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SRS-2. Adult, Preschool and School Age

12,611 Shared Subjects

Social Responsiveness Scale - 2. Adult, Preschool and School Age version.
Clinical Assessments
Social Responsiveness
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Query Element Name Data Type Size Required Description Value Range Notes Aliases
subjectkey GUID Required The NDAR Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for research subject NDAR* guid
src_subject_id String 20 Required Subject ID how it's defined in lab/project pid, subject_id
interview_date Date Required Date on which the interview/genetic test/sampling/imaging/biospecimen was completed. MM/DD/YYYY InterviewYear, intvdate
interview_age Integer Required Age in months at the time of the interview/test/sampling/imaging. 0::1440 Age is rounded to chronological month. If the research participant is 15-days-old at time of interview, the appropriate value would be 0 months. If the participant is 16-days-old, the value would be 1 month. intvage
sex String 20 Required Sex of subject at birth
M;F; O; NR
M = Male; F = Female; O=Other; NR = Not reported gender, srs_gender
Query srs_version String 35 Required SRS Version Adult; School-Age; Preschool agessrs
comments_misc String 4,000 Recommended Miscellaneous comments on study, interview, methodology relevant to this form data comments_optional, comments_optional_data_entry_a
Query respond Integer Required Respondent 1::7;999 1 = Parent; 2 = Teacher; 3=Self; 4= Other; 5= Significant other; 6 = Parent 1; 7 = Parent 2; 999 = Not available
Query respond_detail Integer Recommended Respondent detail
1 = Mother; 2 = Father; 3 = Other relative or custodial adult; 4 = Teacher or caregiver; 5 = Other specialist; 6 = Other; 7 = Child; 8= Spouse; 999 = Not available completed_by, srs_respond_detail
respond_detail_oth_spec String 255 Recommended Respondent details adult_respondent_type, completed_by_other, relationship_oth, srs_respond_detail_oth_spec
Query invalid Integer Recommended Was the data collection invalid 0;1;2 0 = No; 1 = Yes, missing responses; 2 = Invalid respondent was_the_participant_untestable
Query parentreport_1 Integer Recommended 1. Seems much more fidgety in social situations than when alone (P/S). Seems much more uncomfortable in social situations than when alone (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A SRS_2005_ParentReport_1, motivq1, q1_fidgety_social_situations, srs1, srs_1, srs_800_q1, srss001
Query parentreport_2 Integer Recommended 2. Expressions on his or her face don't match what he or she is saying (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_2, awareq2, q2_expressions_dont_match�, srs2, srs_2, srs_800_q2, srss002
Query parentreport_3 Integer Recommended 3. Seems self-confident when interacting with others (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_3, motivq3, q3_seems_self_confident�, srs3, srs_3, srs_800_q3, srss003
Query parentreport_4 Integer Recommended 4. When under stress, he or she shows rigid or inflexible patterns of behavior that seem odd. (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_4, mannerq4, q4_auto_pilot_under_stress, srs4, srs_4, srs_800_q4, srss004
Query parentreport_5 Integer Recommended 5. Doesn't recognize when others are trying to take advantage of him or her (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_5, cogq5, q5_no_recognize_take_advantage, srs5, srs_5, srs_800_q5, srss005
Query parentreport_6 Integer Recommended 6. Would rather be alone than with others (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_6, motivq6, q6_rather_be_alone, srs6, srs_6, srs_800_q6, srss006
Query parentreport_7 Integer Recommended 7. Is aware of what others are thinking or feeling (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_7, awareq7, q7_aware_others_feeling�, srs7, srs_7, srs_800_q7, srss007
Query parentreport_8 Integer Recommended 8. Behaves in ways that seem strange or bizarre (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_8, mannerq8, q8_behaves_strange, srs8, srs_8, srs_800_q8, srss008
Query parentreport_9 Integer Recommended 9. Clings to adults, seems too dependent on them (P/S). Seems too dependent on others for help with meeting basic needs (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_9, motivq9, q9_clings_to_adults�, srs9, srs_800_q9, srs_9, srss009
Query parentreport_10 Integer Recommended 10. Takes things too literally and doesn't get the real meaning of a conversation (A/S). Unable to pick up on any of the meaning of conversations of older children or adults (P).
