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1 Numbers reported are subjects by age
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Format should be in the following format: Activity Code, Institute Abbreviation, and Serial Number. Grant Type, Support Year, and Suffix should be excluded. For example, grant 1R01MH123456-01A1 should be entered R01MH123456

Please select an experiment type below

Collection - Use Existing Experiment
To associate an experiment to the current collection, just select an axperiment from the table below then click the associate experiment button to persist your changes (saving the collection is not required). Note that once an experiment has been associated to two or more collections, the experiment will not longer be editable.

The table search feature is case insensitive and targets the experiment id, experiment name and experiment type columns. The experiment id is searched only when the search term entered is a number, and filtered using a startsWith comparison. When the search term is not numeric the experiment name is used to filter the results.
SelectExperiment IdExperiment NameExperiment Type
Created On
475MB1-10 (CHOP)Omics06/07/2016
490Illumina Infinium PsychArray BeadChip AssayOmics07/07/2016
501PharmacoBOLD Resting StatefMRI07/27/2016
509ABC-CT Resting v2EEG08/18/2016
13Comparison of FI expression in Autistic and Neurotypical Homo SapiensOmics12/28/2010
18AGRE/Broad Affymetrix 5.0 Genotype ExperimentOmics01/06/2011
22Stitching PCR SequencingOmics02/14/2011
29Microarray family 03 (father, mother, sibling)Omics03/24/2011
37Standard paired-end sequencing of BCRsOmics04/19/2011
38Illumina Mate-Pair BCR sequencingOmics04/19/2011
39Custom Jumping LibrariesOmics04/19/2011
40Custom CapBPOmics04/19/2011
43Autism brain sample genotyping, IlluminaOmics05/16/2011
47ARRA Autism Sequencing Collaboration at Baylor. SOLiD 4 SystemOmics08/01/2011
53AGRE Omni1-quadOmics10/11/2011
59AGP genotypingOmics04/03/2012
60Ultradeep 454 sequencing of synaptic genes from postmortem cerebella of individuals with ASD and neurotypical controlsOmics06/23/2012
63Microemulsion PCR and Targeted Resequencing for Variant Detection in ASDOmics07/20/2012
76Whole Genome Sequencing in Autism FamiliesOmics01/03/2013
90Genotyped IAN SamplesOmics07/09/2013
91NJLAGS Axiom Genotyping ArrayOmics07/16/2013
93AGP genotyping (CNV)Omics09/06/2013
106Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 2EEG11/07/2013
107Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 3EEG11/07/2013
108Longitudinal Sleep Study. AURA 200EEG11/07/2013
105Longitudinal Sleep Study. H20 200. Channel set 1EEG11/07/2013
109Longitudinal Sleep Study. AURA 400EEG11/07/2013
116Gene Expression Analysis WG-6Omics01/07/2014
131Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Charlie Brown and Sesame Street - Project 1Eye Tracking02/27/2014
132Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Animacy - Project 1Eye Tracking02/27/2014
133Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Mom Stranger - Project 2Eye Tracking02/27/2014
134Jeste Lab UCLA ACEii: Face Emotion - Project 3Eye Tracking02/27/2014
151Candidate Gene Identification in familial AutismOmics06/09/2014
152NJLAGS Whole Genome SequencingOmics07/01/2014
154Math Autism Study - Vinod MenonfMRI07/15/2014
160syllable contrastEEG07/29/2014
167School-age naturalistic stimuliEye Tracking09/19/2014
44AGRE/Broad Affymetrix 5.0 Genotype ExperimentOmics06/27/2011
45Exome Sequencing of 20 Sporadic Cases of Autism Spectrum DisorderOmics07/15/2011
Collection - Add Experiment
Add Supporting Documentation
Select File

To add an existing Data Structure, enter its title in the search bar. If you need to request changes, select the indicator "No, it requires changes to meet research needs" after selecting the Structure, and upload the file with the request changes specific to the selected Data Structure. Your file should follow the Request Changes Procedure. If the Data Structure does not exist, select "Request New Data Structure" and upload the appropriate zip file.

Request Submission Exemption
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Not Eligible

The Data Expected list for this Collection shows some raw data as missing. Contact the NDA Help Desk with any questions.

Please confirm that you will not be enrolling any more subjects and that all raw data has been collected and submitted.

Collection Updated

Your Collection is now in Data Analysis phase and exempt from biannual submissions. Analyzed data is still expected prior to publication or no later than the project end date.

[CMS] Attention
[CMS] Please confirm that you will not be enrolling any more subjects and that all raw data has been collected and submitted.
[CMS] Error


Unable to change collection phase where targeted enrollment is less than 90%

Delete Submission Exemption
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You have requested to move the sharing dates for the following assessments:
Data Expected Item Original Sharing Date New Sharing Date

Please provide a reason for this change, which will be sent to the Program Officers listed within this collection:

Explanation must be between 20 and 200 characters in length.

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Collection Summary Collection Charts
Collection Title Collection Investigators Collection Description
Establishing Moderators/Biosignatures of Antidepressant Response - Clinical Care (EMBARC) MDD Treatment and Controls
Madhukar H. Trivedi, Myrna M. Weissman, Patrick J. McGrath and Ramin V. Parsey 
EMBARC is a comparative effectiveness trial of three mechanistically distinct treatments for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (citalopram, bupropion, and cognitive behavioral therapy) in which we will assess a comprehensive array of carefully selected clinical (i.e. anxious depression, early life trauma, ) and biological (i.e. genetic, neuroimaging, serum, epigenetic ) moderators and mediators of outcome. This Collection provides data on the treatment group and the normal controls evaluated as part of the EMBARC study. Using innovative statistical approaches the identified moderators and mediators will then be used to develop a differential depression treatment response index (DTRI). The proposed study is a randomized two-stage trial (Stage 1: 12 wks; Stage 2: 12 wks) design with 675 MDD patients (with a history of one adequate trial of an SSRI except citalopram) assigned to one of three treatment conditions (n=225 each).
NIMH Data Archive
NIMH Repository & Genomics Resource (NRGR)
Funding Completed
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NIH - Extramural None

Embarc Baseline QIDS scores explained.xlsx Methods Baseline QIDS Qualified Researchers
All MIND variables_2016_0705.xlsx Other Data Dictionary Qualified Researchers
CTall Biosig List by Task 2016_0414 FINAL.xlsx Other Biosignature endpoints Qualified Researchers
Data Processing & Distributions Summary 2017_0227.pdf Other Distribution sets Qualified Researchers
Embarc datafile naming conventions 2013_0814.xlsx Other Naming Conventions Qualified Researchers
Raw file descriptions 2013_1219.pdf Other Raw file descriptions Qualified Researchers
StudyTrax MDD Criteria.pdf Other MDD criteria Qualified Researchers
Embarc Support docs_2017_0928.zip Other All support files compressed Qualified Researchers
CTall MRI EEG Missed Biosig Collections 2016_0331.xlsx Other Missing collections Qualified Researchers
Biosignature Data Quality Control 2016_0608.pdf Other Quality Control Qualified Researchers
Embarc All Subjects List 708.xlsx Other All Subjects List Qualified Researchers
StudyTrax Data Dictionary 2015_0528a.xlsx Other Data Dictionary Qualified Researchers
Guide to StudyTrax Data Sets 2017_0928.xlsx Other Guide to Datasets Qualified Researchers
CT_Unblinded_Stage12.xlsx Other CT Randomization Stage1 and 2 Qualified Researchers
Embarc Data Files - Current latest dumps 2016_1229 Locked.xlsx Other Data dumps - locked Qualified Researchers
Embarc Subject Denominators Sep 1 2017.xlsx Other Subject Denominators Qualified Researchers
UTSW Protocol V4 for SERT_CLEAN SENT TO SITES 4 19 12.pdf Analysis Protocol Protocol Qualified Researchers

U01MH092250-01 Biosignatures of Treatment Remission in Major Depression 09/30/2010 06/30/2014 200 43 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES $4,192,397.00
U01MH092221-01 Establishing Moderators/Biosignatures of Antidepressant Response- Clinical Care 09/30/2010 06/30/2014 300 350 UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER $4,747,312.00

This study will examine multiple carefully selected clinical and biological markers, using both existing state-of-the-art technologies as well as pioneering, innovative approaches. The study is designed to identify moderators and mediators of treatment response for depression in order to specify a biosignature of treatment response for depression. Evaluation of the usefulness of these markers in a carefully conducted clinical trial comparing an antidepressant to placebo will assist in developing a Depression Treatment Response Index (DTRI) to help clinicians match treatments to patients with MDD, resulting in timely selection of treatments best suited for individual patients and thus approaching personalized treatment. The resulting index provides a truly novel means of synthesizing the contribution of key clinical and biological parameters in an easy to use tool for clinical care. Completed NCT01407094 STU 092010-151 Madhukar H Trivedi, M.D. July 29, 2011 April 2016

NDA Help Center

Collection - General Tab

Fields available for edit on the top portion of the page include:

  • Collection Title
  • Investigators
  • Collection Description
  • Collection Phase
  • Funding Source
  • Clinical Trials

Collection Phase: The current status of a research project submitting data to an NDA Collection, based on the timing of the award and/or the data that have been submitted.

  • Pre-Enrollment: The default entry made when the NDA Collection is created.
  • Enrolling: Data have been submitted to the NDA Collection or the NDA Data Expected initial submission date has been reached for at least one data structure category in the NDA Collection.
  • Data Analysis: Subject level data collection for the research project is completed and has been submitted to the NDA Collection. The NDA Collection owner or the NDA Help Desk may set this phase when they’ve confirmed data submission is complete and submitted subject counts match at least 90% of the target enrollment numbers in the NDA Data Expected. Data submission reminders will be turned off for the NDA Collection.
  • Funding Completed: The NIH grant award (or awards) associated with the NDA Collection has reached its end date. NDA Collections in Funding Completed phase are assigned a subphase to indicate the status of data submission.
    • The Data Expected Subphase indicates that NDA expects more data will be submitted
    • The Closeout Subphase indicates the data submission is complete.
    • The Sharing Not Met Subphase indicates that data submission was not completed as expected.

Blinded Clinical Trial Status:

  • This status is set by a Collection Owner and indicates the research project is a double blinded clinical trial. When selected, the public view of Data Expected will show the Data Expected items and the Submission Dates, but the targeted enrollment and subjects submitted counts will not be displayed.
  • Targeted enrollment and subjects submitted counts are visible only to NDA Administrators and to the NDA Collection or as the NDA Collection Owner.
  • When an NDA Collection that is flagged Blinded Clinical Trial reaches the maximum data sharing date for that Data Repository (see https://nda.nih.gov/nda/sharing-regimen.html), the embargo on Data Expected information is released.

