself on this ladder? 1::10 1= Bottom of the ladder; 10= Top of the ladder
ses_us_childhood Integer Recommended Think of this ladder as representing ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES. At the top of the ladder are the people IN THE UNITED STATES who were the best off-the most money, the highest status in town, and the most influential. At the bottom of the ladder are the people who were the worst off-who have the least money, the least prestige, and the least influential. The higher up you are on this ladder the closer you are to the people at the very top. The lower you are, the closer you are to the people at the very bottom. Thinking back to YOUR CHILDHOOD, which number best describes where you would place yourself/your family on this ladder? 1::10 1= Bottom of the ladder; 10= Top of the ladder
ses_us_cur Integer Recommended Think of this ladder as representing ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES. At the top of the ladder are the people IN THE UNITED STATES who were the best off-the most money, the highest status in town, and the most influential. At the bottom of the ladder are the people who were the worst off-who have the least money, the least prestige, and the least influential. The higher up you are on this ladder the closer you are to the people at the very top. The lower you are, the closer you are to the people at the very bottom. Thinking about YOUR CURRENT SITUATION, which number best describes where you would place yourself on this ladder? 1::10 1= Bottom of the ladder; 10= Top of the ladder
ses_childhood_lunch Integer Recommended During your childhood, did anyone in your household, including yourself, receive any of the following public benefits? Free or reduced price school lunch 0::3 0= No; 1= Yes; 2= Do not know; 3= Prefer not to answer
ses_childhood_foodstamps Integer Recommended During your childhood, did anyone in your household, including yourself, receive any of the following public benefits? Food stamps (SNAP) 0::3 0= No; 1= Yes; 2= Do not know; 3= Prefer not to answer
ses_chlidhood_wic Integer Recommended During your childhood, did anyone in your household, including yourself, receive any of the following public benefits? WIC 0::3 0= No; 1= Yes; 2= Do not know; 3= Prefer not to answer
ses_childhood_welfare Integer Recommended During your childhood, did anyone in your household, including yourself, receive any of the following public benefits? Welfare (AFDC or TANF) 0::3 0= No; 1= Yes; 2= Do not know; 3= Prefer not to answer
ses_childhood_disability Integer Recommended During your childhood, did anyone in your household, including yourself, receive any of the following public benefits? Disability 0::3 0= No; 1= Yes; 2= Do not know; 3= Prefer not to answer
ses_cur_lunch Integer Recommended In the last year, did anyone in your household, including yourself, receive any of the following public benefits? Free or reduced price school lunch 0::3 0= No; 1= Yes; 2= Do not know; 3= Prefer not to answer
ses_cur_foodstamps Integer Recommended In the last year, did anyone in your household, including yourself, receive any of the following public benefits? Food stamps (SNAP) 0::3 0= No; 1= Yes; 2= Do not know; 3= Prefer not to answer
yc_partner_drug___0 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? Cannabis/Marijuana/THC 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___1 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? Alcohol 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___2 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? Cigarettes 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___3 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? E-cigarettes (nicotine) 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___4 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? Sedatives (e.g., sleeping pills, valium, Ativan, Xanax) 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___5 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? Painkillers (e.g., codeine, oxycontin, dilaudid) 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___6 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? Stimulants (e.g., Adderall, Ritalin, amphetamines) 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___7 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? Cocaine or crack 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___8 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? Hallucinogens (e.g., Ecstasy/MDMA, LSD, PCP, angel dust) 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___9 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? Inhalants or solvents (e.g., nitrous oxide) 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___10 Integer Recommended Does your partner use any of the following substances (other than if prescribed)? Heroin 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_partner_drug___11 Integer Recommended Any other drug (other than as prescribed) 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_indp_finances Integer Recommended Are you financially independent (for example, pay own housing and living expenses without assistance from relatives or others)? 0;1 1=yes; 0=no