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_10, cogq10, q10_unable_pickup_meaning�, srs10, srs_10, srs_800_q10, srss010
Query parentreport_11 Integer Recommended 11. Has good self-confidence (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_11, motivq11, q11_good_self_confidence, srs11, srs_11, srs_800_q11, srss011
Query parentreport_12 Integer Recommended 12. Is able to communicate his or her feelings to others (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_12, commq12, q12_able_communicate_feelings�, srs12, srs_12, srs_800_q12, srss012
Query parentreport_13 Integer Recommended 13. Is awkward in turn-taking interactions with peers (e.g., doesn't seem to understand the give-and-take of conversations) (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_13, commq13, q13_slow_turntaking_interactions, srs13, srs_13, srs_800_q13, srss013
Query parentreport_14 Integer Recommended 14. Is not well coordinated (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_14, mannerq14, q14_not_well_coordinated, srs14, srs_14, srs_800_q14, srss014
Query parentreport_15 Integer Recommended 15. Is able to understand the meaning of other people's tone of voice and facial expressions (P/S). Recognizes and appropriately responds to changes in other people's tone of voice and facial expressions (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_15, cogq15, q15_able_understand_meaning�, srs15, srs_15, srs_800_q15, srss015
Query parentreport_16 Integer Recommended 16. Avoids eye contact or has unusual eye contact (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_16, commq16, q16_avoids_eye_contact, srs16, srs_16, srs_800_q16, srss016
Query parentreport_17 Integer Recommended 17. Recognizes when something is unfair (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_17, cogq17, q17_recognizes_unfair�, srs17, srs_17, srs_800_q17, srss017
Query parentreport_18 Integer Recommended 18. Has difficulty making friends, even when trying his or her best (A/S). When on the playground or in a groupo with other young children, child does not attempt to interact with other children (P).
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_18, commq18, q18_playground_no_interaction�, srs18, srs_18, srs_800_q18, srss018
Query parentreport_19 Integer Recommended 19. Gets frustrated trying to get ideas across in conversations (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_19, commq19, q19_frustrated_conversations, srs19, srs_19, srs_800_q19, srss019
Query parentreport_20 Integer Recommended 20. Shows unusual sensory interests (A). Shows unusual sensory interests (for example, mouthing or spinning objects) or strange ways of playing with toys (S). Has a strange way of playing with a toy (P).
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_20, mannerq20, q20_strange_playing�, srs20, srs_20, srs_800_q20, srss020
Query parentreport_21 Integer Recommended 21. Is able to imitate others' actions (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_21, commq21, q21_able_imitate_others�, srs21, srs_21, srs_800_q21, srss021
Query parentreport_22 Integer Recommended 22. Plays appropriately with children his or her age (P/S). Interacts appropriately with other adults (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_22, commq22, q22_play_appropriately, srs22, srs_22, srs_800_q22, srss022
Query parentreport_23 Integer Recommended 23. Does not join group activities unless told to do so (P/S). Does not join group activities or social events unless forced to do so (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_23, motivq23, q23_no_group_activities�, srs23, srs_23, srs_800_q23, srss023
Query parentreport_24 Integer Recommended 24. Has more difficulty than others with changes is his or her routine. (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_24, mannerq24, q24_more_difficulty_routine�, srs24, srs_24, srs_800_q24, srss024
Query parentreport_25 Integer Recommended 25. Doesn't seem to mind being out of step with or "not on the came wavelength" as others. (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_25, awareq25, q25_doesnt_mind_out_of_step�, srs25, srs_25, srs_800_q25, srss025
Query parentreport_26 Integer Recommended 26. Offers comfort to other when they are sad. (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_26, commq26, q26_offers_comfort_to_others, srs26, srs_26, srs_800_q26, srss026
Query parentreport_27 Integer Recommended 27. Avoids starting social interactions with peers or adults. (P/S) Avoids starting social interactions with other adults (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_27, motivq27, q27_avoids_social_interactions, srs27, srs_27, srs_800_q27, srss027
Query parentreport_28 Integer Recommended 28. Thinks or talk about the same thing over and over. (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_28, mannerq28, q28_talks_about_same_thing, srs28, srs_28, srs_800_q28, srss028
Query parentreport_29 Integer Recommended 29. Is regarded by the others as odd or weird. (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_29, mannerq29, q29_regarded_as_weird�, srs29, srs_29, srs_800_q29, srss029
Query parentreport_30 Integer Recommended 30. Becomes upset in a situation with lots of things going on. (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_30, cogq30, q30_becomes_upset�, srs30, srs_30, srs_800_q30, srss030
Query parentreport_31 Integer Recommended 31. Can't get his or her mind off something once he or she starts thinking about it. (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_31, mannerq31, q31_cant_get_mind_off_something�, srs31, srs_31, srs_800_q31, srss031
Query parentreport_32 Integer Recommended 32. Has good personal hygiene (A/S). Wants to be changed when diaper or underwear is soiled or wet (P).