Funding Source

The organization(s) responsible for providing the funding is listed here.

Supporting Documentation

Users with Submission privileges, as well as Collection Owners, Program Officers, and those with Administrator privileges, may upload and attach supporting documentation. By default, supporting documentation is shared to the general public, however, the option is also available to limit this information to qualified researchers only.

Grant Information

Identifiable details are displayed about the Project of which the Collection was derived from. You may click in the Project Number to view a full report of the Project captured by the NIH.

Clinical Trials

Any data that is collected to support or further the research of clinical studies will be available here. Collection Owners and those with Administrator privileges may add new clinical trials.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) determine which Permission Group data are submitted into?
    During Collection creation, NDA staff determine the appropriate Permission Group based on the type of data to be submitted, the type of access that will be available to data access users, and the information provided by the Program Officer during grant award.
  • How do I know when a NDA Collection has been created?
    When a Collection is created by NDA staff, an email notification will automatically be sent to the PI(s) of the grant(s) associated with the Collection to notify them.
  • Is a single grant number ever associated with more than one Collection?
    The NDA system does not allow for a single grant to be associated with more than one Collection; therefore, a single grant will not be listed in the Grant Information section of a Collection for more than one Collection.
  • Why is there sometimes more than one grant included in a Collection?
    In general, each Collection is associated with only one grant; however, multiple grants may be associated if the grant has multiple competing segments for the same grant number or if multiple different grants are all working on the same project and it makes sense to hold the data in one Collection (e.g., Cooperative Agreements).


  • Administrator Privilege
    A privilege provided to a user associated with an NDA Collection or NDA Study whereby that user can perform a full range of actions including providing privileges to other users.
  • Collection Owner
    Generally, the Collection Owner is the contact PI listed on a grant. Only one NDA user is listed as the Collection owner. Most automated emails are primarily sent to the Collection Owner.
  • Collection Phase
    The Collection Phase provides information on data submission as opposed to grant/project completion so while the Collection phase and grant/project phase may be closely related they are often different. Collection users with Administrative Privileges are encouraged to edit the Collection Phase. The Program Officer as listed in eRA (for NIH funded grants) may also edit this field. Changes must be saved by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page. This field is sortable alphabetically in ascending or descending order. Collection Phase options include:
    • Pre-Enrollment: A grant/project has started, but has not yet enrolled subjects.
    • Enrolling: A grant/project has begun enrolling subjects. Data submission is likely ongoing at this point.
    • Data Analysis: A grant/project has completed enrolling subjects and has completed all data submissions.
    • Funding Completed: A grant/project has reached the project end date.
  • Collection Title
    An editable field with the title of the Collection, which is often the title of the grant associated with the Collection.
  • Grant
    Provides the grant number(s) for the grant(s) associated with the Collection. The field is a hyperlink so clicking on the Grant number will direct the user to the grant information in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) page.
  • Supporting Documentation
    Various documents and materials to enable efficient use of the data by investigators unfamiliar with the project and may include the research protocol, questionnaires, and study manuals.
  • NIH Research Initiative
    NDA Collections may be organized by scientific similarity into NIH Research Initiatives, to facilitate query tool user experience. NIH Research Initiatives map to one or multiple Funding Opportunity Announcements.
  • Permission Group
    Access to shared record-level data in NDA is provisioned at the level of a Permission Group. NDA Permission Groups consist of one or multiple NDA Collections that contain data with the same subject consents.
  • Planned Enrollment
    Number of human subject participants to be enrolled in an NIH-funded clinical research study. The data is provided in competing applications and annual progress reports.
  • Actual Enrollment
    Number of human subjects enrolled in an NIH-funded clinical research study. The data is provided in annual progress reports.
  • NDA Collection
    A virtual container and organization structure for data and associated documentation from one grant or one large project/consortium. It contains tools for tracking data submission and allows investigators to define a wide array of other elements that provide context for the data, including all general information regarding the data and source project, experimental parameters used to collect any event-based data contained in the Collection, methods, and other supporting documentation. They also allow investigators to link underlying data to an NDA Study, defining populations and subpopulations specific to research aims.
  • Data Use Limitations
    Data Use Limitations (DULs) describe the appropriate secondary use of a dataset and are based on the original informed consent of a research participant. NDA only accepts consent-based data use limitations defined by the NIH Office of Science Policy.
  • Total Subjects Shared
    The total number of unique subjects for whom data have been shared and are available for users with permission to access data.
IDNameCreated DateStatusType
250MGH Estroop03/11/2015ApprovedfMRI
251MGH Resting 103/11/2015ApprovedfMRI
252MGH Resting 203/11/2015ApprovedfMRI
253MGH Reward03/11/2015ApprovedfMRI
254UM Estroop03/11/2015ApprovedfMRI
255UM Resting 103/11/2015ApprovedfMRI
256UM Resting 203/11/2015ApprovedfMRI
257UM Reward03/11/2015ApprovedfMRI
258CU SBU Estroop03/12/2015ApprovedfMRI
259CU SBU Resting 103/12/2015ApprovedfMRI
260CU SBU Resting 203/12/2015ApprovedfMRI
261CU SBU Reward03/12/2015ApprovedfMRI
262CU MR750 Estroop03/13/2015ApprovedfMRI
263CU MR750 Resting 103/13/2015ApprovedfMRI
264CU MR750 Resting 203/13/2015ApprovedfMRI
265CU MR750 Reward03/13/2015ApprovedfMRI
266CU HDx Estroop03/13/2015ApprovedfMRI
267CU HDx Resting 103/13/2015ApprovedfMRI
268CU HDx Resting 203/13/2015ApprovedfMRI
269CU HDx Reward03/13/2015ApprovedfMRI
270UTSW Estroop03/16/2015ApprovedfMRI
271UTSW Resting 103/16/2015ApprovedfMRI
272UTSW Resting 203/16/2015ApprovedfMRI
273UTSW Reward03/16/2015ApprovedfMRI
274CU EEG Resting03/18/2015ApprovedEEG
275CU LDAEP03/19/2015ApprovedEEG
280UTSW EEG Resting03/31/2015ApprovedEEG
281UTSW LDAEP03/31/2015ApprovedEEG
282UM EEG Resting03/31/2015ApprovedEEG
283UM LDAEP03/31/2015ApprovedEEG
284MGH EEG Resting03/31/2015ApprovedEEG
285MGH LDAEP03/31/2015ApprovedEEG
300A Not B Task05/26/2015ApprovedEEG
301Choice Reaction Time Task05/26/2015ApprovedEEG
302Flanker Task05/26/2015ApprovedEEG
303Probabilistic Reward Task05/26/2015ApprovedEEG
304Word Fluency Task05/26/2015ApprovedEEG

NDA Help Center

Collection - Experiments

The number of Experiments included is displayed in parentheses next to the tab name. You may download all experiments associated with the Collection via the Download button. You may view individual experiments by clicking the Experiment Name and add them to the Filter Cart via the Add to Cart button.

Collection Owners, Program Officers, and users with Submission or Administrative Privileges for the Collection may create or edit an Experiment.

Please note: The creation of an NDA Experiment does not necessarily mean that data collected, according to the defined Experiment, has been submitted or shared.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can an Experiment be associated with more than one Collection?

    Yes -see the “Copy” button in the bottom left when viewing an experiment. There are two actions that can be performed via this button:

    1. Copy the experiment with intent for modifications.
    2. Associate the experiment to the collection. No modifications can be made to the experiment.


  • Experiment Status
    An Experiment must be Approved before data using the associated Experiment_ID may be uploaded.
  • Experiment ID
    The ID number automatically generated by NDA which must be included in the appropriate file when uploading data to link the Experiment Definition to the subject record.
Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale Clinical Assessments 333
Anger Attack Questionnaire Clinical Assessments 333
Antidepressant Treatment Response Questionnaire Clinical Assessments 336
Behavioral Phenotyping Form Imaging 336
Childhood Trauma Questionnaire Clinical Assessments 334
Clinical Global Impression (CGI) Clinical Assessments 287
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale Clinical Assessments 95
Concise Associated Symptoms Tracking Scale Clinical Assessments 333
Concise Health Risk Tracking Clinical Assessments 335
EEG Phenotype Event Form Clinical Assessments 336
EEG Scalar Variables Imaging 336
EEG Subject Clinical Assessments 336
EEG Subject Files Imaging 327
EEG Task Questionnaire Clinical Assessments 336
EMBARC Demographics Clinical Assessments 336
EMBARC Medical History Clinical Assessments 336
Early Termination Form Clinical Assessments 110
Edinburgh Handedness Inventory Clinical Assessments 336
Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence Clinical Assessments 336
Family History Screen Clinical Assessments 336
FreeSurfer Volumetrix Imaging 243
FreeSurfer Volumetrix Part 2 Imaging 286
FreeSurfer Volumetrix Part 3 Imaging 243
Frequency Intensity Burden Side Effects Clinical Assessments 281
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression Clinical Assessments 332
Image Imaging 330
MRI Event Form Imaging 336
MRI Scalar Imaging 336
Massachusetts General Hospital Sexual Functioning Inventory Clinical Assessments 333
Medication Adherance Form Clinical Assessments 294
Mood Disorder Questionnaire Clinical Assessments 333
Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire Clinical Assessments 334
NEO Five-Factor Inventory Form S Adult Clinical Assessments 333
Pain Frequency, Intensity and Burden Clinical Assessments 330
Participant Adherence Questionnaire Clinical Assessments 283
Processed DTI Imaging 261
Processed DTI Part 2 Imaging 264
Processed DTI Part 3 Imaging 264
Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Clinical Assessments 336
Research Subject Clinical Assessments 336
Screening Test Results Clinical Assessments 336
Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale Clinical Assessments 335
Social Adjustment Scale Clinical Assessments 334
Standard Assessment of Personality Clinical Assessments 336
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults Clinical Assessments 336
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Clinical Assessments 336
Subject Miscellaneous Information Clinical Assessments 336
Treatment Emergent Symptoms Scale Clinical Assessments 292
Visual Analog Mood Scale Clinical Assessments 336
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) Clinical Assessments 288

NDA Help Center

Collection - Shared Data

This tab provides a quick overview of the Data Structure title, Data Type, and Number of Subjects that are currently Shared for the Collection. The information presented in this tab is automatically generated by NDA and cannot be edited. If no information is visible on this tab, this would indicate the Collection does not have shared data or the data is private.