yc_income_grew_up Integer Recommended What is the annual income in the household you grew up? 1::6 1=Less than $25,000; 2=$25,000 to less than $50,000; 3=$50,000 to less than $75,000; 4=$75,000 to less than $100,000; 5=$100,000 or more; 6=Don't Know/Prefer not to answer
yc_sex Integer 20 Recommended Sex of subject at birth 1::4 1=female; 2=male; 3=intersex; 4=none of these describe me
yc_ethnic_group Integer Recommended Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? 0;1 1 = Hispanic; 0 = not Hispanic
edu_cbd Integer Recommended What is the highest grade or level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received? 0::21 0=Never Attended/Kindergarten Only;1=1st Grade;2=2nd Grade;3=3rd Grade;4=4th Grade;5=5th Grade;6=6th Grade;7=7th Grade;8=8th Grade;9=9th Grade;10=10th Grade;11=11th Grade;12=12th Grade, No Diploma;13=High School Graduate;14=GED or Equivalent;15=Some College, No Degree;16=Associate Degree: Occupational, Technical, or Vocational Program;17=Associate Degree: Academic Program;18=Bachelor's Degree (Example: BA, AB, BS, BBA);19=Master's Degree (Example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MBA);20=Professional School Degree (Example: MD, DDS, DVM, JD);21=Doctoral Degree (Example: PhD, EdD)
yc_gpa Float Recommended What are your most recent grades like (estimate GPA on a 4-point scale)? 0::4 0 = F; 1 = D; 2 = C; 3 = B; 4 = A; NOTE: If you are not currently in school, please report your most recent GPA. x.xx
yc_employment Integer Recommended We would like to know about what you do-are you working now, looking for work, retired, keeping house, a student, or what? 1::8 1=working now; 2=only temporarily laid off, sick leave, or maternity leave; 3=looking for work, unemployed; 4=retired; 5=disabled, permanently or temporarily; 6=keeping house; 7=student; 8=other (specify)
yc_employment_other String 255 Recommended We would like to know about what you do-are you working now, looking for work, retired, keeping house, a student, or what? Other (specify) (if yc_employment = 8)
yc_partner Integer Recommended Do you have a romantic partner? 0;1;-99 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -99 = Not Applicable
chrdemo_living_situtation___3 Integer Recommended Who do you currently live with? - Mother/step-mother/foster mother only 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_living_situtation___4 Integer Recommended Who do you currently live with? - Father/step-father/foster father only 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_living_situtation___5 Integer Recommended Who do you currently live with? - Sibling(s) 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
campus25 Integer Recommended Whom do you live with? Spouse, partner, or significant other 0;1;-900;-300 0= No; 1= Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_living_situtation___6
campus27 Integer Recommended Whom do you live with? Children 0;1;-900;-300 0= No; 1= Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_living_situtation___7
chrdemo_living_situtation___8 Integer Recommended Who do you currently live with? - Friend(s) 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
campus26 Integer Recommended Whom do you live with? Roomate(s) 0;1;-900;-300 0= No; 1= Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_living_situtation___9
chrdemo_living_situtation___10 Integer Recommended Who do you currently live with? - Grandparents or extended family 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_living_situtation___11 Integer Recommended Who do you currently live with? - Support workers 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
campus30 Integer Recommended Whom do you live with? Other 0;1;-900;-300 0= No; 1= Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_living_situtation___99
chrdemo_racial_back___1 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - Indigenous/Aboriginal Persons (e.g. North American Indian, First Nation, Metis, Inuit, Aboriginal people, Torres Strait Islander) 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_racial_back___2 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - East Asian (e.g. China, Japan, Korea) 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_racial_back___3 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - Southeast Asian (e.g. Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam) 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_racial_back___4 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - South Asian (e.g. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_racial_back___5 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - Black/African/African American 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_racial_back___6 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - West/Central Asian and Middle Eastern (e.g. Egypt, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan=Iran) 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_racial_back___7 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - White/European/North American/Australian 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
d_race05 Integer Recommended What is your racial background? Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander 0;1;-900;-300 0= No; 1= Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_racial_back___8