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_32, awareq32, q32_wants_to_be_changed�, srs32, srs_32, srs_800_q32, srss032
Query parentreport_33 Integer Recommended 33. Is socially awkward, even when trying to be polite (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_33, commq33, q33_socially_awkward, srs33, srs_33, srs_800_q33, srss033
Query parentreport_34 Integer Recommended 34. Avoids people who want to be emotionally close to him or her (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_34, motivq34, q34_avoids_emotional_close, srs34, srs_34, srs_800_q34, srss034
Query parentreport_35 Integer Recommended 35. Has trouble keeping up with the flow of a normal conversation (A/S). Has trouble keeping up with the flow of normal interaction with other children (P).
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_35, commq35, q35_trouble_keeping_flow, srs35, srs_35, srs_800_q35, srss035
Query parentreport_36 Integer Recommended 36. Has difficulty relating to adults (P/S). Has difficulty relating to family members (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_36, commq36, q36_difficulty_relating_adults, srs36, srs_36, srs_800_q36, srss036
Query parentreport_37 Integer Recommended 37. Has difficulty relating to peers. (P/S) Has difficulty relating to other adults (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_37, commq37, q37_difficulty_relating_peers�, srs37, srs_37, srs_800_q37, srss037
Query parentreport_38 Integer Recommended 38. Responds appropriately to mood changes in others (e.g., when a friend's mood changes from happy to sad) (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_38, commq38, q38_responds_to_mood_changes, srs38, srs_38, srs_800_q38, srss038
Query parentreport_39 Integer Recommended 39. Has an unusually narrow range of interests (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_39, mannerq39, q39_restricted_interests, srs39, srs_39, srs_800_q39, srss039
Query parentreport_40 Integer Recommended 40. Is imaginative without losing touch with reality (A/S). Is imaginative, good at pretending (without losing touch with reality) (P).
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_40, cogq40, q40_imaginative�, srs40, srs_40, srs_800_q40, srss040
Query parentreport_41 Integer Recommended 41. Wanders aimlessly from one activity to another. (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_41, commq41, q41_wanders_aimlessly_activities, srs41, srs_41, srs_800_q41, srss041
Query parentreport_42 Integer Recommended 42. Seems overly sensitive to sounds, textures, or smells (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_42, cogq42, q42_overly_sensitive_sounds_smells, srs42, srs_42, srs_800_q42, srss042
Query parentreport_43 Integer Recommended 43. Separates easily from caregivers (P/S). Enjoys and is competent with small talk (casual conversation with others) (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_43, motivq43, q43_separates_from_caregivers�, srs43, srs_43, srs_800_q43, srss043
Query parentreport_44 Integer Recommended 44. Doesn't understand how events relate to one another (cause and effect) the way others his or her age do (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_44, cogq44, q44_doesnt_understand_events, srs44, srs_44, srs_800_q44, srss044
Query parentreport_45 Integer Recommended 45. Focuses his or her attention to where others are looking or listening (P/S). Generally gets interested in what others nearby are paying attention to (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_45, awareq45, q45_focuses_attention_others, srs45, srs_45, srs_800_q45, srss045
Query parentreport_46 Integer Recommended 46. Has overly serious facial expressions (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A. POSITIVE CODED ITEM; 77=refused; 99=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_46, commq46, q46_overly_serious_expressions, srs46, srs_46, srs_800_q46, srss046
Query parentreport_47 Integer Recommended 47. Is too silly or laughs inappropriately (P/S). Laughs at inappropriate times (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_47, commq47, q47_too_silly�, srs47, srs_47, srs_800_q47, srss047
Query parentreport_48 Integer Recommended 48. Has a sense of humor, understands jokes (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_48, cogq48, q48_sense_of_humor, srs48, srs_48, srs_800_q48, srss048
Query parentreport_49 Integer Recommended 49. Does extremely well at a few tasks, but does not do as well at most other tasks (P/S). Does extremely well at a few intellectual or computational tasks, but does not do as well at most other tasks (A)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_49, mannerq49, q49_does_well_few_tasks�, srs49, srs_49, srs_800_q49, srss049