The shared data is available to other researchers who have permission to access data in the Collection's designated Permission Group(s). Use the Download button to get all shared data from the Collection to the Filter Cart.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will I know if another researcher uses data that I shared through the NIMH Data Archive (NDA)?
    To see what data your project have submitted are being used by a study, simply go the Associated Studies tab of your collection. Alternatively, you may review an NDA Study Attribution Report available on the General tab.
  • Can I get a supplement to share data from a completed research project?
    Often it becomes more difficult to organize and format data electronically after the project has been completed and the information needed to create a GUID may not be available; however, you may still contact a program staff member at the appropriate funding institution for more information.
  • Can I get a supplement to share data from a research project that is still ongoing?
    Unlike completed projects where researchers may not have the information needed to create a GUID and/or where the effort needed to organize and format data becomes prohibitive, ongoing projects have more of an opportunity to overcome these challenges. Please contact a program staff member at the appropriate funding institution for more information.


  • Data Structure
    A defined organization and group of Data Elements to represent an electronic definition of a measure, assessment, questionnaire, or collection of data points. Data structures that have been defined in the NDA Data Dictionary are available at https://nda.nih.gov/general-query.html?q=query=data-structure
  • Data Type
    A grouping of data by similar characteristics such as Clinical Assessments, Omics, or Neurosignal data.
  • Shared
    The term 'Shared' generally means available to others; however, there are some slightly different meanings based on what is Shared. A Shared NDA Study is viewable and searchable publicly regardless of the user's role or whether the user has an NDA account. A Shared NDA Study does not necessarily mean that data used in the NDA Study have been shared as this is independently determined. Data are shared according the schedule defined in a Collection's Data Expected Tab and/or in accordance with data sharing expectations in the NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Additionally, Supporting Documentation uploaded to a Collection may be shared independent of whether data are shared.

Collection Owners and those with Collection Administrator permission, may edit a collection. The following is currently available for Edit on this page:


Publications relevant to NDA data are listed below. Most displayed publications have been associated with the grant within Pubmed. Use the "+ New Publication" button to add new publications. Publications relevant/not relevant to data expected are categorized. Relevant publications are then linked to the underlying data by selecting the Create Study link. Study provides the ability to define cohorts, assign subjects, define outcome measures and lists the study type, data analysis and results. Analyzed data and results are expected in this way.