chrdemo_racial_back___9 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - Mexican American 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_racial_back___10 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - Two or more races/mixed race 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
demog1_1 Integer Recommended What is your current gender identity? Please select all that apply. (Choice: Male) 0;1;-900;-300 0= No; 1= Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_gender_identity___1
chrdemo_racial_back___11 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - Prefer to self-describe 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_racial_back___12 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - Central/South American 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
chrdemo_racial_back___99 Integer Recommended How would you describe your racial background (i.e., not necessarily your country of birth)? - Prefer not to answer 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
demog1_2 Integer Recommended What is your current gender identity? Please select all that apply. (Choice: Female) 0;1;-900;-300 0= No; 1= Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_gender_identity___2
ctan5demo_5b3 Integer Recommended What terms best express how you describe your gender identity: Non-binary 0;1; 99;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; 99 = no data; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_gender_identity___4
demog1_7 Integer Recommended What is your current gender identity? Please select all that apply. (Choice: Prefer not to answer) 0;1;-900;-300 0= No; 1= Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_gender_identity____99
demog1_6 Integer Recommended What is your current gender identity? Please select all that apply. (Choice: Different identity (please state)) 0;1;-900;-300 0= No; 1= Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_gender_identity___99
campus24 Integer Recommended Whom do you live with? Alone 0;1;-900;-300 0= No; 1= Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A chrdemo_living_situtation___1
chrdemo_living_situtation___2 Integer Recommended Who do you currently live with? - Both parents 0;1;-900;-300 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -900 = Missing; -300 = N/A
info_qn3 Integer Recommended How old are you? 0::100; 9997; -9999 -9997=Not applicable; -9999=Missing
svsedu Integer Recommended What is the HIGHEST level of schooling you have completed? 1::9;888 1=Less than a high school diploma; 2=High school diploma/GED; 3=Trade school; 4=Some college(no degree); 5=Completed Associate or other Techinical 2-year degree; 6=Completed Bachelor?s degree or other 4-year degree program; 7=Some Graduate or Professional studies (completed Bachelor?s degree but did not complete Graduate degree); 8=Completed Graduate or Professional degree (Master?s degree or higher); 9=Other; 888=Choose not to respond
dem_income_12 Integer Recommended Which of these categories best describes your total combined family income for the past 12 months? This should include income (before taxes) from all sources, wages, rent from properties, social security, disability and/or veteran's benefits, unemployment benefits, worker's compensation, help from relatives (including child payments and alimony), and so on. 0::19;777;888 0 = Doesn't know or would rather not say; 1 = Less than $10,000 ; 2 = $10,000 through $19,999 ; 3 = $20,000 through $29,999 ; 4 = $30,000 through $39,999 ; 5 = $40,000 through $49,999 ; 6 = $50,000 through $59,999 ; 7 = $60,000 through $69,999 ; 8 = $70,000 through $79,999 ; 9 = $80,000 through $89,999 ; 10 = $90,000 through $99,999 ; 11 = $100,000 through $119,999 ; 12 = $120,000 through $129,999 ; 13 = $130,000 through $139,999 ; 14 = $140,000 and greater ; 15=$50,000-$74,999; 16=$75,000-$99,999; 17=$100,000-$150,000; 18=over $150,000; 19 = $75,000 or more; 777 = Don't know ; 888 = No response
house_number Integer Recommended How many people live in the subject's household?
chartreview016c_10 Integer Recommended What type of insurance does the patient have? Medicare 0;1; -888;-999 0=Unchecked; 1=Checked; -888=Not Applicable; -999=Missing;
chartreview016c_3 Integer Recommended What type of insurance does the patient have? Medicaid 0;1; -888;-999 0=Unchecked; 1=Checked; -888=Not Applicable; -999=Missing;
chartreview016c_5 Integer Recommended What type of insurance does the patient have? Military Health Care (Tricare/VA/CHAMP-VA) 0;1; -888;-999 0=Unchecked; 1=Checked; -888=Not Applicable; -999=Missing;
chartreview016c_1 Integer Recommended What type of insurance does the patient have? Private Health Insurance 0;1; -888;-999 0=Unchecked; 1=Checked; -888=Not Applicable; -999=Missing;
socdem_gender_identity Integer Recommended What is your gender identity? 1::8 1= Female (Cisgender); 2= Male (Cisgender); 3= Transgender female; 4= Transgender male; 5= Non-binary; 6= Gender fluid; 7= Prefer not to say; 8= Not listed (specify)
socdem_sexual_orientation Integer Recommended What is your sexual orientation? 1::6 1= Heterosexual or straight; 2= Gay or lesbian; 3= Bisexual or pansexual; 4= Asexual; 5= Queer; 6= Not listed (specify)
socdem_sexual_orient_oth String 100 Recommended If your sexual orientation was not listed, please specify.