Query parentreport_50 Integer Recommended 50. Has repetitive, odd behaviors (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_50, mannerq50, q50_repetitive_odd_behaviors, srs50, srs_50, srs_800_q50, srss050
Query parentreport_51 Integer Recommended 51. Has difficulty answering questions directly and ends up talking around the subject (A/S). Responds to clear, direct questions in ways that don't seem to make any sense (P).
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_51, commq51, q51_responds_odd_ways�, srs51, srs_51, srs_800_q51, srss051
Query parentreport_52 Integer Recommended 52. Knows when he or she is talking too loud or making too much noise (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_52, awareq52, q52_knows_talking_too_loud, srs52, srs_52, srs_800_q52, srss052
Query parentreport_53 Integer Recommended 53. Talks to people with an unusual tone of voice (e.g., talks like a robot or like he or she is giving a lecture) (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_53, commq53, q53_talks_unusual_tone_of_voice�, srs53, srs_53, srs_800_q53, srss053
Query parentreport_54 Integer Recommended 54. Seems to react to people as if they are objects (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_54, awareq54, q54_reacts_people_as_objects, srs54, srs_54, srs_800_q54, srss054
Query parentreport_55 Integer Recommended 55. Knows when he or she is too close to someone or is invading someone's space (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_55, commq55, q55_knows_invading_space, srs55, srs_55, srs_800_q55, srss055
Query parentreport_56 Integer Recommended 56. Walks in between two people who are talking (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_56, awareq56, q56_walks_between_people, srs56, srs_56, srs_800_q56, srss056
Query parentreport_57 Integer Recommended 57. Gets teased a lot (S). lsolative; tends not to leave his or her home (A). Other children do not like to play with him or her (P).
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_57, commq57, q57_other_children_dont_like, srs57, srs_57, srs_800_q57, srss057
Query parentreport_58 Integer Recommended 58. Concentrates too much on parts of things rather than seeing the whole picture. (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_58, cogq58, q58_concentrates_on_parts�, srs58, srs_58, srs_800_q58, srss058
Query parentreport_59 Integer Recommended 59. Is overly suspicious (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_59, cogq59, q59_overly_suspicious�, srs59, srs_59, srs_800_q59, srss059
Query parentreport_60 Integer Recommended 60. Is emotionally distant, doesn't show his or her feelings (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_60, commq60, q60_is_emotionally_distant, srs60, srs_60, srs_800_q60, srss060
Query parentreport_61 Integer Recommended 61. Is inflexible, has a hard time changing his or her mind (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_61, commq61, q61_inflexible, srs61, srs_61, srs_800_q61, srss061
Query parentreport_62 Integer Recommended 62. Gives unusual or illogical reasons for doing things (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_62, cogq62, q62_unusual_reasons�, srs62, srs_62, srs_800_q62, srss062
Query parentreport_63 Integer Recommended 63. Touches others in an unusual way (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_63, mannerq63, q63_touches_others_usually, srs63, srs_63, srs_800_q63, srss063
Query parentreport_64 Integer Recommended 64. Is too tense in social settings (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_64, motivq64, q64_tense_social_settings�, srs64, srs_64, srs_800_q64, srss064
Query parentreport_65 Integer Recommended 65. Stares or gazes off into space (P/A/S)
1::4; 999; 77; 88
1 = Not true; 2 = Sometimes true; 3 = Often true; 4 = Almost always true; 999=N/A; 77-refused; 88=missing SRS_2005_ParentReport_65, motivq65, q65_stares_into_space, srs65, srs_65, srs_800_q65, srss065
Query awr_raw Integer Required Raw Score: Social Awareness Sum of item response values 2, 7, 25, 32, 45, 52, 54, 56. -9=unknown awareness_score, awr_raw_parent, raw_aware, srs_awareness, srs_socialawareness_raw, srsawr, srss00s2a
Query cog_raw Integer Required Raw Score: Social Cognition Sum of item response values 5, 10, 15, 17, 30, 40, 42, 44, 48, 58, 59, 62. -9=unknown cog_raw_parent, cognition_score, raw_cog, srs_cognition, srs_socialcognition_raw, srscogr, srss00s3a
Query com_raw Integer Required Raw Score: Social Communication Sum of item response values 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 46, 47, 51, 53, 55, 57, 60, 61. -9=unknown com_raw_parent, communication_score, raw_comm, srs_communication, srs_socialcommunication_raw, srscomr, srss00s4a
Query mot_raw Integer Required Raw Score: Social Motivation Sum of item response values 1, 3, 6, 9, 11, 23, 27, 34, 43, 64, 65. -9=unknown mot_raw_parent, motivation_score, raw_motiv, srs_motivation, srs_socialmotivation_raw, srsawt, srss00s5a