PubMed IDStudyTitleJournalAuthorsDateStatus
38186634Create StudyBrain ventricle and choroid plexus morphology as predictor of treatment response in major depression: Findings from the EMBARC study.Brain, behavior, & immunity - healthMurck, Harald; Fava, Maurizio; Cusin, Cristina; Fatt, Cherise Chin; Trivedi, MadhukarFebruary 1, 2024Not Determined
38130122Create StudyFeatures of immunometabolic depression as predictors of antidepressant treatment outcomes: pooled analysis of four clinical trials.The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental scienceVreijling, Sarah R; Chin Fatt, Cherise R; Williams, Leanne M; Schatzberg, Alan F; Usherwood, Tim; Nemeroff, Charles B; Rush, A John; Uher, Rudolf; Aitchison, Katherine J; Köhler-Forsberg, Ole; Rietschel, Marcella; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Jha, Manish K; Penninx, Brenda W J H; Beekman, Aartjan T F; Jansen, Rick; Lamers, FemkeMarch 1, 2024Not Determined
37622759Create StudyReward Behavior Disengagement, a Neuroeconomic Model-Based Objective Measure of Reward Pathology in Depression: Findings from the EMBARC Trial.Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland)Giles, Michael A; Cooper, Crystal M; Jha, Manish K; Chin Fatt, Cherise R; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Mayes, Taryn L; Webb, Christian A; Greer, Tracy L; Etkin, Amit; Trombello, Joseph M; Chase, Henry W; Phillips, Mary L; McInnis, Melvin G; Carmody, Thomas; Adams, Phillip; Parsey, Ramin V; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna; Kurian, Benji T; Fava, Maurizio; Trivedi, Madhukar HJuly 25, 2023Not Determined
36909585Create StudyBrain Ventricle and Choroid Plexus Morphology as Predictor of Treatment Response: Findings from the EMBARC Study.Research squareMurck, Harald; Fava, Maurizio; Cusin, Cristina; Chin Fatt, Cherise; Trivedi, MadhukarMarch 1, 2023Not Determined
36690972Create StudyAI-based dimensional neuroimaging system for characterizing heterogeneity in brain structure and function in major depressive disorder: COORDINATE-MDD consortium design and rationale.BMC psychiatryFu, Cynthia H Y; Erus, Guray; Fan, Yong; Antoniades, Mathilde; Arnone, Danilo; Arnott, Stephen R; Chen, Taolin; Choi, Ki Sueng; Fatt, Cherise Chin; Frey, Benicio N; Frokjaer, Vibe G; Ganz, Melanie; Garcia, Jose; Godlewska, Beata R; Hassel, Stefanie; Ho, Keith; McIntosh, Andrew M; Qin, Kun; Rotzinger, Susan; Sacchet, Matthew D; Savitz, Jonathan; Shou, Haochang; Singh, Ashish; Stolicyn, Aleks; Strigo, Irina; Strother, Stephen C; Tosun, Duygu; Victor, Teresa A; Wei, Dongtao; Wise, Toby; Woodham, Rachel D; Zahn, Roland; Anderson, Ian M; Deakin, J F William; Dunlop, Boadie W; Elliott, Rebecca; Gong, Qiyong; Gotlib, Ian H; Harmer, Catherine J; Kennedy, Sidney H; Knudsen, Gitte M; Mayberg, Helen S; Paulus, Martin P; Qiu, Jiang; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Whalley, Heather C; Yan, Chao-Gan; Young, Allan H; Davatzikos, ChristosJanuary 23, 2023Not Determined
36586213Create StudyData driven clusters derived from resting state functional connectivity: Findings from the EMBARC study.Journal of psychiatric researchChin Fatt, Cherise R; Minhajuddin, Abu; Jha, Manish K; Mayes, Taryn; Rush, A John; Trivedi, Madhukar HFebruary 1, 2023Not Determined
36179972Create StudyAccelerated Brain Aging in Adults With Major Depressive Disorder Predicts Poorer Outcome With Sertraline: Findings From the EMBARC Study.Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimagingJha, Manish K; Chin Fatt, Cherise; Minhajuddin, Abu; Mayes, Taryn L; Trivedi, Madhukar HApril 1, 2023Not Determined
35680431Create StudyDynamic Resting-State Network Biomarkers of Antidepressant Treatment Response.Biological psychiatryKaiser, Roselinde H; Chase, Henry W; Phillips, Mary L; Deckersbach, Thilo; Parsey, Ramin V; Fava, Maurizio; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna; Oquendo, Maria A; McInnis, Melvin G; Carmody, Thomas; Cooper, Crystal M; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Pizzagalli, Diego AOctober 1, 2022Not Determined
35670301Create StudyAlterations in resting-state functional activity and connectivity for major depressive disorder appetite and weight disturbance phenotypes.Psychological medicinePiccolo, Mayron; Belleau, Emily L; Holsen, Laura M; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Parsey, Ramin V; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna M; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Javaras, Kristin NJuly 1, 2023Not Determined
35478408Create StudyA systematic data-driven approach to analyze sensor-level EEG connectivity: Identifying robust phase-synchronized network components using surface Laplacian with spectral-spatial PCA.PsychophysiologySmith, Ezra E; Bel-Bahar, Tarik S; Kayser, JürgenOctober 1, 2022Not Determined
35290819Create StudyNeural substrates of emotional conflict with anxiety in major depressive disorder: Findings from the Establishing Moderators and biosignatures of Antidepressant Response in Clinical Care (EMBARC) randomized controlled trial.Journal of psychiatric researchTrombello, Joseph M; Cooper, Crystal M; Fatt, Cherise Chin; Grannemann, Bruce D; Carmody, Thomas J; Jha, Manish K; Mayes, Taryn L; Greer, Tracy L; Yezhuvath, Uma; Aslan, Sina; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Weissman, Myrna M; Webb, Christian A; Dillon, Daniel G; McGrath, Patrick J; Fava, Maurizio; Parsey, Ramin V; McInnis, Melvin G; Etkin, Amit; Trivedi, Madhukar HMay 1, 2022Not Determined
35017468Create StudyFibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is increased in MDD and interacts with body mass index (BMI) to affect depression trajectory.Translational psychiatryMason, Brittany L; Minhajuddin, Abu; Czysz, Andrew H; Jha, Manish K; Gadad, Bharathi S; Mayes, Taryn L; Trivedi, Madhukar HJanuary 11, 2022Not Determined
34916068Create StudyPatterns of Pretreatment Reward Task Brain Activation Predict Individual Antidepressant Response: Key Results From the EMBARC Randomized Clinical Trial.Biological psychiatryNguyen, Kevin P; Chin Fatt, Cherise; Treacher, Alex; Mellema, Cooper; Cooper, Crystal; Jha, Manish K; Kurian, Benji; Fava, Maurizio; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna; Phillips, Mary L; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Montillo, Albert AMarch 15, 2022Not Determined
34000130Create StudyCross-Sectional Associations Among Symptoms of Pain, Irritability, and Depression and How These Symptoms Relate to Social Functioning and Quality of Life: Findings From the EMBARC and STRIDE Studies and the VitalSign6 Project.The Journal of clinical psychiatryJha, Manish K; Schatzberg, Alan; Minhajuddin, Abu; Chin Fatt, Cherise; Mayes, Taryn L; Trivedi, Madhukar HApril 13, 2021Not Determined
33767520Create StudyAnatomically-Informed Data Augmentation for Functional MRI with Applications to Deep Learning.Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical EngineeringNguyen, Kevin P; Fatt, Cherise Chin; Treacher, Alex; Mellema, Cooper; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Montillo, AlbertFebruary 1, 2020Not Determined
33589737Create StudyStructural brain measures linked to clinical phenotypes in major depression replicate across clinical centres.Molecular psychiatryYu, Meichen; Cullen, Nicholas; Linn, Kristin A; Oathes, Desmond J; Seok, Darsol; Cook, Philip A; Duprat, Romain; Aselcioglu, Irem; Moore, Tyler M; Davatzikos, Christos; Oquendo, Maria A; Weissman, Myrna M; Shinohara, Russell T; Sheline, Yvette IJuly 1, 2021Not Determined
33566317Create StudyPreliminary Evidence for Sociotropy and Autonomy in Relation to Antidepressant Treatment Outcome.The Psychiatric quarterlyCardinale, Ryan; Menkes, Margo W; Andrews, Carolyn M; Webb, Christian A; Jha, Manish K; Trombello, Joseph M; Trivedi, Madhukar H; McInnis, Melvin G; Deldin, Patricia JSeptember 1, 2021Not Determined
33445082Create StudyDifferential response to SSRI versus Placebo and distinct neural signatures among data-driven subgroups of patients with major depressive disorder.Journal of affective disordersChin Fatt, Cherise R; Cooper, Crystal M; Jha, Manish K; Minhajuddin, Abu; Rush, A John; Trombello, Joseph M; Fava, Maurizio; McInnis, Melvin; Weissman, Myrna; Trivedi, Madhukar HMarch 1, 2021Not Determined
33213541Create StudyExploration of baseline and early changes in neurocognitive characteristics as predictors of treatment response to bupropion, sertraline, and placebo in the EMBARC clinical trial.Psychological medicineAng, Yuen-Siang; Bruder, Gerard E; Keilp, John G; Rutherford, Ashleigh; Alschuler, Daniel M; Pechtel, Pia; Webb, Christian A; Carmody, Thomas; Fava, Maurizio; Cusin, Cristina; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna; Parsey, Ramin; Oquendo, Maria A; McInnis, Melvin G; Cooper, Crystal M; Deldin, Patricia; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Pizzagalli, Diego AOctober 1, 2022Not Determined
33129637Create StudyExamination of structural brain changes in recent suicidal behavior.Psychiatry research. NeuroimagingKim, Diane J; Bartlett, Elizabeth A; DeLorenzo, Christine; Parsey, Ramin V; Kilts, Clinton; Cáceda, RicardoJanuary 30, 2021Not Determined
33077939Create StudyIdentification of psychiatric disorder subtypes from functional connectivity patterns in resting-state electroencephalography.Nature biomedical engineeringZhang, Yu; Wu, Wei; Toll, Russell T; Naparstek, Sharon; Maron-Katz, Adi; Watts, Mallissa; Gordon, Joseph; Jeong, Jisoo; Astolfi, Laura; Shpigel, Emmanuel; Longwell, Parker; Sarhadi, Kamron; El-Said, Dawlat; Li, Yuanqing; Cooper, Crystal; Chin-Fatt, Cherise; Arns, Martijn; Goodkind, Madeleine S; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Marmar, Charles R; Etkin, AmitApril 1, 2021Not Determined
33038902Create StudyAssociation of anger attacks with suicidal ideation in adults with major depressive disorder: Findings from the EMBARC study.Depression and anxietyJha, Manish Kumar; Fava, Maurizio; Minhajuddin, Abu; Chin Fatt, Cherise; Mischoulon, David; Cusin, Christina; Trivedi, Madhukar HJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
32921587Create StudyDorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex and Subcallosal Cingulate Connectivity Show Preferential Antidepressant Response in Major Depressive Disorder.Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimagingChin Fatt, Cherise R; Cooper, Crystal; Jha, Manish K; Aslan, Sina; Grannemann, Bruce; Kurian, Benji; Greer, Tracy L; Fava, Maurizio; Weissman, Myrna; McGrath, Patrick J; Parsey, Ramin V; Etkin, Amit; Phillips, Mary L; Trivedi, Madhukar HJanuary 1, 2021Not Determined
32663842Create StudyAssociation between irritability and suicidal ideation in three clinical trials of adults with major depressive disorder.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyJha, Manish K; Minhajuddin, Abu; Chin Fatt, Cherise; Kircanski, Katharina; Stringaris, Argyris; Leibenluft, Ellen; Trivedi, Madhukar HDecember 1, 2020Not Determined
32658822Create StudyImprovements in irritability with sertraline versus placebo: Findings from the EMBARC study.Journal of affective disordersJha, Manish K; Minhajuddin, Abu; Chin Fatt, Cherise; Trivedi, Madhukar HOctober 1, 2020Not Determined
32507389Create StudyPretreatment Reward Sensitivity and Frontostriatal Resting-State Functional Connectivity Are Associated With Response to Bupropion After Sertraline Nonresponse.Biological psychiatryAng, Yuen-Siang; Kaiser, Roselinde; Deckersbach, Thilo; Almeida, Jorge; Phillips, Mary L; Chase, Henry W; Webb, Christian A; Parsey, Ramin; Fava, Maurizio; McGrath, Patrick; Weissman, Myrna; Adams, Phil; Deldin, Patricia; Oquendo, Maria A; McInnis, Melvin G; Carmody, Thomas; Bruder, Gerard; Cooper, Crystal M; Chin Fatt, Cherise R; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Pizzagalli, Diego AOctober 15, 2020Not Determined
32042166Create StudyAn electroencephalographic signature predicts antidepressant response in major depression.Nature biotechnologyWu, Wei; Zhang, Yu; Jiang, Jing; Lucas, Molly V; Fonzo, Gregory A; Rolle, Camarin E; Cooper, Crystal; Chin-Fatt, Cherise; Krepel, Noralie; Cornelssen, Carena A; Wright, Rachael; Toll, Russell T; Trivedi, Hersh M; Monuszko, Karen; Caudle, Trevor L; Sarhadi, Kamron; Jha, Manish K; Trombello, Joseph M; Deckersbach, Thilo; Adams, Phil; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna M; Fava, Maurizio; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Arns, Martijn; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Etkin, AmitApril 2020Not Determined