socdem_parent_ethnicity Integer Recommended How do you describe your ethnicity? 1::8 1= Black or African American; 2= Latino/Latina; 3= White/Caucasian; 4= Pacific Islander; 5= Middle Eastern; 6= American Indian/Native American; 7= Asian; 8= Inter-racial/bi-racial/mixed
socdem_home_language Integer Recommended What is the primary language spoken at home? 1::7 1= English; 2= Spanish; 3= Mandarin/Cantonese; 4= Hmong; 5= American Sign Language; 6= Bilingual; 7= Not listed (specify)
socdem_home_language_oth String 100 Recommended If your primary language was not listed, please specify.
socdem_home_ownership Integer Recommended Please select which best describes the situation of the house or apartment you live in. 1::4 1= Owned by you or someone in this household with a mortgage or loan (Include home equity loans); 2= Owned by you or someone in this household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan); 3= Rented; 4= Occupied without payment of rent
socdem_years_current_address Integer Recommended How many years have you lived at your current address?
socdem_relate_child Integer Recommended What is your relationship to the child/youth 1::3 1= Biological Mother; 2= Biological Father; 3= Legal Guardian/Caretaker
socdem_child_age Integer Recommended What is the child''s age in years?
socdem_child_grade Integer Recommended What grade is the child currently in? 1::7 1= 6th Grade; 2= 7th Grade; 3= 8th Grade; 4= 9th Grade; 5= 10th Grade; 6= 11th Grade; 7= 12th Grade
socdem_child_birth_country_2 String 100 Recommended What is the child's country of birth?
socdem_child_living Integer Recommended How long (in years) has the child been living with you?
socdem_children_home Integer Recommended How many youth under the age of 18 live in this house or apartment?
socdem_adult_home Integer Recommended How many adults above the age of 18 live in this house or apartment?
socdem_employment Integer Recommended Are you employed? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
socdem_specify_employment Integer Recommended If you are employed, are you part time or full time? 1;2 1= Part-time; 2= Full-time
socdem_education Integer Recommended What is the highest level of education that you have completed? 1::8 1= Less than 8th Grade; 2= Some High school (but no diploma or equivalent); 3= High school diploma or equivalent; 4= Some college but no degree; 5= Associate''s degree; 6= Bachelor''s degree; 7= Master''s degree; 8= Doctoral degree or equivalent
socdem_household_income Integer Recommended To get a picture of people''s financial situation we need to know the general range of income of all people we interview. Now, thinking about your own personal income, what was your total income from all sources (including your job) in the year 2020? 1::8 1= $0.00; 2= $1.00 to $1,999.00; 3= $2,000.00 to $5,999.00; 4= $6,000.00 to $9,999.00; 5= $10,000.00 to $19,999.00; 6= $20,000.00 to $29,999.00; 7= $30,000.00 to $49,999.00; 8= $50,000.00 or more
socdem_combined_income Integer Recommended What is the Total annual household income combined (all adult family members living in the home)? Please enter a whole number without any currency sign or special character e.g. 100000
demoses05j String 50 Recommended Specify other Gender Identity
socdem_previous_welfare Integer Recommended Did your family ever receive public assistance when you were growing up? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
socdem_food_insecurity_1 Integer Recommended We worried whether our food would run out before we got money to buy more. 1::3 1= Often true; 2= Sometimes true; 3= Never true
socdem_food_insecurity_2 Integer Recommended The food we bought just didn't last, and we didn't have money to get more 1::3 1= Often true; 2= Sometimes true; 3= Never true
socdem_healthcare_source Integer Recommended Do you have a regular source of health care (e.g. a primary care doctor or clinic that you see for your health needs) 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
socdem_healthcare_sourcechild Integer Recommended Does the child/youth have a regular source of health care (e.g. a pediatrician or clinic that you see for your health needs) 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
socdem_grade Integer Recommended What grade are you currently in?