Query rrb_raw Integer Required Raw Score: Restricted Interest and Repetitive Behaviour Sum of item response values 4, 8, 14, 20, 24, 28, 29, 31, 39, 49, 50, 63. -9=unknown rrb_raw_parent, srs_mannerisms, srsmotr, srss00s6a
Query awr_tscore Integer Required T-Score: Social Awareness -9=unknown awr_tscore_parent, cs_tscore_aware, srs_awareness_t, srs_socialawareness_tscore, srscogt, srss00s2b
Query cog_tscore Integer Required T-Score: Social Cognition -9=unknown cog_tscore_parent, cs_tscore_cog, srs_cognition_t, srs_socialcognition_tscore, srscomt, srss00s3b
Query com_tscore Integer Required T-Score: Social Communication -9=unknown com_tscore_parent, cs_tscore_comm, srs_communication_t, srs_socialcommunication_tscore, srsmott, srss00s4b
Query mot_tscore Integer Required T-Score: Social Motivation -9=unknown cs_tscore_motiv, mot_tscore_parent, srs_motivation_t, srs_socialmotivation_tscore, srss00s5b
Query rrb_tscore Integer Required T-Score: Restricted Interest and Repetitive Behaviour -9=unknown cs_tscore_manner, rrb_tscore_parent, srs_mannerisms_t, srss00s6b
Query sum1_32 Integer Recommended Sum of items 1-32
Query sum33_65 Integer Recommended Sum of items 33-65
Query sci_rawscore Integer Required Social Communication subscale raw score (Awr, Cog, Com, Mot) -9=unknown sci_rawscore_parent
Query srs2_rawscore Integer Required Total Raw Score -9=unknown raw_total, srs2_rawscore_parent, srs_score, srs_total, srs_total_raw, srss00s1a, srstotr
Query srs2_tscore Integer Required Total T-Score -9=unknown cs_tscore_total, srs2_tscore_parent, srs_total_t, srs_total_tscore, srss00s1b, srstott
Query phenotype String 200 Required Phenotype/diagnosis for the subject
Query srssc1 Integer Recommended 1. Seems more fidgety in social situations than when alone. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc2 Integer Recommended 2. Expressions on his or her face don't match what he or she is saying. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc3 Integer Recommended 3. Seems self-confident when interacting with others. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc4 Integer Recommended 4. When under stress, he or she shows rigid or inflexible patterns of behavior that seem odd. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc5 Integer Recommended 5. Doesn't recognize when others are trying to take advantage of him or her. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc6 Integer Recommended 6. Would rather be alone than with others. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc7 Integer Recommended 7. Is aware of what others are thinking or feeling. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc8 Integer Recommended 8. Behaves in ways that seem strange or bizarre. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc9 Integer Recommended 9. Clings to adults, seems too dependent on them. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc10 Integer Recommended 10. Takes things too literally and doesn't get the real meaning of a conversation. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc11 Integer Recommended 11. Has good self-confidence. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc12 Integer Recommended 12. Is able to communicate his or her feelings to others. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc13 Integer Recommended 13. Is awkward in turn-taking interactions with peers (e. Scoreg. Score, doesn't seem to understand the give-and-take of conversations). Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc14 Integer Recommended 14. Is not well coordinated. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc15 Integer Recommended 15. Is able to understand the meaning of other people's tone of voice and facial expressions. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc16 Integer Recommended 16. Avoids eye contact or has unusual eye contact. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc17 Integer Recommended 17. Recognizes when something is unfair. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc18 Integer Recommended 18. Has difficulty making friends, even when trying his or her best. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc19 Integer Recommended 19. Gets frustrated trying to get ideas across in conversations. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc20 Integer Recommended 20. Shows unusual sensory interests (e. Scoreg. Score, mouthing or spinning objects) or strange ways of playing with toys. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc21 Integer Recommended 21. Is able to imitate others' actions. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc22 Integer Recommended 22. Plays appropriately with children his or her age. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc23 Integer Recommended 23. Does not join group activities unless told to do so. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc24 Integer Recommended 24. Has more difficulty than other children with changes in his or her routine. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc25 Integer Recommended 25. Doesn't seem to mind being out of step with or "not on the same wavelength" as others. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc26 Integer Recommended 26. Offers comfort to others when they are sad. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc27 Integer Recommended 27. Avoids starting social interactions with peers or adults. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc28 Integer Recommended 28. Thinks or talks about the same thing over and over. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc29 Integer Recommended 29. Is regarded by other children as odd or weird. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc30 Integer Recommended 30. Becomes upset in a situation with lots of things going on. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc31 Integer Recommended 31. Can't get his or her mind off something once he or she starts thinking about it. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc32 Integer Recommended 32. Has good personal hygiene. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc33 Integer Recommended 33. Is socially awkward, even when he or she is trying to be polite. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc34 Integer Recommended 34. Avoids people who want to be emotionally close to him or her. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc35 Integer Recommended 35. Has trouble keeping up with the flow of a normal conversation. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc36 Integer Recommended 36. Has difficulty relating to adults. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc37 Integer Recommended 37. Has difficulty relating to peers. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc38 Integer Recommended 38. Responds appropriately to mood changes in others (e. Scoreg. Score, when a friend's or playmate's mood changes from happy to sad). Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc39 Integer Recommended 39. Has an unusually narrow range of interests. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc40 Integer Recommended 40. Is imaginative, good at pretending (without losing touch with reality). Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc41 Integer Recommended 41. Wanders aimlessly from one activity to another. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc42 Integer Recommended 42. Seems overly sensitive to sounds, textures, or smells. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc43 Integer Recommended 43. Separates easily from caregivers. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc44 Integer Recommended 44. Doesn't understand how events relate to one another (cause and effect) the way other children his or her age do. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc45 Integer Recommended 45. Focuses his or her attention to where others are looking or listening. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc46 Integer Recommended 46. Has overly serious facial expressions. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc47 Integer Recommended 47. Is too silly or laughs inappropriately. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc48 Integer Recommended 48. Has a sense of humor, understands jokes. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc49 Integer Recommended 49. Does extremely well at a few tasks, but does not do well at most other tasks. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc50 Integer Recommended 50. Has repetitive, odd behaviors such as hand flapping or rocking. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc51 Integer Recommended 51. Has difficulty answering questions directly and ends up talking around the subject. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc52 Integer Recommended 52. Knows when he or she is talking too loud or making too much noise. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc53 Integer Recommended 53. Talks to people with an unusual tone of voice (e. Scoreg. Score, talks like a robot or like he or she is giving a lecture). Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc54 Integer Recommended 54. Seems to react to people as if they are objects. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc55 Integer Recommended 55. Knows when he or she is too close to someone or is invading someone's space. Score 0::3 3 = Not True; 2 = Sometimes True; 1 = Often True; 0 = Almost Always True