31895437Create StudyCortical Connectivity Moderators of Antidepressant vs Placebo Treatment Response in Major Depressive Disorder: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial.JAMA psychiatryRolle, Camarin E; Fonzo, Gregory A; Wu, Wei; Toll, Russ; Jha, Manish K; Cooper, Crystal; Chin-Fatt, Cherise; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Trombello, Joseph M; Deckersbach, Thilo; Fava, Maurizio; Weissman, Myrna M; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Etkin, AmitApril 1, 2020Not Determined
31741703Create StudySensitivity of derived clinical biomarkers to rs-fMRI preprocessing software versions.Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical ImagingNguyen, Kevin P; Fatt, Cherise Chin; Mellema, Cooper; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Montillo, AlbertApril 1, 2019Not Determined
31578740Create StudyFrontal theta and posterior alpha in resting EEG: A critical examination of convergent and discriminant validity.PsychophysiologySmith, Ezra E; Tenke, Craig E; Deldin, Patricia J; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Weissman, Myrna M; Auerbach, Randy P; Bruder, Gerard E; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Kayser, JürgenFebruary 2020Not Determined
31548678Create StudyBrain regulation of emotional conflict predicts antidepressant treatment response for depression.Nature human behaviourFonzo, Gregory A; Etkin, Amit; Zhang, Yu; Wu, Wei; Cooper, Crystal; Chin-Fatt, Cherise; Jha, Manish K; Trombello, Joseph; Deckersbach, Thilo; Adams, Phil; McInnis, Melvin; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna M; Fava, Maurizio; Trivedi, Madhukar HDecember 2019Not Determined
31537090Create StudyEffect of Intrinsic Patterns of Functional Brain Connectivity in Moderating Antidepressant Treatment Response in Major Depression.The American journal of psychiatryChin Fatt CR, Jha MK, Cooper CM, Fonzo G, South C, Grannemann B, Carmody T, Greer TL, Kurian B, Fava M, Mcgrath PJ, Adams P, Mcinnis M, Parsey RV, Weissman M, Phillips ML, Etkin A, Trivedi MHFebruary 2020Not Determined
31529701Create StudyA Bayesian approach to joint modeling of matrix-valued imaging data and treatment outcome with applications to depression studies.BiometricsJiang, Bei; Petkova, Eva; Tarpey, Thaddeus; Ogden, R ToddMarch 1, 2020Not Determined
31476430Create StudyBrain age prediction: Cortical and subcortical shape covariation in the developing human brain.NeuroImageZhao, Yihong; Klein, Arno; Castellanos, F Xavier; Milham, Michael PNovember 2019Not Determined
31462766Create StudyReward related ventral striatal activity and differential response to sertraline versus placebo in depressed individuals.Molecular psychiatryGreenberg, Tsafrir; Fournier, Jay C; Stiffler, Richelle; Chase, Henry W; Almeida, Jorge R; Aslam, Haris; Deckersbach, Thilo; Cooper, Crystal; Toups, Marisa S; Carmody, Tom; Kurian, Benji; Peltier, Scott; Adams, Phillip; McInnis, Melvin G; Oquendo, Maria A; Fava, Maurizio; Parsey, Ramin; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna; Trivedi, Madhukar; Phillips, Mary LJuly 2020Not Determined
31388104Create StudyDiscovery and replication of cerebral blood flow differences in major depressive disorder.Molecular psychiatryCooper, Crystal M; Chin Fatt, Cherise R; Liu, Peiying; Grannemann, Bruce D; Carmody, Thomas; Almeida, Jorge R C; Deckersbach, Thilo; Fava, Maurizio; Kurian, Benji T; Malchow, Ashley L; McGrath, Patrick J; McInnis, Melvin; Oquendo, Maria A; Parsey, Ramin V; Bartlett, Elizabeth; Weissman, Myrna; Phillips, Mary L; Lu, Hanzhang; Trivedi, Madhukar HJuly 2020Not Determined
31280757Create StudyDissecting the impact of depression on decision-making.Psychological medicineLawlor, Victoria M; Webb, Christian A; Wiecki, Thomas V; Frank, Michael J; Trivedi, Madhukar; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Dillon, Daniel GJuly 2020Not Determined
31193824Create StudyCerebral Blood Perfusion Predicts Response to Sertraline versus Placebo for Major Depressive Disorder in the EMBARC Trial.EClinicalMedicineCooper, Crystal M; Chin Fatt, Cherise R; Jha, Manish; Fonzo, Gregory A; Grannemann, Bruce D; Carmody, Thomas; Ali, Aasia; Aslan, Sina; Almeida, Jorge R C; Deckersbach, Thilo; Fava, Maurizio; Kurian, Benji T; McGrath, Patrick J; McInnis, Melvin; Parsey, Ramin V; Weissman, Myrna; Phillips, Mary L; Lu, Hanzhang; Etkin, Amit; Trivedi, Madhukar HApril 2019Not Determined
31158720Create StudyExamining raphe-amygdala structural connectivity as a biological predictor of SSRI response.Journal of affective disordersPillai, Rajapillai L I; Huang, Chuan; LaBella, Andrew; Zhang, Mengru; Yang, Jie; Trivedi, Madhukar; Weissman, Myrna; McGrath, Patrick; Fava, Maurizio; Kurian, Benji; Cooper, Crystal; McInnis, Melvin; Oquendo, Maria A; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Parsey, Ramin V; DeLorenzo, ChristineSeptember 2019Not Determined
30962366Create StudyChildhood trauma history is linked to abnormal brain connectivity in major depression.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaYu, Meichen; Linn, Kristin A; Shinohara, Russell T; Oathes, Desmond J; Cook, Philip A; Duprat, Romain; Moore, Tyler M; Oquendo, Maria A; Phillips, Mary L; McInnis, Melvin; Fava, Maurizio; Trivedi, Madhukar H; McGrath, Patrick; Parsey, Ramin; Weissman, Myrna M; Sheline, Yvette IApril 2019Not Determined
30959227Create StudySex differences in the association of baseline c-reactive protein (CRP) and acute-phase treatment outcomes in major depressive disorder: Findings from the EMBARC study.Journal of psychiatric researchJha, Manish K; Minhajuddin, Abu; Chin-Fatt, Cherise; Greer, Tracy L; Carmody, Thomas J; Trivedi, Madhukar HJune 1, 2019Not Determined
30718038Create StudyPretreatment Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex Connectivity With Salience Network Predicts Depression Recovery: Findings From the EMBARC Randomized Clinical Trial.Biological psychiatryWhitton, Alexis E; Webb, Christian A; Dillon, Daniel G; Kayser, Jürgen; Rutherford, Ashleigh; Goer, Franziska; Fava, Maurizio; McGrath, Patrick; Weissman, Myrna; Parsey, Ramin; Adams, Phil; Trombello, Joseph M; Cooper, Crystal; Deldin, Patricia; Oquendo, Maria A; McInnis, Melvin G; Carmody, Thomas; Bruder, Gerard; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Pizzagalli, Diego AMay 2019Not Determined
30699849Create StudyAnxiety and anhedonia in depression: Associations with neuroticism and cognitive control.Journal of affective disordersLiao, Allen; Walker, Robrina; Carmody, Thomas J; Cooper, Crystal; Shaw, Meredith A; Grannemann, Bruce D; Adams, Phil; Bruder, Gerard E; McInnis, Melvin G; Webb, Christian A; Dillon, Daniel G; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Phillips, Mary L; Kurian, Benji T; Fava, Maurizio; Parsey, Ramin V; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna M; Trivedi, Madhukar HFebruary 2019Not Determined
30652941Create StudyThe Concise Health Risk Tracking-Self Report: Psychometrics within a placebo-controlled antidepressant trial among depressed outpatients.Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)Trombello, Joseph M; Killian, Michael O; Grannemann, Bruce D; Rush, Augustus John; Mayes, Taryn L; Parsey, Ramin V; McInnis, Melvin; Jha, Manish K; Ali, Aasia; McGrath, Patrick J; Adams, Phil; Oquendo, Maria A; Weissman, Myrna M; Carmody, Thomas J; Trivedi, Madhukar HFebruary 2019Not Determined
30182751Create StudyResting EEG Measures of Brain Arousal in a Multisite Study of Major Depression.Clinical EEG and neuroscienceUlke, Christine; Tenke, Craig E; Kayser, Jürgen; Sander, Christian; Böttger, Daniel; Wong, Lidia Y X; Alvarenga, Jorge E; Fava, Maurizio; McGrath, Patrick J; Deldin, Patricia J; Mcinnis, Melvin G; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Weissman, Myrna M; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Hegerl, Ulrich; Bruder, Gerard EJanuary 2019Not Determined
30113112Create StudyDevelopment and evaluation of a multimodal marker of major depressive disorder.Human brain mappingYang J, Zhang M, Ahn H, Zhang Q, Jin TB, Li I, Nemesure M, Joshi N, Jiang H, Miller JM, Ogden RT, Petkova E, Milak MS, Sublette ME, Sullivan GM, Trivedi MH, Weissman M, Mcgrath PJ, Fava M, Kurian BT, Pizzagalli DA, Cooper CM, Mcinnis M, Oquendo MA, Mann JJ, et al.November 2018Not Determined
30110685Create StudyA Novel Strategy to Identify Placebo Responders: Prediction Index of Clinical and Biological Markers in the EMBARC Trial.Psychotherapy and psychosomaticsTrivedi, Madhukar H; South, Charles; Jha, Manish K; Rush, A John; Cao, Jing; Kurian, Benji; Phillips, Mary; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Trombello, Joseph M; Oquendo, Maria A; Cooper, Crystal; Dillon, Daniel G; Webb, Christian; Grannemann, Bruce D; Bruder, Gerard; McGrath, Patrick J; Parsey, Ramin; Weissman, Myrna; Fava, MaurizioJanuary 1, 2018Not Determined
29962359Create StudyPersonalized prediction of antidepressant v. placebo response: evidence from the EMBARC study.Psychological medicineWebb, Christian A; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Cohen, Zachary D; Dillon, Daniel G; Fournier, Jay C; Goer, Franziska; Fava, Maurizio; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna; Parsey, Ramin; Adams, Phil; Trombello, Joseph M; Cooper, Crystal; Deldin, Patricia; Oquendo, Maria A; McInnis, Melvin G; Huys, Quentin; Bruder, Gerard; Kurian, Benji T; Jha, Manish; DeRubeis, Robert J; Pizzagalli, Diego AMay 2019Not Determined
29962049Create StudyStatistical harmonization corrects site effects in functional connectivity measurements from multi-site fMRI data.Human brain mappingYu, Meichen; Linn, Kristin A; Cook, Philip A; Phillips, Mary L; McInnis, Melvin; Fava, Maurizio; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Weissman, Myrna M; Shinohara, Russell T; Sheline, Yvette INovember 2018Not Determined
29955151Create StudyPretreatment and early-treatment cortical thickness is associated with SSRI treatment response in major depressive disorder.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyBartlett, Elizabeth A; DeLorenzo, Christine; Sharma, Priya; Yang, Jie; Zhang, Mengru; Petkova, Eva; Weissman, Myrna; McGrath, Patrick J; Fava, Maurizio; Ogden, R Todd; Kurian, Benji T; Malchow, Ashley; Cooper, Crystal M; Trombello, Joseph M; McInnis, Melvin; Adams, Phillip; Oquendo, Maria A; Pizzagalli, Diego A; Trivedi, Madhukar; Parsey, Ramin VOctober 2018Not Determined
29689518Create StudyCharacterizing anxiety subtypes and the relationship to behavioral phenotyping in major depression: Results from the EMBARC study.Journal of psychiatric researchTrombello JM, Pizzagalli DA, Weissman MM, Grannemann BD, Cooper CM, Greer TL, Malchow AL, Jha MK, Carmody TJ, Kurian BT, Webb CA, Dillon DG, Mcgrath PJ, Bruder G, Fava M, Parsey RV, Mcinnis MG, Adams P, Trivedi MHJuly 2018Not Determined
29641834Create StudyPretreatment Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex Theta Activity in Relation to Symptom Improvement in Depression: A Randomized Clinical Trial.JAMA psychiatryPizzagalli, Diego A; Webb, Christian A; Dillon, Daniel G; Tenke, Craig E; Kayser, Jürgen; Goer, Franziska; Fava, Maurizio; McGrath, Patrick; Weissman, Myrna; Parsey, Ramin; Adams, Phil; Trombello, Joseph; Cooper, Crystal; Deldin, Patricia; Oquendo, Maria A; McInnis, Melvin G; Carmody, Thomas; Bruder, Gerard; Trivedi, Madhukar HJune 2018Not Determined
29626753Create StudyA psychometric evaluation of the Concise Health Risk Tracking Self-Report (CHRT-SR)- a measure of suicidality-in patients with stimulant use disorder.Journal of psychiatric researchSanchez, Katherine; Killian, Michael O; Mayes, Taryn L; Greer, Tracy L; Trombello, Joseph M; Lindblad, Robert; Grannemann, Bruce D; Carmody, Thomas J; Rush, A John; Walker, Robrina; Trivedi, Madhukar HJuly 1, 2018Not Determined