socdem_parent_ethnicity1 Integer Recommended What is the ethnicity of your father/male guardian? 1::8 1= Black or African American; 2= Latino/Latina; 3= White/Caucasian; 4= Pacific Islander; 5= Middle Eastern; 6= American Indian/Native American; 7=Asian; 8= Inter-racial/bi-racial/mixed
socdem_parent_ethnicity2 Integer Recommended What is the ethnicity of your mother/female guardian? 1::8 1= Black or African American; 2= Latino/Latina; 3= White/Caucasian; 4= Pacific Islander; 5= Middle Eastern; 6= American Indian/Native American; 7=Asian; 8= Inter-racial/bi-racial/mixed
socdem_employment1 Integer Recommended Is your father working? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
socdem_specify_employment1 Integer Recommended If your father is working, is it part time or full time? 1;2 1= Part-time; 2= Full-time
demo_marital_stat Integer Recommended Current Marital Status 1::6;-9 1=Married (legally); 2=Not married, but living together; 3=Divorced; 4=Widowed; 5=Separated; 6=Single, not living with a partner; -9= Missing
socdem_employment2 Integer Recommended Is your mother working? 0;1 0=No; 1=Yes
socdem_specify_employment2 Integer Recommended If your mother is working, is it part time or full time? 1;2 1= Part-time; 2= Full-time
socdem_education1 Integer Recommended What is the educational level of your mother? 1::8 1= Less than 8th Grade; 2= Some High school (but no diploma or equivalent); 3= High school diploma or equivalent; 4= Some college but no degree; 5= Associate''s degree; 6= Bachelor''s degree; 7= Master''s degree; 8= Doctoral degree or equivalent
socdem_education2 Integer Recommended What is the educational level of your father? 1::8 1= Less than 8th Grade; 2= Some High school (but no diploma or equivalent); 3= High school diploma or equivalent; 4= Some college but no degree; 5= Associate''s degree; 6= Bachelor''s degree; 7= Master''s degree; 8= Doctoral degree or equivalent
digs_birth_country String 25 Recommended In which country were you born? Country Name
primary_language String 255 Recommended Subject's Primary Language
a1demo_number_household Integer Recommended How many other people currently live in your household with you?
democ28 Integer Recommended Do you receive public assistance (e.g., food stamps/SNAP/EBT, WIC, SSI, etc.)? 1;2; 99 1=Yes; 2=No; 99=I don''t know
mann_sibs01 Integer Recommended How many siblings do you have? Number of Siblings
housing_5_text String 255 Recommended What is your current housing situation? Please select all that apply. - Something else (Please specify): - Text
housinginst_1 Integer Recommended In the past 5 years, has there been a period of time in your life where you were unstably housed (e.g., couch-surfing, homeless)? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice No 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
housinginst_2 Integer Recommended In the past 5 years, has there been a period of time in your life where you were unstably housed (e.g., couch-surfing, homeless)? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice Yes, in a car 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
housinginst_3 Integer Recommended In the past 5 years, has there been a period of time in your life where you were unstably housed (e.g., couch-surfing, homeless)? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice Yes, couch-surfing 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
housinginst_4 Integer Recommended In the past 5 years, has there been a period of time in your life where you were unstably housed (e.g., couch-surfing, homeless)? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice Yes, in a shelter 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
housinginst_5 Integer Recommended In the past 5 years, has there been a period of time in your life where you were unstably housed (e.g., couch-surfing, homeless)? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice Yes, homeless 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
housinginst_6 Integer Recommended In the past 5 years, has there been a period of time in your life where you were unstably housed (e.g., couch-surfing, homeless)? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice Yes, something else (please specify): 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
housinginst_6_text String 255 Recommended In the past 5 years, has there been a period of time in your life where you were unstably housed (e.g., couch-surfing, homeless)? Please select all that apply. - Yes, something else (please specify): - Text
timepoint_label String 50 Recommended Timepoint/visit label
acha2011_49 String 15 Recommended What is your height in feet and inches? Under 3 feet, 6 inches; 3 feet, 6 inches; ...; 7 feet; Over 7 feet