Query srssc56 Integer Recommended 56. Walks in between two people who are talking. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc57 Integer Recommended 57. Gets teased a lot. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc58 Integer Recommended 58. Concentrates too much on parts of things rather than seeing the whole picture. Score For example, if asked to describe what happened in a story, he or she may talk only about the kind of clothes the characters were wearing. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc59 Integer Recommended 59. Is overly suspicious. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc60 Integer Recommended 60. Is emotionally distant, doesn't show his or her feelings. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc61 Integer Recommended 61. Is inflexible, has a hard time changing his or her mind. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc62 Integer Recommended 62. Gives unusual or illogical reasons for doing things. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc63 Integer Recommended 63. Touches others in an unusual way (e. Scoreg. Score, he or she may touch someone just to make contact and then walk away without saying anything). Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc64 Integer Recommended 64. Is too tense in social settings. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srssc65 Integer Recommended 65. Stares or gazes off into space. Score 0::3 0 = Not True; 1 = Sometimes True; 2 = Often True; 3 = Almost Always True
Query srsautr Integer Recommended Autistic Mannerisms Raw Score mannerisms_score, raw_manner, srs_autisticmannerisms_raw
Query srsautt Integer Recommended Autistic Mannerisms T-Score srs_autisticmannerisms_tscore
Query srss00s7a Integer Recommended DSM-5 Compatible Scale: SCI: Raw Score -9=Unknown raw_dsm5_sci
Query srss00s7b Integer Recommended DSM-5 Compatible Scale: SCI: T Score -9=Unknown cs_tscore_dsm5_sci, sci_tscore_parent
Query srss00s8a Integer Recommended DSM-5 Compatible Scale: RRB: Raw Score -9=Unknown raw_dsm5_rrb
Query srss00s8b Integer Recommended DSM-5 Compatible Scale: RRB: T Score -9=Unknown cs_tscore_dsm5_rrb
Query visit String 60 Recommended Visit name
Query ageequivalentyears Integer Recommended PPVT age equivalent in years
grade String 50 Recommended Current Grade
ihprovider String 50 Recommended name of school/service provider
Query aescode Integer Recommended Staff code number of person completing this form 999= Missing Data
site String 101 Recommended Site Study Site
missing Integer Recommended Number of responses missing (left blank). Greater than 6 is considered unscorable by the publisher. If record was scored by SCANTRON, missing values were recoded and might be missing on the form. Non-SCANTRON records have a (-1) for missing values. number_of_missing_responses, score_numb_miss_responses
score_receptive_aspects Float Recommended Receptive Aspects 0 :: 999 0 to 999 score
comqother String 255 Recommended Respondent - Other (text) oscr_respondent_relationship
visit_year Integer Recommended Year of visit
srs_interpretation Integer Recommended SRS Interpretation 1 :: 4 1= 59T and below, Within normal limits; 2= 60T to 65T, Mild range; 3= 66T to 75T, Moderate range; 4= 76T or higher, Severe range
ref_child_id String 50 Recommended Referencing Child ID how it is defined in lab/project
Data Structure

This page displays the data structure defined for the measure identified in the title and structure short name. The table below displays a list of data elements in this structure (also called variables) and the following information:

  • Element Name: This is the standard element name
  • Data Type: Which type of data this element is, e.g. String, Float, File location.
  • Size: If applicable, the character limit of this element
  • Required: This column displays whether the element is Required for valid submissions, Recommended for valid submissions, Conditional on other elements, or Optional
  • Description: A basic description
  • Value Range: Which values can appear validly in this element (case sensitive for strings)
  • Notes: Expanded description or notes on coding of values
  • Aliases: A list of currently supported Aliases (alternate element names)
  • For valid elements with shared data, on the far left is a Filter button you can use to view a summary of shared data for that element and apply a query filter to your Cart based on selected value ranges

At the top of this page you can also:

  • Use the search bar to filter the elements displayed. This will not filter on the Size of Required columns
  • Download a copy of this definition in CSV format
  • Download a blank CSV submission template prepopulated with the correct structure header rows ready to fill with subject records and upload

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