29155184Create StudyHarmonization of cortical thickness measurements across scanners and sites.NeuroImageFortin, Jean-Philippe; Cullen, Nicholas; Sheline, Yvette I; Taylor, Warren D; Aselcioglu, Irem; Cook, Philip A; Adams, Phil; Cooper, Crystal; Fava, Maurizio; McGrath, Patrick J; McInnis, Melvin; Phillips, Mary L; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Weissman, Myrna M; Shinohara, Russell TFebruary 2018Not Determined
29152032Create StudyLATENT CLASS MODELING USING MATRIX COVARIATES WITH APPLICATION TO IDENTIFYING EARLY PLACEBO RESPONDERS BASED ON EEG SIGNALS.The annals of applied statisticsJiang, Bei; Petkova, Eva; Tarpey, Thaddeus; Ogden, R ToddSeptember 2017Not Determined
28983519Create StudyNeuroticism and Individual Differences in Neural Function in Unmedicated Major Depression: Findings from the EMBARC Study.Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimagingFournier, Jay C; Chase, Henry W; Greenberg, Tsafrir; Etkin, Amit; Almeida, Jorge R; Stiffler, Richelle; Deckersbach, Thilo; Weyandt, Sarah; Cooper, Crystal; Toups, Marisa; Carmody, Tom; Kurian, Benji; Peltier, Scott; Adams, Phillip; McInnis, Melvin G; Oquendo, Maria A; McGrath, Patrick J; Fava, Maurizio; Weissman, Myrna; Parsey, Ramin; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Phillips, Mary LMarch 2017Relevant
28888770Create StudyTest-retest reliability of cerebral blood flow in healthy individuals using arterial spin labeling: Findings from the EMBARC study.Magnetic resonance imagingAlmeida, Jorge R C; Greenberg, Tsafrir; Lu, Hanzhang; Chase, Henry W; Fournier, Jay C; Cooper, Crystal M; Deckersbach, Thilo; Adams, Phil; Carmody, Thomas; Fava, Maurizio; Kurian, Benji; McGrath, Patrick J; McInnis, Melvin G; Oquendo, Maria A; Parsey, Ramin; Weissman, Myrna; Trivedi, Madhukar; Phillips, Mary LJanuary 2018Not Determined
28670629Create StudyStatistical Analysis Plan for Stage 1 EMBARC (Establishing Moderators and Biosignatures of Antidepressant Response for Clinical Care) Study.Contemporary clinical trials communicationsPetkova, Eva; Ogden, R Todd; Tarpey, Thaddeus; Ciarleglio, Adam; Jiang, Bei; Su, Zhe; Carmody, Thomas; Adams, Philip; Kraemer, Helena C; Grannemann, Bruce D; Oquendo, Maria A; Parsey, Ramin; Weissman, Myrna; McGrath, Patrick J; Fava, Maurizio; Trivedi, Madhukar HJune 2017Relevant
28594150Create StudyCortical thickness is not associated with current depression in a clinical treatment study.Human brain mappingPerlman, Greg; Bartlett, Elizabeth; DeLorenzo, Christine; Weissman, Myrna; McGrath, Patrick; Ogden, Todd; Jin, Tony; Adams, Phillip; Trivedi, Madhukar; Kurian, Benji; Oquendo, Maria; McInnis, Melvin; Weyandt, Sarah; Fava, Maurizio; Cooper, Crystal; Malchow, Ashley; Parsey, RaminSeptember 2017Relevant
28575030Create StudyMethod to assess the temporal persistence of potential biometric features: Application to oculomotor, gait, face and brain structure databases.PloS oneFriedman L, Nixon MS, Komogortsev OVJanuary 2017Not Relevant
28231282Create StudyMindboggling morphometry of human brains.PLoS computational biologyKlein, Arno; Ghosh, Satrajit S; Bao, Forrest S; Giard, Joachim; Häme, Yrjö; Stavsky, Eliezer; Lee, Noah; Rossa, Brian; Reuter, Martin; Chaibub Neto, Elias; Keshavan, AnishaFebruary 2017Not Determined
28157545Create StudyA comparison of structural connectivity in anxious depression versus non-anxious depression.Journal of psychiatric researchDelaparte L, Yeh FC, Adams P, Malchow A, Trivedi MH, Oquendo MA, Deckersbach T, Ogden T, Pizzagalli DA, Fava M, Cooper C, Mcinnis M, Kurian BT, Weissman MM, Mcgrath PJ, Klein DN, Parsey RV, Delorenzo CJanuary 2017Relevant
28129499Create StudyToward National Estimates of Effectiveness of Treatment for Substance Use.The Journal of clinical psychiatryBlanco, Carlos; Campbell, Aimee N; Wall, Melanie M; Olfson, Mark; Wang, Shuai; Nunes, Edward VJanuary 1, 2017Not Determined
28000259Create StudyDemonstrating test-retest reliability of electrophysiological measures for healthy adults in a multisite study of biomarkers of antidepressant treatment response.PsychophysiologyTenke CE, Kayser J, Pechtel P, Webb CA, Dillon DG, Goer F, Murray L, Deldin P, Kurian BT, Mcgrath PJ, Parsey R, Trivedi M, Fava M, Weissman MM, Mcinnis M, Abraham K, E Alvarenga J, Alschuler DM, Cooper C, Pizzagalli DA, Bruder GEJanuary 2017Relevant
27038550Create StudyEstablishing moderators and biosignatures of antidepressant response in clinical care (EMBARC): Rationale and design.Journal of psychiatric researchTrivedi, Madhukar H; McGrath, Patrick J; Fava, Maurizio; Parsey, Ramin V; Kurian, Benji T; Phillips, Mary L; Oquendo, Maria A; Bruder, Gerard; Pizzagalli, Diego; Toups, Marisa; Cooper, Crystal; Adams, Phil; Weyandt, Sarah; Morris, David W; Grannemann, Bruce D; Ogden, R Todd; Buckner, Randy; McInnis, Melvin; Kraemer, Helena C; Petkova, Eva; Carmody, Thomas J; Weissman, Myrna MJuly 2016Not Determined
26477532Create StudyA COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION OF WHITE MATTER TRACTS AND CONNECTOMETRY IN MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER.Depression and anxietyOlvet, Doreen M; Delaparte, Lauren; Yeh, Fang-Cheng; DeLorenzo, Christine; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna M; Adams, Phillip; Fava, Maurizio; Deckersbach, Thilo; McInnis, Melvin G; Carmody, Thomas J; Cooper, Crystal M; Kurian, Benji T; Lu, Hanzhang; Toups, Marisa S; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Parsey, Ramin VJanuary 2016Not Determined
26455693Create StudyWhat happens now? The importance of naturalistic course after first mania.The Journal of clinical psychiatryNierenberg AA, Sylvia LG, Ellard KK, Ghaznavi S, Deckersbach TSeptember 2015Not Determined
26373895Create StudyAltered functioning of reward circuitry in youth offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.Psychological medicineManelis A, Ladouceur CD, Graur S, Monk K, Bonar LK, Hickey MB, Dwojak AC, Axelson D, Goldstein BI, Goldstein TR, Bebko G, Bertocci MA, Gill MK, Birmaher B, Phillips MLJanuary 2016Not Determined
26349556Create StudyImpact of the glucocorticoid receptor BclI polymorphism on reward expectancy and prediction error related ventral striatal reactivity in depressed and healthy individuals.Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)Ham, Byung-Joo; Greenberg, Tsafrir; Chase, Henry W; Phillips, Mary LJanuary 2016Not Determined
26183698Create StudyModeration of the Relationship Between Reward Expectancy and Prediction Error-Related Ventral Striatal Reactivity by Anhedonia in Unmedicated Major Depressive Disorder: Findings From the EMBARC Study.The American journal of psychiatryGreenberg T, Chase HW, Almeida JR, Stiffler R, Zevallos CR, Aslam HA, Deckersbach T, Weyandt S, Cooper C, Toups M, Carmody T, Kurian B, Peltier S, Adams P, McInnis MG, Oquendo MA, McGrath PJ, Fava M, Weissman M, Parsey R, Trivedi MH, Phillips MLSeptember 1, 2015Relevant
26071227Create StudyOn the benefits of using surface Laplacian (current source density) methodology in electrophysiology.International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of PsychophysiologyKayser J, Tenke CESeptember 2015Not Determined
26068725Create StudyNeural Correlates of Three Promising Endophenotypes of Depression: Evidence from the EMBARC Study.Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of NeuropsychopharmacologyWebb CA, Dillon DG, Pechtel P, Goer FK, Murray L, Huys QJ, Fava M, Mcgrath PJ, Weissman M, Parsey R, Kurian BT, Adams P, Weyandt S, Trombello JM, Grannemann B, Cooper CM, Deldin P, Tenke C, Trivedi M, Bruder G, Pizzagalli DAJanuary 2016Relevant
26033168Create StudyTest-retest reliability of freesurfer measurements within and between sites: Effects of visual approval process.Human brain mappingIscan, Zafer; Jin, Tony B; Kendrick, Alexandria; Szeglin, Bryan; Lu, Hanzhang; Trivedi, Madhukar; Fava, Maurizio; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna; Kurian, Benji T; Adams, Phillip; Weyandt, Sarah; Toups, Marisa; Carmody, Thomas; McInnis, Melvin; Cusin, Cristina; Cooper, Crystal; Oquendo, Maria A; Parsey, Ramin V; DeLorenzo, ChristineSeptember 2015Not Determined
25961712Create StudyAccounting for Dynamic Fluctuations across Time when Examining fMRI Test-Retest Reliability: Analysis of a Reward Paradigm in the EMBARC Study.PloS oneChase, Henry W; Fournier, Jay C; Greenberg, Tsafrir; Almeida, Jorge R; Stiffler, Richelle; Zevallos, Carlos R; Aslam, Haris; Cooper, Crystal; Deckersbach, Thilo; Weyandt, Sarah; Adams, Phillip; Toups, Marisa; Carmody, Tom; Oquendo, Maria A; Peltier, Scott; Fava, Maurizio; McGrath, Patrick J; Weissman, Myrna; Parsey, Ramin; McInnis, Melvin G; Kurian, Benji; Trivedi, Madhukar H; Phillips, Mary L2015Relevant
25920962Create StudyIssues and considerations for using the scalp surface Laplacian in EEG/ERP research: A tutorial review.International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of PsychophysiologyKayser J, Tenke CESeptember 2015Not Determined
25864641Create StudyEvaluation of anhedonia with the Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHAPS) in adult outpatients with major depressive disorder.Journal of psychiatric researchNakonezny, Paul A; Morris, David W; Greer, Tracy L; Byerly, Matthew J; Carmody, Thomas J; Grannemann, Bruce D; Bernstein, Ira H; Trivedi, Madhukar HJune 1, 2015Not Determined
25727375Create StudyA computational analysis of flanker interference in depression.Psychological medicineDillon DG, Wiecki T, Pechtel P, Webb C, Goer F, Murray L, Trivedi M, Fava M, McGrath PJ, Weissman M, Parsey R, Kurian B, Adams P, Carmody T, Weyandt S, Shores-Wilson K, Toups M, McInnis M, Oquendo MA, Cusin C, Deldin P, Bruder G, Pizzagalli DAAugust 2015Not Determined
25640931Create StudyIdentifying predictors, moderators, and mediators of antidepressant response in major depressive disorder: neuroimaging approaches.The American journal of psychiatryPhillips, Mary L; Chase, Henry W; Sheline, Yvette I; Etkin, Amit; Almeida, Jorge R C; Deckersbach, Thilo; Trivedi, Madhukar HFebruary 1, 2015Not Relevant
25407577Create StudyBiomarker studies and the future of personalized treatment for depression.Depression and anxietyOquendo MA, McGrath P, Weissman MMNovember 2014Not Determined
25048003Create StudyAll the world''s a (clinical) stage: rethinking bipolar disorder from a longitudinal perspective.Molecular psychiatryFrank, E; Nimgaonkar, V L; Phillips, M L; Kupfer, D JFebruary 2015Not Relevant
24626773Create StudyA critical appraisal of neuroimaging studies of bipolar disorder: toward a new conceptualization of underlying neural circuitry and a road map for future research.The American journal of psychiatryPhillips ML, Swartz HAAugust 2014Not Determined
24095153Create StudyIdentifying electrode bridging from electrical distance distributions: a survey of publicly-available EEG data using a new method.Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical NeurophysiologyAlschuler DM, Tenke CE, Bruder GE, Kayser JMarch 2014Not Determined
23969484Create StudyPattern recognition analysis of anterior cingulate cortex blood flow to classify depression polarity.The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental scienceAlmeida, J R C; Mourao-Miranda, J; Aizenstein, H J; Versace, A; Kozel, F A; Lu, H; Marquand, A; LaBarbara, E J; Brammer, M; Trivedi, M; Kupfer, D J; Phillips, M LSeptember 2013Not Determined
23896318Create StudyIn your eyes: does theory of mind predict impaired life functioning in bipolar disorder?Journal of affective disordersPurcell AL, Phillips M, Gruber JDecember 2013Not Determined
22796039Create StudyGenerator localization by current source density (CSD): implications of volume conduction and field closure at intracranial and scalp resolutions.Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical NeurophysiologyTenke, Craig E; Kayser, JürgenDecember 2012Not Determined
22784485Create StudyDistinguishing between unipolar depression and bipolar depression: current and future clinical and neuroimaging perspectives.Biological psychiatryCardoso De Almeida JR, Phillips MLJanuary 2013Not Determined
22099606Create StudyAbnormal anterior cingulate cortical activity during emotional n-back task performance distinguishes bipolar from unipolar depressed females.Psychological medicineBertocci MA, Bebko GM, Mullin BC, Langenecker SA, Ladouceur CD, Almeida JR, Phillips MLJuly 2012Not Determined