subridedem_04 Integer Recommended How much do you weigh in pounds? Weight in Pounds, lb
mayo_bio377 Integer Recommended Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
counselor02 String 50 Recommended If other for race, please specify
highest_education Integer Recommended Please Check Adult's Highest Education 1::10; 999 1. No high school diploma and no GED, 2. General Equivalency Diploma (GED), 3. High school graduate, 4. Some college but no college degree, 5. Associate's Degree, 6. Bachelor's or RN Degree, 7. Some graduate school but no graduate degree, 8. Master's Degree, 9. Doctoral or Law Degree 10=Other education; 999=missing
mom_empstatus Integer Recommended What is your current employment status 1::6; 44444; 99999 1 = Full time (40 plus hrs/wk); 2 = Part time (less than 40 hrs/wk); 3 = Seasonal/Sporadic; 4 = Unemployed; 5 = Not working due to permanent or temporary disability; 6 = Working off the books (or under the table) with a permanent or temporary disability; 44444 = Unknown/Missing; 99999 = Not Applicable
yearly_income Integer Recommended Which best describes your total yearly income during the last year? 1::11 1 = Less than $10,000; 2 = $10,000 to $19,999; 3 = $20,000 to $29,999; 4 = $30,000 to $39,999; 5 = $40,000 to $49,999; 6 = $50,000 to $74,999; 7 = $75,000 to $99,999; 8 = $100,000 to $149,999; 9 = $150,000 to $199,999; 10 = $200,000 to $249,999; 11 = Over $250,000
genderidentity Integer Recommended How do you describe your gender? 1::6 1 = Cisgender man (assigned male at birth, currently identify as a man); 2 = Cisgender woman (assigned female at birth, currently identify as a woman); 3 = Transgender man (assigned female at birth, currently identify as a man); 4 = Transgender woman (assigned male at birth, currently identify as a woman) ; 5 = Genderqueer/Non-binary (assigned male or female at birth, currently identify outside of the male/female binary); 6 = I prefer something else (Please specify):
counselor05 Integer Recommended Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? 1::14 1 = Asexual; 2 = Bisexual; 3 = Gay; 4 = Heterosexual or straight; 5 = Lesbian; 6 = Pansexual; 7 = Queer; 8 = Questioning; 9 = Not Listed; 10 = Decline to answer; 11 = Multiple orientations listed; 12 = Abrosexual or sexually fluid; 13 = Polysexual; 14 = Other (please specify)
sexualposition Integer Recommended Which sexual position do you identify most as? 1::6 1=Top; 2=Versatile/Top; 3=Versatile; 4= Versatile/Bottom; 5=Bottom; 6=Not applicable to me
counselor06 String 50 Recommended If sexual orientation is not listed, please specify
incarc Integer Recommended Have you ever been incarcerated (prison, jail, or juvenile detention)? 0;1 0= No; 1= Yes
a1demo_arrested3mo Integer Recommended Have you been arrested in the past 3 months? 0;1;-888 0 = No; 1 = Yes; -888 = Decline to Answer
housing_1 Integer Recommended What is your current housing situation? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice Alone 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
housing_2 Integer Recommended What is your current housing situation? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice With Roommates 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
housing_3 Integer Recommended What is your current housing situation? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice With Family 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
housing_4 Integer Recommended What is your current housing situation? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice With Partner (spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend) 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
housing_5 Integer Recommended What is your current housing situation? Please select all that apply. - Selected Choice Something else (Please specify): 0;1 0 = Unchecked; 1 = Checked
Data Structure

This page displays the data structure defined for the measure identified in the title and structure short name. The table below displays a list of data elements in this structure (also called variables) and the following information:

  • Element Name: This is the standard element name
  • Data Type: Which type of data this element is, e.g. String, Float, File location.
  • Size: If applicable, the character limit of this element
  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
  • For valid elements with shared data, on the far left is a Filter button you can use to view a summary of shared data for that element and apply a query filter to your Cart based on selected value ranges

At the top of this page you can also:

  • Use the search bar to filter the elements displayed. This will not filter on the Size of Required columns
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