NDA Help Center

Collection - Publications

The number of Publications is displayed in parentheses next to the tab name. Clicking on any of the Publication Titles will open the Publication in a new internet browsing tab.

Collection Owners, Program Officers, and users with Submission or Administrative Privileges for the Collection may mark a publication as either Relevant or Not Relevant in the Status column.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I determine if a publication is relevant?
    Publications are considered relevant to a collection when the data shared is directly related to the project or collection.
  • Where does the NDA get the publications?
    PubMed, an online library containing journals, articles, and medical research. Sponsored by NiH and National Library of Medicine (NLM).


  • Create Study
    A link to the Create an NDA Study page that can be clicked to start creating an NDA Study with information such as the title, journal and authors automatically populated.
  • Not Determined Publication
    Indicates that the publication has not yet been reviewed and/or marked as Relevant or Not Relevant so it has not been determined whether an NDA Study is expected.
  • Not Relevant Publication
    A publication that is not based on data related to the aims of the grant/project associated with the Collection or not based on any data such as a review article and, therefore, an NDA Study is not expected to be created.
  • PubMed
    PubMed provides citation information for biomedical and life sciences publications and is managed by the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine.
  • PubMed ID
    The PUBMed ID is the unique ID number for the publication as recorded in the PubMed database.
  • Relevant Publication
    A publication that is based on data related to the aims of the grant/project associated with the Collection and, therefore, an NDA Study is expected to be created.
Data Expected List: Mandatory Data Structures

These data structures are mandatory for your NDA Collection. Please update the Targeted Enrollment number to accurately represent the number of subjects you expect to submit for the entire study.

For NIMH HIV-related research that involves human research participants: Select the dictionary or dictionaries most appropriate for your research. If your research does not require all three data dictionaries, just ignore the ones you do not need. There is no need to delete extra data dictionaries from your NDA Collection. You can adjust the Targeted Enrollment column in the Data Expected tab to “0” for those unnecessary data dictionaries. At least one of the three data dictionaries must have a non-zero value.

Data ExpectedTargeted EnrollmentInitial SubmissionSubjects SharedStatus
Research Subject and Pedigree info icon
To create your project's Data Expected list, use the "+New Data Expected" to add or request existing structures and to request new Data Structures that are not in the NDA Data Dictionary.

If the Structure you need already exists, locate it and specify your dates and enrollment when adding it to your Data Expected list. If you require changes to the Structure you need, select the indicator stating "No, it requires changes to meet research needs," and upload a file containing your requested changes.

If the structure you need is not yet defined in the Data Dictionary, you can select "Upload Definition" and attach the necessary materials to request its creation.

When selecting the expected dates for your data, make sure to follow the standard Data Sharing Regimen and choose dates within the date ranges that correspond to your project start and end dates.

Please visit the Completing Your Data Expected Tutorial for more information.
Data Expected List: Data Structures per Research Aims

These data structures are specific to your research aims and should list all data structures in which data will be collected and submitted for this NDA Collection. Please update the Targeted Enrollment number to accurately represent the number of subjects you expect to submit for the entire study.

Data ExpectedTargeted EnrollmentInitial SubmissionSubjects SharedStatus
Mania Rating Scale info icon
Antidepressant Treatment Response Questionnaire info icon
Anger Attack Questionnaire info icon
Childhood Trauma Questionnaire info icon
Medical History info icon
Concise Associated Symptoms Tracking Scale info icon
EEG Task Questionnaire info icon
Frequency Intensity Burden Side effects info icon
Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire info icon
Mood Disorder Questionnaire info icon
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) info icon
Social Adjustment Scale info icon
Standard Assessment of Personality info icon
Treatment Emergent Symptoms Scale info icon
NEO Personality Inventory info icon
Demographics info icon
Clinical Global Impression (CGI) info icon
Visual Analog Mood Scale info icon
Evaluated Data info icon
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID) info icon
MRI Event Form info icon
MRI Scalar info icon
Concise Health Risk Tracking info icon
Medication Adherance Form info icon
Physical Exam info icon
Subject Miscelaneous Information info icon
Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence info icon
Analyzed EEG info icon
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults info icon
Participant Adherence Questionnaire info icon
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression info icon
EEG Phenotype Event Form info icon
Imaging (Structural, fMRI, DTI, PET, microscopy) info icon
Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology info icon
Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale info icon
EEG info icon
Early Termination Form info icon
Pain Frequency, Intensity and Burden info icon
EEG Scalar Variables info icon
EEG Subject info icon
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale info icon
Structure not yet defined
No Status history for this Data Expected has been recorded yet

NDA Help Center

Collection - Data Expected

The Data Expected tab displays the list of all data that NDA expects to receive in association with the Collection as defined by the contributing researcher, as well as the dates for the expected initial upload of the data, and when it is first expected to be shared, or with the research community. Above the primary table of Data Expected, any publications determined to be relevant to the data within the Collection are also displayed - members of the contributing research group can use these to define NDA Studies, connecting those papers to underlying data in NDA.

The tab is used both as a reference for those accessing shared data, providing information on what is expected and when it will be shared, and as the primary tracking mechanism for contributing projects. It is used by both contributing primary researchers, secondary researchers, and NIH Program and Grants Management staff.

Researchers who are starting their project need to update their Data Expected list to include all the Data Structures they are collecting under their grant and set their initial submission and sharing schedule according to the NDA Data Sharing Regimen.

To add existing Data Structures from the Data Dictionary, to request new Data Structure that are not in the Dictionary, or to request changes to existing Data Structures, click "+New Data Expected".

For step-by-step instructions on how to add existing Data Structures, request changes to an existing Structure, or request a new Data Structure, please visit the Completing Your Data Expected Tutorial.

If you are a contributing researcher creating this list for the first time, or making changes to the list as your project progress, please note the following:

  • Although items you add to the list and changes you make are displayed, they are not committed to the system until you Save the entire page using the "Save" button at the bottom of your screen. Please Save after every change to ensure none of your work is lost.
  • If you attempt to add a new structure, the title you provide must be unique - if another structure exists with the same name your change will fail.
  • Adding a new structure to this list is the only way to request the creation of a new Data Dictionary definition.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an NDA Data Structure?
    An NDA Data Structure is comprised of multiple Data Elements to make up an electronic definition of an assessment, measure, questionnaire, etc will have a corresponding Data Structure.
  • What is the NDA Data Dictionary?
    The NDA Data Dictionary is comprised of electronic definitions known as Data Structures.


  • Analyzed Data
    Data specific to the primary aims of the research being conducted (e.g. outcome measures, other dependent variables, observations, laboratory results, analyzed images, volumetric data, etc.) including processed images.
  • Data Item
    Items listed on the Data Expected list in the Collection which may be an individual and discrete Data Structure, Data Structure Category, or Data Structure Group.
  • Data Structure
    A defined organization and group of Data Elements to represent an electronic definition of a measure, assessment, questionnaire, or collection of data points. Data structures that have been defined in the NDA Data Dictionary are available at https://nda.nih.gov/general-query.html?q=query=data-structure
  • Data Structure Category
    An NDA term describing the affiliation of a Data Structure to a Category, which may be disease/disorder or diagnosis related (Depression, ADHD, Psychosis), specific to data type (MRI, eye tracking, omics), or type of data (physical exam, IQ).
  • Data Structure Group
    A Data Item listed on the Data Expected tab of a Collection that indicates a group of Data Structures (e.g., ADOS or SCID) for which data may be submitted instead of a specific Data Structure identified by version, module, edition, etc. For example, the ADOS Data Structure Category includes every ADOS Data Structure such as ADOS Module 1, ADOS Module 2, ADOS Module 1 - 2nd Edition, etc. The SCID Data Structure Group includes every SCID Data Structure such as SCID Mania, SCID V Mania, SCID PTSD, SCID-V Diagnosis, and more.
  • Evaluated Data
    A new Data Structure category, Evaluated Data is analyzed data resulting from the use of computational pipelines in the Cloud and can be uploaded directly back to a miNDAR database. Evaluated Data is expected to be listed as a Data Item in the Collection's Data Expected Tab.
  • Imaging Data
    Imaging+ is an NDA term which encompasses all imaging related data including, but not limited to, images (DTI, MRI, PET, Structural, Spectroscopy, etc.) as well as neurosignal data (EEG, fMRI, MEG, EGG, eye tracking, etc.) and Evaluated Data.
  • Initial Share Date
    Initial Submission and Initial Share dates should be populated according to the NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Any modifications to these will go through the approval processes outlined above. Data will be shared with authorized users upon publication (via an NDA Study) or 1-2 years after the grant end date specified on the first Notice of Award, as defined in the applicable Data Sharing Terms and Conditions.
  • Initial Submission Date
    Initial Submission and Initial Share dates should be populated according to these NDA Data Sharing Terms and Conditions. Any modifications to these will go through the approval processes outlined above. Data for all subjects is not expected on the Initial Submission Date and modifications may be made as necessary based on the project's conduct.
  • Research Subject and Pedigree
    An NDA created Data Structure used to convey basic information about the subject such as demographics, pedigree (links family GUIDs), diagnosis/phenotype, and sample location that are critical to allow for easier querying of shared data.
  • Submission Cycle
    The NDA has two Submission Cycles per year - January 15 and July 15.
  • Submission Exemption
    An interface to notify NDA that data may not be submitted during the upcoming/current submission cycle.

Collection Owners and those with Collection Administrator permission, may edit a collection. The following is currently available for Edit on this page:

Associated Studies

Studies that have been defined using data from a Collection are important criteria to determine the value of data shared. The number of subjects column displays the counts from this Collection that are included in a Study, out of the total number of subjects in that study. The Data Use column represents whether or not the study is a primary analysis of the data or a secondary analysis. State indicates whether the study is private or shared with the research community.

Study NameAbstractCollection/Study SubjectsData UsageState
Towards Outcome-Driven Patient Subgroups: A Machine Learning Analysis Across Six Depression Treatment StudiesImportance: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a heterogeneous condition; multiple underlying neurobiological substrates could be associated with treatment response variability. Understanding the sources of this variability and predicting outcomes has been elusive. Machine learning (ML) has shown promise in predicting treatment response in MDD, but one limitation has been the lack of clinical interpretability of machine learning models, limiting clinician confidence in model results. Objective: To develop a machine learning model to derive treatment-relevant patient profiles using clinical and demographic information. Design: We analyzed data from six clinical trials of pharmacological treatment for depression (total n = 5438) using the Differential Prototypes Neural Network (DPNN), a neural network model that derives patient prototypes which can be used to derive treatment-relevant patient clusters while learning to generate probabilities for differential treatment response. A model classifying remission and outputting individual remission probabilities for five first-line monotherapies and three combination treatments was trained using clinical and demographic data. Setting: Previously-conducted clinical trials of antidepressant medications. Participants: Patients with MDD. Main outcomes and measures: Model validity and clinical utility were measured based on area under the curve (AUC) and expected improvement in sample remission rate with model-guided treatment, respectively. Post-hoc analyses yielded clusters (subgroups) based on patient prototypes learned during training. Prototypes were evaluated for interpretability by assessing differences in feature distributions (e.g. age, sex, symptom severity) and treatment-specific outcomes. Results: A 3-prototype model achieved an AUC of 0.66 and an expected absolute improvement in population remission rate of 6.5% (relative improvement of 15.6%). We identified three treatment-relevant patient clusters. Cluster A patients tended to be younger, to have increased levels of fatigue and more severe symptoms. Cluster B patients tended to be older, female with less severe symptoms, and the highest remission rates. Cluster C patients had more severe symptoms, lower remission rates, more psychomotor agitation, more intense suicidal ideation, more somatic genital symptoms, and showed improved remission with venlafaxine. Conclusion and Relevance: It is possible to produce novel treatment-relevant patient profiles using machine learning models; doing so may improve precision medicine for depression. Note: This model is not currently the subject of any active clinical trials and is not intended for clinical use.336/6074Secondary AnalysisShared
Treatment selection using prototyping in latent-space with application to depression treatmentMachine-assisted treatment selection commonly follows one of two paradigms: a fully personalized paradigm which ignores any possible clustering of patients; or a sub-grouping paradigm which ignores personal differences within the identified groups. While both paradigms have shown promising results, each of them suffers from important limitations. In this article, we propose a novel deep learning-based treatment selection approach that is shown to strike a balance between the two paradigms using latent-space prototyping. Our approach is specifically tailored for domains in which effective prototypes and sub-groups of patients are assumed to exist, but groupings relevant to the training objective are not observable in the non-latent space. In an extensive evaluation, using both synthetic and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) real-world clinical data describing 4754 MDD patients from clinical trials for depression treatment, we show that our approach favorably compares with state-of-the-art approaches. Specifically, the model produced an 8% absolute and 23% relative improvement over random treatment allocation. This is potentially clinically significant, given the large number of patients with MDD. Therefore, the model can bring about a much desired leap forward in the way depression is treated today.336/5946Secondary AnalysisShared
Biomarkers of Response to AntidepressantsMore than six decades have passed since the discovery of monoaminergic antidepressants. Yet, it remains a mystery why these drugs take weeks to months to achieve therapeutic effects, although their monoaminergic actions are present rapidly after treatment. This project investigates the neural correlates of behavioral severity in patients treated with the antidepressant sertraline. 336/336Secondary AnalysisShared
Developing an Electroencephalography-Based Model for Predicting Response to Antidepressant MedicationImportance Untreated depression is a growing public health concern, with patients often facing a prolonged trial-and-error process in search of effective treatment. Developing a predictive model for treatment response in clinical practice remains challenging. Objective To establish a model based on electroencephalography (EEG) to predict response to 2 distinct selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medications. Design, Setting, and Participants This prognostic study developed a predictive model using EEG data collected between 2011 and 2017 from 2 independent cohorts of participants with depression: 1 from the first Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND) group and the other from the Establishing Moderators and Biosignatures of Antidepressant Response for Clinical Care (EMBARC) consortium. Eligible participants included those aged 18 to 65 years who had a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Data were analyzed from January to December 2022. Exposures In an open-label trial, CAN-BIND participants received an 8-week treatment regimen of escitalopram treatment (10-20 mg), and EMBARC participants were randomized in a double-blind trial to receive an 8-week sertraline (50-200 mg) treatment or placebo treatment. Main Outcomes and Measures The model’s performance was estimated using balanced accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity metrics. The model used data from the CAN-BIND cohort for internal validation, and data from the treatment group of the EMBARC cohort for external validation. At week 8, response to treatment was defined as a 50% or greater reduction in the primary, clinician-rated scale of depression severity. Results The CAN-BIND cohort included 125 participants (mean [SD] age, 36.4 [13.0] years; 78 [62.4%] women), and the EMBARC sertraline treatment group included 105 participants (mean [SD] age, 38.4 [13.8] years; 72 [68.6%] women). The model achieved a balanced accuracy of 64.2% (95% CI, 55.8%-72.6%), sensitivity of 66.1% (95% CI, 53.7%-78.5%), and specificity of 62.3% (95% CI, 50.1%-73.8%) during internal validation with CAN-BIND. During external validation with EMBARC, the model achieved a balanced accuracy of 63.7% (95% CI, 54.5%-72.8%), sensitivity of 58.8% (95% CI, 45.3%-72.3%), and specificity of 68.5% (95% CI, 56.1%-80.9%). Additionally, the balanced accuracy for the EMBARC placebo group (118 participants) was 48.7% (95% CI, 39.3%-58.0%), the sensitivity was 50.0% (95% CI, 35.2%-64.8%), and the specificity was 47.3% (95% CI, 35.9%-58.7%), suggesting the model’s specificity in predicting SSRIs treatment response. Conclusions and Relevance In this prognostic study, an EEG-based model was developed and validated in 2 independent cohorts. The model showed promising accuracy in predicting treatment response to 2 distinct SSRIs, suggesting potential applications for personalized depression treatment. 336/336Secondary AnalysisShared
EEG Biomarkers to Predict Response to Sertraline and Placebo Treatment in Major Depressive DisorderObjective : Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a persistent psychiatric condition, and the leading cause of disability, affecting up to 5% of the population worldwide. Antidepressant medications (ADMs) are often the first-line treatment for MDD, but it may take the clinician months of “trial and error” to find an effective ADM for a particular patient. Therefore, identification of predictive biomarkers that can be used to accurately determine the effectiveness of a specific treatment for an individual patient is extremely valuable. Method : Using resting EEG data, we develop a machine learning algorithm (MLA) that searches for connectivity patterns within an individual's EEG signal that are predictive of the probability of responding to the antidepressant Sertraline or Placebo. The MLA has two steps: 1) Directed phase lag index (DPLI), a measure of phase synchronization between brain regions, that is not sensitive to volume conduction is applied to resting-state EEG data, 2) the resulting DPLI matrix is searched for a pattern set of features that can be used to successfully predict the response to Sertraline or Placebo. Results: Our MLA predicted response to Sertraline ( N = 105) or Placebo ( N = 119) with more than 80% accuracy. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that feature patterns selected from a DPLI matrix may be predictive of response to Sertraline and to Placebo. Significance : The proposed MLA may provide an inexpensive, non-invasive, and readily available tool that clinicians may use to enhance treatment effectiveness, accelerate time to recovery, reduce personal suffering, and decrease treatment costs.336/336Secondary AnalysisShared
Electroencephalographic Network Topologies Predict Antidepressant Responses in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder.Medication therapy seems to be an effective treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD). However, although the efficacies of various medicines are equal or similar on average, they vary widely among individuals. Therefore, an understanding of methods for the timely evaluation of short-term therapeutic response and prediction of symptom improvement after a specific course of medication at the individual level at the initial stage of treatment is very important. In our present study, we sought to identify a neurobiological signature of the response to short-term antidepressant treatment. Related brain network analysis was applied in resting-state electroencephalogram (EEG) datasets from patients with MDD. The corresponding EEG networks were constructed accordingly and then quantitatively measured to predict the efficacy after eight weeks of medication, as well as to distinguish the therapeutic responders from non-responders. The results of our present study revealed that the corresponding resting-state EEG networks became significantly weaker after one week of treatment, and the eventual medication efficacy was reliably predicted using the changes in those network properties within the one-week medication regimen. Moreover, the corresponding resting-state networks at baseline were also proven to precisely distinguish those responders from other individuals with an accuracy of 96.67% when using the spatial network topologies as the discriminative features. These findings consistently provide a deeper neurobiological understanding of antidepressant treatment and a reliable and quantitative approach for personalized treatment of MDD.30/30Secondary AnalysisShared
* Data not on individual level

NDA Help Center

Collection - Associated Studies

Clicking on the Study Title will open the study details in a new internet browser tab. The Abstract is available for viewing, providing the background explanation of the study, as provided by the Collection Owner.

Primary v. Secondary Analysis: The Data Usage column will have one of these two choices. An associated study that is listed as being used for Primary Analysis indicates at least some and potentially all of the data used was originally collected by the creator of the NDA Study. Secondary Analysis indicates the Study owner was not involved in the collection of data, and may be used as supporting data.

Private v. Shared State: Studies that remain private indicate the associated study is only available to users who are able to access the collection. A shared study is accessible to the general public.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I associate a study to my collection?
    Studies are associated to the Collection automatically when the data is defined in the Study.


  • Associated Studies Tab
    A tab in a Collection that lists the NDA Studies that have been created using data from that Collection including both Primary and Secondary Analysis NDA Studies.